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The stakes of the 2024 election could be very high depending on who wins. I don’t approve of either of the two candidates — I think they’ve both committed impeachable offenses and demonstrated unfitness. I’m voting for Trump. That’s not an endorsement, it’s just how I’ve resolved the choice — I don’t understand how any conservative could support Harris, but I sympathize with those who can’t vote for Trump.

Do I think Trump would appoint better people than Harris would, including a number of strong conservatives? I do indeed. Trump is not a committed conservative, but his last administration had much for conservatives to like; and even if I don’t have hopes as high for a new Trump-Vance administration, I’m convinced a Harris-Walz administration would be a disaster for the country.

But here is my main calculation: The system’s guardrails — Congress, the courts, the administrative state, the armed forces, the state governments, the media, and business leaders — are zealous in policing against executive excess when a Republican is in power. The worst thing Trump did was the soft coup attempt, and it never had a smidgeon of a chance. By contrast, the guardrails are not nearly as effective in checking executive overreach, usurpation, and other abuses of power by Democrats — in fact, many of the institutions we rely on as checks become, instead, progressive cheerleaders. As a result, I have considerably less trepidation about a Trump presidency than a Harris presidency.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Vs. Fake, Fake, Fake By J.B. Shurk


The most iconic image of the 2024 campaign came from the Butler Farm Show Grounds in Pennsylvania on July 13.  An assassin had just fired multiple shots at President Trump, wounding him in the ear.  Secret Service agents scrambled to shield the president, while counter-snipers neutralized the shooter.  As members of his security detail began to briskly move him from the stage where he was speaking, President Trump asked them to stop so that he could reassure supporters he was alive and well.  With blood streaked across his face and pooling near one side of his mouth, he stretched a closed fist toward a blue sky with an American flag waving just behind his head and shouted to all who could hear, “Fight!  Fight!  Fight!”

Arguably, it was not just the most iconic visual of the campaign, but also one of the most iconic images in American history.  The picture of a bloodied but defiant American president reaching toward the heavens and expressing a sense of resolute calm in a moment of chaos will remain in many people’s minds for the rest of their lives.  President Trump’s bravery is seared in their memories. 

In any other election cycle, the contest would have ended on July 13.  On a sunny day during a festive campaign rally, a shooter murdered a husband and father protecting his family, injured two other attendees critically, and nearly assassinated a former president.  Such outrageous political violence should have sufficiently shifted public sentiment toward Trump’s favor to make his victory a foregone conclusion.  (For what it’s worth, President Biden dropped out of the race eight days later.)  Fearing that possibility, the propaganda press immediately worked to erase the incident from the public’s thoughts.  

After becoming one of the most famous photographs in the world, the image of President Trump’s raw courage disappeared from publications and websites.  Reporters barely talked about the murder of local Pennsylvanian Corey Comperatore or the serious injuries to other rallygoers.  Anonymous FBI sources initially downplayed the attempted assassination by speculating that Trump had not actually been shot but had instead been cut by flying pieces of broken glass.  Cable news pundits openly mocked the bandaging around Trump’s ear and acted as if being shot in the face is no big deal.  To this day, FBI investigators preposterously claim that they are unable to ascertain the shooter’s motive. 

Thomas Hogan Is the Era of Progressive Prosecutors Ending? Voters in several major American cities have an opportunity to revamp public safety on November 5.


We all know that the presidential election is looming, but for a few big cities, a crucial down-ballot vote—for the office of chief prosecutor—could have a major effect on the day-to-day safety of their citizens.

In Los Angeles, America’s second-largest city, voters will decide whether to oust radical prosecutor George Gascón. Gascón barely made it through his first term, surviving two recall efforts based on technicalities. Soaring crime rates and a general sense of disorder have led even progressive Angelenos to say that enough is enough.

Gascón is opposed by Nathan Hochman, a former federal prosecutor who has promised to pursue policies that treat those who commit crimes as criminals. In current polling, Gascón trails Hochman by 24 points. In a last-minute Hail Mary, Gascón has decided to support re-sentencing and clemency for the notorious Menendez brothers, convicted of the brutal murders of their parents, despite their claims having been repeatedly rejected by the courts. Election Day will decide whether Los Angeles is ready to start rebuilding.

Meantime, heading north in California, another critical chief prosecutor is on the ballot: Pamela Price in Oakland. Price, along with Oakland’s mayor Sheng Thao, is facing a recall election after just two years in office. Many Oakland voters have expressed the same buyers’ remorse as their neighbors across the bay in San Francisco, who recalled progressive prosecutor Chesa Boudin after a few years in office, amid spiraling crime and disorder.

Deranged Harris Supporters Harass and Threaten the McDonald’s That Hosted Trump So once again: who’s the fascist? by Robert Spencer


We’ve been hearing a great deal about fascism in this election, with the left making increasingly unhinged warnings about how Donald Trump will destroy Americans’ freedom to waste their lives watching pornography and force them to have children, while in the process of taking an axe to “our democracy” itself.

This seems, however, to be an increasingly obvious case of leftists resorting to their familiar tactic of accusing their opponents of what they themselves are actually doing. Over and over, we see leftists trying to intimidate people into being afraid to express views that oppose them, or even to allow their foes to have a fair hearing. So once again: who’s the fascist? They’re finding out at the McDonald’s that famously played host to Donald Trump.

What the Daily Caller reported Thursday was drearily predictable: “In the wake of Trump’s widely-publicized campaign stop at the ‘Golden Arches’” franchise in Feasterville-Trevose, Pennsylvania, “Yelp disabled reviews for the location amid a flood of negative comments, and the franchise’s owner retained private security to ensure the safety of employees and patrons in response to threats made against the eatery.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake. Threats? Remember that when Trump made his celebrated appearance at Mickey D’s, the corporation issued a balanced and generous statement, saying: “As we’ve seen, our brand has been a fixture of conversation in this election cycle. While we’ve not sought this, it’s a testament to how much McDonald’s resonates with so many Americans. McDonald’s does not endorse candidates for elected office and that remains true in this race for the next President.”

McDonald’s said that Harris was as welcome as Trump was, and added: “Though we are not a political brand, we’ve been proud to hear former President Trump’s love for McDonald’s and Vice President Harris’s fond memories working under the Arches,” as fictional as the latter may have been.

Israeli anxiety, America and the ayatollahs: Ruthie Blum


Tensions are high in Israel as the United States enters the last lap of its presidential election. Given the level of public concern surrounding the race and the amount of space devoted to it by local analysts, an alien observing from Mars might mistakenly assume that the vote is taking place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, not across the Atlantic Ocean.

It’s already been established, through surveys and punditocracy consensus—including among those more predisposed politically to Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats in general than to former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party—that most Israelis are praying for the latter to emerge victorious.

Polls showing that the candidates are basically tied, with daily fluctuations in swing-state percentages, is causing a lot of nail-biting, and not exclusively in U.S. capitals or Jerusalem. No, it’s safe to say that the entire world is watching and waiting with bated breath for the outcome.

Though Joe Biden will remain at the helm in the White House until the beginning of 2025 regardless of the results at the ballot box, nobody thinks he’s running the show in any respect, nor has he been for at least two years. It’s assumed in Israel, however, that the figures behind him could engage in serious lame-duck sabotage in the weeks leading up to the inauguration of his successor.

After all, during a similar period at the end of 2016, outgoing President Barack Obama and his sidekick, Secretary of State John Kerry, pulled a few stunts that made Israel’s enemies proud. Key among these moves was the abstention on U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334, adopted on Dec. 23.

Resolution 2334, which passed by 14-0, condemned Israeli settlements and called for all construction of them to cease. It also called for further labeling of Israeli goods, not only those made in settlements. In addition, it categorized the Western Wall as “occupied Palestinian territory.”

Why Do We Even Have Elections? Why Don’t We Just Let The Media Choose?


We’ve become accustomed to Democratic Party operatives thinly disguised as journalists smearing, slurring, slamming, and lying about Republican candidates. They don’t want voters to know the truth. They’re not objective purveyors of the facts but rather political players who want to have the power to pick the winners of every election.

Some years ago, while at the University of California, Los Angeles, economics professor Timothy Groseclose wrote a book that showed Democratic candidates start their campaigns with significant leads over their GOP candidates due to media preference.

In “Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind,” Groseclose, now at George Mason University, demonstrated how that bias could be measured. “​​He is so numerate,” economist David Henderson wrote in a review, “that he makes clear with the data just how extreme the left-wing bias is.”

It’s possible that the hole Republicans have to start in is even deeper than it was when “Left Turn” was published in 2011.

The media are so invested in Democrats, through their votes and their campaign donations, and through their hard-left ideology, that they don’t want voters to determine the outcomes of elections. They want to be the power brokers who coronate the kings and queens of our executive and legislative bodies.



While Kamala Harris began her campaign with a promise of joy, it soon deteriorated into character smears against her opponent, with Ms. Harris calling him “fascist” and a “Hitler,” and with President Biden referring to Mr. Trump’s supporters as “garbage.” What makes the “fascist” label ironic is that, as Victor Davis Hanson wrote in last Thursday’s issue of American Greatness, “…he [Trump] has been the target of fascists machinations from her own party and supporters for nearly a decade.”

Mr. Trump has always appeared devoid of humor, except when polls swing his way. Writing in the current UK issue of The Spectator, Kate Andrews noted “…in the past few weeks, something has restored Trump’s humor.” As the audience left a recent rally in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, she quoted a man speaking to his family: “That was better than Netflix.”  Most of us smiled when Mr. Trump, wearing an orange reflector vest (and in response to Mr. Biden’s remark), jumped into a garbage truck in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Nevertheless, Mr. Trump does have a habit of calling his opponents names that would make Gordon Gekko blush. Amidst this war of words, America seems an unhappy place. Last Thursday, The Washington Post editorialized: “…in an increasingly angry nation…incidents of road rage escalate across the country.”  As in 1888 Mudville, there is little joy in the U.S. today.

Reflections on an American Saga When was the last time that a single name invoked such a wide array of emotions as the name Trump? By Eric Lendrum


Regardless of whatever happens on Tuesday, the end of the 2024 election will have a bittersweet feel to it, for it will be the final chapter of Donald J. Trump’s story. Whether it is the end of the final chapter or just the beginning is up to us to decide.

But perhaps Trump can already claim victory, no matter who is ultimately declared the winner at the end of it all. And his would be a far greater victory than any one election result.

All Good Things

The future of the nation depends on the decision that will be made shortly. But, win or lose, it will not be the end of the United States of America. Not by a long shot. America is resilient, and no one personifies that titanic endurance like Donald Trump.

They hit him with a fake “Russian collusion” investigation, two impeachments, a Chinese virus, race riots, a stolen election, an FBI raid, dozens of bogus charges, a mugshot, a conviction in a kangaroo court, and multiple assassination attempts. But through it all, when there was doubt, he always ate it up and spit it back out. With nerves of steel and a heart of gold, he walked right through the fire every single time, refusing to quit until the race was finally over.

That is exactly why here, in the end, it is rather difficult to come to terms with the idea that President Trump’s political journey is entering its conclusion. He himself has said as much, admitting that he will not run for a fourth time in 2028 if this election is also stolen from him.

And, despite the left’s endless screeching about him being a “dictator in waiting” who may extend his time in office, it is clear to those with an IQ higher than room temperature that he will leave office in 2029, as he should, if he wins this election. In the end, the one and only thing that can bring Trump’s political journey to an end is the one thing he has always loved and respected the most: the will of the American people.

And so, win or lose, this will be the final election with Donald Trump’s name on the ballot.

This fact was not lost on me as I filled out my absentee ballot for the general election in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It was the sixth time overall that I had filled in the bubble next to his name, the culmination of his historic three consecutive successful runs for the Republican nomination. I found myself hesitating to fill out the ballot, only because I wanted to savor the act one final time.

From ‘Clingers’ to ‘Garbage’—Why the 16 years of Vilification? Derogatory labels highlight the cultural and socioeconomic divide between elite politicians and many Americans, particularly Trump supporters, who feel disrespected by these terms and policies. By Victor Davis Hanson


Who actually are the “garbage” people?

Are they one and the same with Joe Biden’s “semi-fascists,” “chumps,” and “dregs of society?”

Or Barack Obama’s “clingers?”

Do they include Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” and “irredeemables?”

Are they FBI grandee Peter Strzok’s Walmart shoppers who “smell?”

Over the last decade-and-a-half, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Harris-Walz, and a host of other self-described elites have variously invented a wide range of smears and slurs—but about whom exactly?

Who are these people that leftwing politicians have so vehemently derided—and why?

They include Trump supporters, of course, or what Biden also dubbed “ultra-MAGAs” and Tim Walz called “fascists,” now without the prior qualifying prefix “semi.”

In general, these adjectives of disdain denote about half the country according to the results of what will soon be the last three presidential elections.

This half is more rural than urban, characterized by larger than smaller families, more high-schooled diplomaed than college degreed, and more conventional and traditional than vanguard and trend-setting.

Fascists All the Way Down Meet historical fascism’s true heirs.Bruce Thornton


In the famous anecdote usually attributed to Bertrand Russel, a scientist lecturing on the earth’s position in the solar system is corrected an old lady who says the earth is actually supported by a giant turtle. When the scientist asked what supports the turtle, she triumphally answered, “It’s turtles all the way down!”

Since the Twenties and the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism––which eventually become the main referent of the word––the term has become an all-purpose question-begging epithet so promiscuously abused in the Thirties that, as George Orwell said in 1944, “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies something not desirable.”

As the word’s use by progressives and leftists––at this point synonyms for “Democrats”––have shown for decades, their understanding of conservatism’s principles and tenets is limited to the infinite regression of “fascists all the way down.” In this election season, they are binging 24/7 on “fascists” with plenty of “Hitlers” thrown in to ratchet up the evil quotient with evocations of genocide and the horrors of the death camps.

The problem is not just the blatant abuse of history, truth, and language, which since ancient Athens has been a habit typical of representative governments that give widely diverse citizens freedom of speech. The more pertinent and dangerous point about this misuse of “fascist” as a political smear is that it obscures how much American progressivism has in common with historical fascism––an oversight made worse by the left’s assumption that conservativism and capitalism are ideologically and organically fascist, and thus profoundly more unjust and dangerous than socialism and other forms of statism.

In reality, as Jonah Goldberg explained in his 2008 book Liberal Fascism, fascism is a phenomenon of the left, not the right––an “inconvenient truth,” Goldberg writes, “if ever there was one.”