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A Vote For Biden Puts Far-Left Kamala Harris In Line To Be President — Scared Yet?


No one should be at all surprised that the mentally fading Joe Biden selected California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. He painted himself into a political corner by his own foolish decisions, and needed to do something to revive his moribund, basement-bound campaign. Sorry, Joe, we doubt this will do it. But we do worry about your health.

Biden, trying to pander to as many Democratic constituencies as possible, promised early on to pick a woman for his vice president. Why he would automatically exclude roughly half of humanity from the selection process tells you a lot.

Picking Harris was no surprise. The Democratic hard left, which today governs the party, likes to shove people in boxes. No one’s ever a mere human being, but a race, a gender, a religion, a political category. As such, Harris checked three big boxes for the Democrats: Woman, check. African-American, check. Far-left progressive, check.

And, unlike the other presumed leading veep candidate, Susan Rice, Harris has experience in electoral politics, serving as California’s attorney general and as a U.S. senator. That’s in contrast to the abrasive, F-bomb throwing Rice, whose career was dotted with appointments to key posts, but who never ran for public office.

5 Things to Know About Biden’s VP Pick, Kamala Harris By Tyler O’Neil


On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden announced his running mate, the Democrats’ Great Intersectional Black-Asian Female Hope, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.). Harris ran against Biden in the 2020 Democratic primary but she dropped out last December after lackluster debate performances, citing insufficient funds to continue the campaign.

Here are five things to know about Kamala Harris.

1. Attorney General baggage

After serving as the district attorney of San Francisco (2004-2011), Harris won a close race to become California’s attorney general (2010-2017). In that position, she took a tough-on-crime stance that would become extremely controversial in the 2020 primary.

Harris attempted to run against many of the things she stood for while serving as attorney general. Both Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Biden himself attacked Harris for her tough-on-crime record during the second Democratic presidential debate last June.

In a shameful episode of pandering, Harris tried to craft a story about smoking marijuana in college. Last February, she told “The Breakfast Club” that she broke the law in college while listening to rappers whose music hadn’t come out by the time she graduated college — or even law school, for that matter.

On these issues, Harris came across as duplicitous and deceptive.

Politico defames as ‘racist’ a Republican candidate for the House By Andrea Widburg


“Listen to Greene. You’ll discover she comes, not from a place of hate or racism, but from a belief in love for mankind, the equality of all people, and the Constitution.The same article describes how GOP House Members, instead of supporting Greene, fell over themselves to disavow her. Say the word “racist,” and every Republican other than Trump turns into a slimy, quivering mass of groveling, apologetic jelly. But voters know that Green, although perhaps tactless, is about 95% factually accurate (which is more than most politicians can say). That’s why she won. She has high expectations for every American in a constitutional system.

The leftist media’s so-called “objective” standards or absolute “values” always favor Democrats. When honest conservatives present accurate opposing views representing different values, the media slander them and, to their shame, the GOP spineless hacks grovel.”

…….Marjorie Taylor Greene won the GOP nomination for a Georgia seat in the House of Representatives. Politico paints this as a GOP disaster because it claims that Greene says racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic things. House Republicans, who have learned nothing from Donald Trump about fighting back against media calumnies, dutifully piled on. In fact, Politico is defaming Greene, who is not racist, is not anti-Semitic, and is not unreasonably concerned about Sharia Islam in American politics.

Tuesday’s Politico article is entitled “New GOP headache as candidate condemned for racist videos wins Republican primary.” It relies on an earlier Politico article that purports to have discovered that Greene made “incendiary” comments against Muslims, Jews, and blacks.

In the earlier article, entitled “House Republican leaders condemn GOP candidate who made racist videos,” Politico offers up baseless leftist opinions. The following are a few examples of things that Greene said that are neither anti-Semitic, unreasonably Islamophobic, nor racist.

It says a lot that Biden chose Kamala, and none of what it says is good By Andrea Widburg


Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris to be his running mate shows the shallowness of the Democrat’s talent pool. Biden handicapped himself by explicitly pledging to ignore men and then implicitly bowing to the demand that his female choice be black. However, it’s still somewhat shocking that, out of all the black, female, Democrat politicians in America, the best he could do was Kamala.

What’s most striking about Kamala is that, like Barack Obama, she has nothing in common with the American black experience. Despite her slamming the race card on the table, the only thing she shares with the generic “black vote” is skin color.

Kamala did not come from a family that has traveled through generations of the American black experience. There’s no history of Southern slavery, no Reconstruction, and no being part of the endless variety of post-Reconstruction stories. Some blacks struggled through the Jim Crow South, some reveled in the Harlem Renaissance, some roped cows in the Wild West, some were part of the single biggest American migration when they moved to the upper Midwest, some embraced the middle class, and some got sucked into the undertow of the underclass. Each is an American story.



NC Republican Madison Cawthorn Gets Smeared for Celebrating Hitler’s Loss By Jim Treacher

I know only three things about North Carolina Republican Madison Cawthorn: 1) He’s young and photogenic, 2) He was in a car accident as a teenager and is now in a wheelchair, and 3) He’s running for Congress and is favored to win. That last item explains the smear-driven media coverage we’re starting to see. Journalists and other Democrats are starting to panic that this kid is a threat to their power, so they’ll say anything to take him down.

The Tide Turns Toward Trump Kurt Schlichter


Remember how Donald Trump was totally doomed just a couple weeks ago? Grandpa Badfinger was ridin’ high down in his basement and the GOP was going to be destroyed in November. All the smart people of smartness who make up liberal blue check Twitter tweeted it so it had to be true.

Good times. 

And then last week it all changed, turning 180 on a dime as Biden stomped on his Pelosi. It’s looking good for Trump and the Republicans again, and while there will be twists n’ turns, and while we best not get cocky (Hat Tip: Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds) the victory most of us patriots expect is coming clearly into focus as Biden becomes clearly more unfocused.

The polls have improved not just for Trump but for the Republicans running downticket too, not that we should put great store in the polls. Keep in mind that the polls were literally the only indicator showing Biden and the Dems were winning. There’s no other manifestation of a blue wave out there. Do you see any Biden signs? There’s just one in my neighborhood, which is all LA suburban woke wine women, and that’s in a creepy house that the children fear. No, there are no Trump signs either, but then that would invite a hassle. A Biden billboard would presumably invite hosannas for wokeness. And yet, only a single strange-o has one and that’s the guy we all suspect is eating the cats that go missing. 

Trump Won Last Week By Steve Cortes


Even in a volatile political year with endless crosscurrents, once voters actually start casting their ballots it seems reasonable to assume that one traditional factor will still motivate most voters: Which candidate can create more prosperity? On this score, President Trump had an impressive weekend, and his achievements shine in contrast to Joe Biden’s week of embarrassing stumbles.

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the July jobs report, revealing that America added 1.8 million new hires and lowered the national unemployment rate to 10.2%. This report registers as the third-highest month ever, and the combined three-month total of new jobs created stands at 9.3 million. To be sure, much work remains to return our country to the thriving job market we enjoyed in early 2020 before our world was rocked by a new virus raging around the world, which threatened to crash the global economy. The damage remains real and widespread, but recent macro data also point to recovery, as green shoots abound. For example, last week’s ISM Manufacturing Index rose to the highest level in 1.5 years, as factories powered back up. On the consumer side, the most recent existing homes sales achieved the largest monthly increase ever, as historic low mortgage rates encouraged buyer confidence.

Predictably, much of the news media sought to downplay this encouraging trend of economic renewal. “July Jobs Report Could Show Losses as Coronavirus Spreads,” CNBC had warned its audience a week before. Instead of a correction, the network doubled down. On Friday, one CNBC anchor teed up market analyst Jim Cramer this way: “It’s less about what the numbers say today and more about how you extrapolate what you think they’re gonna mean next month and the month after and the month after. How do you see it?”

Who or What Exactly Is Running Against Trump? Victor Davis Hanson


The inner-Biden at 77 is turning out to be an unabashed bigot in the age of “cancel culture” and thought crimes that has apparently declared him immune from the opprobrium reserved for any such speech.

As we enter the final 90 days of the November presidential campaign, a few truths are crystalizing about the “Biden problem,” or the inability of a 77-year-old Joe Biden to conduct a “normal” campaign.

Biden’s cognitive challenges are increasing geometrically, whether as a result of months of relative inactivity and lack of stimulation or just consistent with the medical trajectory of his affliction. His lot is increasingly similar to historical figures such as 67-year-old President William Henry Harrison, William Gladstone’s last tenure as prime minister, Chancellor Hindenburg, or Franklin Roosevelt in late 1944—age and physical infirmities signaling to the concerned that a subordinate might assume power sooner than later.

In the past, it was to Biden’s advantage to postpone his selection of his female-mandated vice presidential running mate, given the lose-lose choice of either picking a woke young African American female who may polarize swing voters while spending the next three months being vetted in the fashion of California Representative Karen Bass’s Scientology and Fidel Castro issues, or selecting a vetted, but off-putting former National Security Advisor Susan Rice or Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who does not especially like Biden and would be seen as hovering and rummaging about as an impatient president-in-waiting.

An Autopsy of New York’s Mail-Vote Mess Lax deadlines. Late ballots. Carelessness. Missing postmarks. And a warning for Nov. 3.


Six weeks after New York’s primary elections on June 23, the final vote tally in the 12th Congressional District remains a mystery. On Monday a federal judge ordered the counting of certain mail ballots that arrived after Election Day but without a postmark to prove when they were sent. Imagine this kind of mess 45 days following Nov. 3.

After primary day, an initial count of 40,000 ballots had Rep. Carolyn Maloney beating progressive challenger Suraj Patel by 648 votes. The canvassing of some 65,000 absentee ballots didn’t start until July 8, but unofficial data last month showed a preliminary rejection rate of 28% in Brooklyn. Mr. Patel joined a federal lawsuit, and Judge Analisa Torres held two days of hearings last week. The court transcript is a bracing read.

Another Massive Boat Parade For President  1,000+ Boats at Lake Okoboji in Iowa (VIDEO)By Cristina Laila


There was another massive boat parade for President Trump on Sunday.
More than 1,000 boats were out on Lake Okoboji waving Trump 2020 flags.
Still no boat parade for Sleepy Joe Biden!
THOUSANDS of boaters took part in a Trump Boat Parade in Biloxi, Mississippi on Saturday.
There was also a Trump boat rally in Philly this weekend.
This is what the silent majority looks like.
There are no parades and no enthusiasm for Joe Biden, yet the media keeps reporting that Biden is up by double digits in the polls.