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Mail Voter Fraud, Which Doesn’t Exist, Forces New Election Daniel Greenfield


“Trump Keeps touting New Jersey fraud case to attack mail voting. Local leaders say he’s not telling the whole story.” Washington Post

In slightly more recent news…

A judge has ruled that a new election will be held in November for a disputed City Council seat, just weeks after the race’s apparent winner and a sitting councilman were charged with voter fraud.

Alex Mendez had won a special election on May 12 to fill the seat, but claims of voter fraud were soon raised. An investigation was then launched after the U.S. Postal Service’s law enforcement arm told the state Attorney General’s Office about hundreds of mail-in ballots located in a mailbox in Paterson, along with more found in nearby Haledon.

Joe Biden’s Orwellian Rewrite of History The willingness to distort the past is one of the Left’s most important weapons for instituting tyranny. Bruce Thornton


In an apocryphal story about Christopher Columbus, the great explorer was insulted at a banquet by a man who said that discovering America was no big deal, since if Columbus hadn’t done it, somebody else would have. Columbus said nothing, but asked for an egg. He then challenged the banqueteers to make the egg stand on end. After several fruitless efforts, Columbus tapped the small end of the egg on the table, flattening it so it would stand up. His point was obvious: after the difficult deed is done, everybody knows how to do it.

This tale came to mind last week when Joe Biden tried to claim some credit for Trump’s brokering of a groundbreaking deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates that normalizes relations between the two countries. Biden’s effort didn’t impress anyone beyond the NeverTrump diehards and their stenographers in the mainstream media. But it is another example of how the history of the Obama years is being rewritten to lend some glamor and excitement to a party with no policy ideas other than failed socialist magical thinking.

More important, that willingness to distort the past is one of the left’s most important weapons for instituting tyranny.

Biden’s statement was so specious one might attribute it to his obvious cognitive decline. “I personally,” Biden said, “spent time with leaders of both Israel and UAE during our administration building the case for cooperation and broader engagement and the benefits it could deliver to both nations.” But every vice-president “personally” spends time superficially discussing all sorts of issues with foreign leaders. Most of these are photo-ops that generate banal statements like “cooperation and broader engagement” that are forgotten by the next news cycle.

A significant, meaningful discussion, on the other hand, leads to significant action and results. For example, take Biden’s colloquy with the president of Ukraine. In March of 2016, as Biden later boasted, the Veep threatened Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko that the U.S. would not honor $1 billion in loan guarantees unless the prosecutor looking into Burisma Holdings, suspected of corruption, was fired. As Biden gleefully related later about threatening Poroshenko, “‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.”

A Fake DNC Convention Ends With Real Nastiness The democracy is fake, but the hate is real. Daniel Greenfield


On the last night of the imaginary DNC convention taking place inside an editing room, the Democrats decided that the best way to win over independent voters was to bring in the least talented member of the Seinfeld cast to make jokes about Mike Pence’s name.

Why? It distracts from Joe Biden doesn’t it.

The joke here is positively Seinfeldian. Julia Louis Dreyfuss plays shallow, self-involved, and petty characters because she’s shallow, petty, and self-involved. The Democrats attack Trump as an unserious reality show host who confuses social media with leadership, and then debut a failed convention dominated by celebrities and badly written jokes aimed at social media.

“I’m proud to be a nasty, nasty woman,” Julia Louis Dreyfuss gloated.

It’s not just her own aspiration, but that of the party that invited her. The Democrats want to play at being serious, principled folks bringing the country together, but they’re proud to be nasty.

“I will draw on the best of us, not the worst of us,” Joe Biden claimed, accepting his nomination after a convention filled with conspiracy theories about mailboxes, smears, and cheap shots.

That promise is coming from a politician who spent his career insulting voters, calling them fat and stupid, whose family is notorious for profiting from his political office, who palled around with segregationists and sexual predators, but whom three nights of celebrities and fellow hacks from across the political swamp spectrum now insist is really a kind, decent, and loveable man.

Biden’s transformation after 47 years of nastiness is just as convincing as that of his party.

5 Things to Know About Night 4 of the Democratic National Convention By Tyler O’Neil


Whew! That was torture. The Democratic National Convention (DNC) finally concluded on Thursday. We at PJ Media subjected ourselves to this Gaslighting America Telethon so you wouldn’t have to. Check out our liveblogs from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and follow our coverage tomorrow.

Without further ado, here’s a recap of the fourth and final night.

1. Was Joe Biden’s speech racist?

Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered his acceptance speech at the end of the night, and his speech focused on the theme of choosing “light” over “darkness.” According to the logic of woke cancel culture, that theme seems rather suspect. Here’s a selection of quotes:

The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division.

Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the light not of the darkness. …

For make no mistake. United we can, and will, overcome this season of darkness in America. We will choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege. …

May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation.

Biden even said, “Light is more powerful than dark.”

Biden’s speech managed to be simultaneously vapid and disgraceful By Andrea Widburg


A weary sounding Joe Biden, who periodically managed to flog himself into a weak and shrill rage, delivered a singularly awful acceptance speech. When it wasn’t hackneyed, he plagiarized ideas and policies from President Trump and made boasts that were inconsistent with his 48 years in politics, whether as a Senator or a Vice President. The worst thing about it, though, was that he repeated a vicious, and unforgivable, slander about Trump. 

Here’s a short list of Biden’s platitudes: Trump is darkness. I am light. FDR was a great president. Help young people by ending Trump’s darkness. America is racist. More darkness, more light.

You must judge Trump’s entire presidency by looking at the six months of the Wuhan virus and its damage to the economy (damage wrought, though he doesn’t say it, by Democrat politicians).

America had the worst virus outbreak in the world. (That’s not true, by the way, but it is true that Democrat policies, especially regarding nursing homes, made it horrifically worse than it should have been.) Trump will kill the economy. Trump will take people’s insurance.

Wasn’t Obama great? Trump isn’t great.

Aiming Low for Trump By Dan McLaughlin


If there is one overwhelming message from the Democratic convention and Joe Biden’s acceptance speech, it’s that Democrats want to make this election about two things: Donald Trump’s personality (which was an asset to them in 2016, but not enough to win the election) and how Donald Trump has done his job as president. Barack Obama hit these themes last night, and so did Joe Biden tonight. These are, of course, entirely fair game in a presidential election. But the omissions were noticeable. Biden’s discussion of policy issues tonight was purposely vague, a far cry from detailing his agenda, and he offered very few criticisms of Republican policies or proposals. For a guy who has spent years in the trenches of the judicial-confirmation wars, he was strikingly quiet on the courts and the issues they control — he did not mention the courts once. He left to his running mate the latest promise of legislation by executive fiat:

Kalamity Kamala a Calamity for America By Joan Swirsky 


Kamala won’t be Biden’s VP. Biden will be Kamala’s president only if she gets up in a good enough mood to give him permission. 

Calamity Jane was a frontier heroine in the mid-19th century who during an uprising in 1872, saved a Captain Egan from certain death, whereupon he told her: “I name you Calamity Jane, the heroine of the plains.” 

This is in stark contrast to Kalamity Kamala of 21st century America, who would accelerate the downfall of our Democratic Republic in the unlikely event of a Biden-Kalamity win on November 3rd. 

Why? Because Biden and Kalamity are promising to resurrect the failed policies of the Obama years, and inflict even more damage on America the Beautiful. 

According to author and television host Mark Levin, although the media are rushing to portray California’s junior senator as a moderate, nothing could be further from the truth. 

She is the “most extremist radical politician ever to run for high office” in the U.S.A., Levin states, even “farther left than 97% of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate,” even “left of avowed Marxist Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.”

Biden: A Diminished Trojan Horse With an Army of Marxist Transformers Inside By Mark Ellis,


Some conservative pundits and strategists have opined that it may not be prudent for President Trump and the Republicans to make too big a deal about Joe Biden’s cognitive challenges. If pro-Trump opposition goes all in on terms like dementia, senility, or, as President Trump defines Biden’s mental condition, “not all there,” they risk setting the expectation bar so low that all Biden has to do is stay afloat during the presidential debates and at whatever politically organic (not wholly-orchestrated) campaign appearances he might make.

The case was made that if Trump and his surrogates condition voters to expect a doddering, rambling, and often incoherent candidate, Biden can beat the expectation game by simply mouthing pre-approved answers to most conceivable questions and sticking to the script.

On the eve of his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, it is generally understood on both sides of the aisle that the “Biden’s okay, he’s just being Joe” narrative is kaput.  Everybody knows that, sadly, the former VP is not quite hitting on all cylinders. What we have here is a rickety old Trojan Horse the left hopes to wheel back through the gates of governance.

What to do with that?

Biden was not even able to successfully get through wife Jill’s remarks on night two of the convention. What should have been a poignant moment for the Dem ticket served only as another reminder about Mr. Biden’s seeming inability to deliver off-the-cuff the most patent campaign fluff.

Undignified Obama What an ex-president’s inflammatory and hateful nominating-convention address was made of. Matthew Vadum


Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave what was probably the most undignified, inflammatory, hateful nominating-convention address of a former president in the history of the United States.

“This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes to win,” he said August 19, puffing himself up with a studied indignation.

This is the same, shameless, Saul Alinsky-worshiping liar who presided over a seditious plot, a rolling coup attempt, to overthrow his successor using the CIA and FBI, the early outlines of which this writer sketched in Obama’s Insurrection.

The real-life conspiracy to oust Trump, though not (yet) successful, has allowed Democrats and their Deep State allies to practice these dark arts over the past four years that they may soon use to remove the mentally incompetent Joe Biden from the Oval Office to pave the way for Kamala Harris, who is not black despite what her publicists in the media say, to become president.

No one in the media seems to have noticed that the party of LGBT and racial utopia is now headed by a man who is apparently not completely convinced of the rectitude of those causes.

Calling Out Democrats’ Lies at Lame Zoom Convention By Rick Manning


The biggest lie, among many, at the Democratic Party’s Orange Man Bad Fest on Tuesday night was that President Trump did not act aggressively or effectively to save lives from the Chinese coronavirus.

Here are a couple of key facts that Bill Clinton must have missed: President Trump ended flights from China in January, only to be attacked for “hysterical xenophobia” by former Vice President Joe Biden in Iowa on February 1. President Trump ended travel from Europe in March to the dismay of Democrats, including Biden who said the order was “counterproductive.”

On March 13, as part of a larger announcement by President Trump on COVID-19 response, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued an updated Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance for how nursing homes should handle coronavirus cases.  

These measures, along with the Trump Administration’s historic industrial mobilization to ensure Americans have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to fight the coronavirus, are saving lives. The Monday morning quarterbacking at the Democratic convention this week is simply an attempt to deflect from the failed policies of their own party leaders, specifically New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo forced nursing homes in his state to accept COVID-19 patients, knowing those facilities could not treat them. His recklessness infected the most vulnerable populations in the state with the deadly virus and was in direct violation of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance. The CDC directed nursing homes to only admit COVID patients if “the facility can follow CDC guidance for Transmission-Based Precautions” and to keep only those COVID-infected patients for which they could safely care for.