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An Appealing Candidate in Connecticut By Jack Fowler- Ryan Meehan for Congress (R-CT District 5)


Viable opportunities for Connecticut voters to send a conservative to Capitol Hill have proven rare in the past decade, but with Ryan Meehan — a sharp and energetic fan of Bill Buckley now seeking the GOP nomination to take on the very liberal Democrat incumbent, Jahanna Hayes, in the state’s fifth Congressional District — opportunity may be knocking.

It’s hard to deny the perception that the Constitution State is through-and-through blue. The reality is somewhat different. Prior to the 2016 elections, Republicans were tied for control of the state Senate, and six votes short of holding the majority in the Assembly. Of little consolation, but arithmetic worth: The last three gubernatorial elections were each nail-biters for the prevailing Democrats, with former Governor Dannel Malloy and the incumbent, Ned Lamont, winning in close calls. There’s a lot of potential here, and but for the lackluster character of many GOP’s candidates, Connecticut’s hue would look a lot more purple.

The fifth District is a particular case in point: Donald Trump lost it by only four points 2016, while he lost the state by 14 points in 2016; and the GOP’s 2018 gubernatorial candidate, Bob Stefanowski, considered to have run a generally weak campaign, won the district handily. The flip side of all this is the incumbent congresswoman, recruited to run for the open seat in 2018 by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (who held the seat from 2007-2013). She beat a poorly funded Manny Santos, who, like a lot of CT Republican candidates, found out that when it comes to the campaign, the state party’s promises of volunteers, coordination, and money never seem to materialize.

Why I’m Running Against AOC The virus hit Queens hard. Those Amazon jobs could’ve helped. By Michelle Caruso-Cabrera


Queens, N.Y.

The Covid-19 crisis is especially dire in this New York City borough. Our neighborhoods, many of them in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district, are called “the epicenter of the epicenter,” and our hospitals “hot zones.”

Dense neighborhoods with several generations living under the same roof suffered a rapid spread of the disease, producing 38,733 cases as of Sunday, the highest of the five boroughs.

The economy has also been devastated. Tens of thousands are out of work because their jobs can’t be done from home. Before the pandemic, roughly 120,000 residents in the 14th Congressional District—which covers northwest Queens and part of the Bronx—worked in food service, hotels, arts and entertainment, retail or construction. Now, most of them are out of work. That’s over one-third of the district’s working population of 350,000.

Restaurants and hotels had to shut down, but one massive employer has held on to staff and even is hiring tens of thousands more around the country: Amazon.

Ocasio-Cortez Faces Well-Financed Challenger in June Democratic Primary By Stephen Green


Is it time for AOC to make way for MCC in the Battle Royale of Dueling Hyphenated Congresscritters?

CNBC anchor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera filed to run against sitting Democratic Congresscritter and onetime bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez back in February, and will soon report to the Federal Election Commission just how well-heeled her campaign really is. A New York Post story claims that Caruso-Cabrera “will report having $800,00 in cash on hand — minus expenses paid” when she files with the FEC later this month. It’s safe to conclude that with more than two months to go before the primary vote, Caruso-Cabrera is already a million-dollar candidate.

Word broke yesterday that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is reportedly planning to endorse Caruso-Cabrera, probably because they don’t want to be the first with their backs up against the wall after AOC’s glorious people’s revolution. Scott Reed, senior political strategist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said, “Michelle is one of the most qualified and competent candidates we have met with this cycle.” He’s pledged to use the Chamber’s considerable networking heft to keep the donations flowing into MCC’s coffer. Caruso-Cabrera presents herself as a moderate, pro-business Democrat in the Clinton (Bill, not Hill) mold.



From the battlefield to the shop floor, John James has lived his life placing service before self. A husband, father, combat veteran, and businessman, John James believes Michigan deserves a U.S. Senator that can achieve tangible results.

At 17, John made the decision to serve his country. After graduating from West Point in 2004, he became a Ranger-qualified aviation officer. John went on to serve with distinction in Operation Iraqi Freedom where he earned a Combat Action Badge (CAB) and two Air Medals while logging 753.7 flight hours in theater leading two Apache platoons.

GOP challenger outraises Michigan’s Sen. Peters in first quarter By Tal Axelrod


Republican John James outraised Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) in the first quarter of 2020 in Michigan’s Senate race.

James’s campaign announced Tuesday he raised $4.8 million in the first three months of 2020 while Peters raked in $4 million. James has outraised Peters for three consecutive quarters.

“This is a difficult time for Michigan. We are grateful for the support of our grassroots, across Michigan and the country, especially during these past few challenging months,” said James campaign spokesperson Abby Walls. “Our focus has been on serving Michiganders in need. That is the leadership voters are looking for—a proven leader who has shown he will get results for Michigan, even in the toughest of environments.”

Despite James’s fundraising strength, Peters has outraised James overall in the 2020 cycle so far, raking in $13.4 million compared to just under $13 million for James. The incumbent senator also boasted a hefty war chest of $8 million heading into 2020, a record-setting cash-on-hand for a Senate race in Michigan heading into an election year.

Sasse: The Chinese Communist Party Is Lying About Its Wuhan Virus Data By Tristan Justice


Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse charged China with reporting false figures related to the Wuhan coronavirus Wednesday as reports emerge from the East Asian giant that the epidemic appears to be subsiding while cases surge in the United States.

“The claim that the United States has more coronavirus deaths than China is false,” Sasse said in a statement. “Without commenting on any classified information, this much is painfully obvious: The Chinese Communist Party has lied, is lying, and will continue to lie about coronavirus to protect the regime. Beijing’s garbage propaganda shouldn’t be taken seriously by the World Health Organization, by independent journalists, or by the American epidemiologists who are going to beat this terrible virus.”

The statement comes on the heels of a new classified report from the U.S. intelligence community delivered to the White House last week documenting a series of deliberate omissions in China’s reported numbers on the virus.

According to Bloomberg News, officials familiar with the report said Wednesday it definitively concluded China was manipulating its numbers to show things are going better than they really are.

As of this writing, data from John Hopkins University shows China has only publicly reported just more than 82,000 cases with more than 3,000 deaths. The United States, meanwhile, has more than double China’s cases with more than 190,000 infections and more than 4,000 dead.

The Senator Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming By John McCormack


Tom Cotton was both the first and the loudest voice in Congress to sound the alarm about the looming pandemic.

While others slept, Tom Cotton was warning anyone who would listen that the coronavirus was coming for America.

On January 22, one day before the Chinese government began a quarantine of Wuhan to contain the spread of the virus, the Arkansas senator sent a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar encouraging the Trump administration to consider banning travel between China and the United States and warning that the Communist regime could be covering up how dangerous the disease really was. That same day, he amplified his warnings on Twitter and in an appearance on the radio program of Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade.

At the time, the Senate impeachment trial was dominating the news cycle. The trial, which lasted from January 16 to February 5, had even blotted out coverage of the Democratic presidential primary in the days leading up to the Iowa caucuses. When the first classified briefing on the virus was held in the Senate on January 24, only 14 senators reportedly showed up.

Cotton’s public and private warnings became more urgent that last week of January. In a January 28 letter to the secretaries of state, health and human services, and homeland security, he noted that “no amount of screening [at airports] will identify a contagious-but-asymptomatic person afflicted with the coronavirus” and called for an immediate evacuation of Americans in China and a ban on all commercial flights between China and the United States.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Days in Congress Might Be Numbered Daniel Greenfield see note please



Unlike Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Tlaib’s political existence was an electoral fluke.

If the #MeToo movement hadn’t brushed against the House, coming into contact with Rep. John Conyers, and if the Conyers clan and assorted black political leaders hadn’t begun fighting over the Conyers seat, Tlaib, an anti-American terror supporter, would probably never have made it through the gate. And black political leaders aren’t giving up on Tlaib’s seat. So much for the Squad.

Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones officially announced Wednesday that she’s going up against freshman U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Jussie Smollett Prosecutor Kim Foxx Wins Democrat Primary By Catherine Smith

Attorney Kim Foxx declared victory after the Democratic primary for Illinois’ Cook County state’s attorney race on Tuesday, beating several other challengers who had focused on the controversy surrounding her handling of the Jussie Smollett case, according to Fox News.

Last year, Foxx, widely known as a criminal justice reformer, came under heavy criticism and the ire of local police for choosing to drop charges against Smollett, who was accused of staging a racist and homophobic hate attack against himself in Chicago.

“This win is about all of us. I’ve spent the last four years working to reform a system that is not representative of the communities it serves – I’m ready to continue this work,” Foxx said.

One of the Last Pro-Life, Pro-Israel Democrats Defeated in Primary by Ultra-Left Challenger By Rick Moran



Eight-term Democrat incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski lost in the primary to an ultra-left challenger who came close to unseating him in 2018.

Marie Newman, owner of a marketing company and an up-and-coming voice of the far left, eked out a narrow victory over Lipinski, who had held the seat in Congress since 2005. His father, Bill Lipinski, had represented the district since 1983.

In truth, the character of the district had changed dramatically since 2010, when it was redrawn to include some of the more liberal suburbs in Dupage County. And Lipinski, who was one of the last pro-life Democrats and an unabashed supporter of Israel, had fallen out of favor with the radical left in Washington. They had been gunning for him for years.