Viable opportunities for Connecticut voters to send a conservative to Capitol Hill have proven rare in the past decade, but with Ryan Meehan — a sharp and energetic fan of Bill Buckley now seeking the GOP nomination to take on the very liberal Democrat incumbent, Jahanna Hayes, in the state’s fifth Congressional District — opportunity may be knocking.
It’s hard to deny the perception that the Constitution State is through-and-through blue. The reality is somewhat different. Prior to the 2016 elections, Republicans were tied for control of the state Senate, and six votes short of holding the majority in the Assembly. Of little consolation, but arithmetic worth: The last three gubernatorial elections were each nail-biters for the prevailing Democrats, with former Governor Dannel Malloy and the incumbent, Ned Lamont, winning in close calls. There’s a lot of potential here, and but for the lackluster character of many GOP’s candidates, Connecticut’s hue would look a lot more purple.
The fifth District is a particular case in point: Donald Trump lost it by only four points 2016, while he lost the state by 14 points in 2016; and the GOP’s 2018 gubernatorial candidate, Bob Stefanowski, considered to have run a generally weak campaign, won the district handily. The flip side of all this is the incumbent congresswoman, recruited to run for the open seat in 2018 by U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (who held the seat from 2007-2013). She beat a poorly funded Manny Santos, who, like a lot of CT Republican candidates, found out that when it comes to the campaign, the state party’s promises of volunteers, coordination, and money never seem to materialize.