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The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why? Betsy McCaughey


You can see it with your own eyes. But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a “fantasy.” What is it?

Election fraud.

A Lawrence, Massachusetts, voter who had been turned away from the polls on Election Day and told he had already voted found out he was the victim of fraud. He checked the footage on the video camera outside his front door and saw that a woman had removed mail-in ballots from his mailbox. He called the police.

It’s happening in many places. On Tuesday, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., a nonprofit voter rights group, appeared in Connecticut Superior Court to demand the arrest of a woman allegedly caught on video committing mail-in ballot fraud in the 2019 Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary and again in the 2023 primary. The group, protesting that city officials pretend there’s no problem, also called on the Connecticut legislature to appoint a special prosecutor.

According to Rasmussen Reports, a staggering 60% of likely voters nationwide consider election cheating a problem. Yet the Left denies it’s happening.

The Washington Post calls it a “myth” and a “fantasy offense.”

Worst of all, the federal government is suppressing the evidence and censoring anyone who complains about election cheating.

Never-before-seen emails released by the House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 6 reveal that a government-sponsored task force is muzzling public figures, thousands of ordinary Americans, and media outlets like Newsmax and The Babylon Bee when they report election irregularities.

The emails show that officials within the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department — the deep state — organized the Election Integrity Partnership in 2020, recruiting academics at Stanford University and the University of Washington to question election honesty and then instruct social media companies such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube to label the postings as “misinformation” or take them down entirely.

Don’t be fooled by the name Election Integrity Partnership. This task force does the opposite, silencing concerns about election integrity

In 2020, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich objected when the state of Pennsylvania adopted new election rules during the COVID pandemic that, in his view, invited cheating. He tweeted, “Pennsylvania democrats are methodically changing the rules so they can steal the election.”

When Nicole Malliotakis ran for Congress in 2020 from Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, she posted on Facebook: “Be sure to vote tomorrow because we’re not only taking on Max Rose, Nancy Pelosi & Bill de Blasio. We’re taking on Dead Democrats too!”

Campaign Kabuki By Leann Horrocks


All the normal ways of analyzing election outcomes are a complete waste of time unless the issue of fraud is addressed. 

Less than a year to go until the 2024 election and the pundits are out in force with their analysis. There are whiteboards, videos, polls, graphs, and lots of posturing.

All the normal ways of analyzing election outcomes are a complete waste of time unless the issue of fraud is addressed. The sad truth is, that in many parts of the country, the voters really have no choice.

Take the case of the current president. He didn’t even have to show up in 2020. He was promised the win and he got it. The election was over before the voting began.

Then there’s the case of Lake vs. Hobbs in Arizona. Subtleties of computer malware weren’t even needed in Arizona when the strangely vague Katie Hobbs was declared the winner. Through the entire campaign season, she didn’t bother campaigning, she refused to debate and was rarely seen. Her opponent counted on people showing up at the polls on election day — so what could go wrong? The voting equipment was simply disabled in Republican-heavy precincts, resulting in long wait times, lost ballots, and ballots that were promised to be “counted later.” Subsequent investigations have shown video of tampering with sealed machines — mountains of evidence have shown the election was fraudulent.

Evidence of fraud was met with a big “so what.” The Arizona election tampering was so heavy-handed, one can easily assume the cartels were involved. Cartels were not about to have Kari Lake become governor of Arizona, and military-industrial types were not about to have a change in the U.S. Senate representation either. Neither of these parties care what voters want or what they do.

A Flood of Retirements in Congress Threatens to Upend the 2024 Election Rick Moran


Less than a year before election day 2024, the number of retirements in the House and the Senate may break a record for this cycle.

Thirty-four members of Congress have already announced they were not seeking re-election, including Senator Joe Manchin whose West Virginia Senate seat has moved from “Leans Republican” to “Safe Republican” in the Sabato Crystal Ball ratings.

Few retirements in Congress will lead to that kind of a decisive difference. Since most Congressmen are already in non-competitive districts, a retirement won’t matter in many districts.

But there’s still the known commodity vs. the unknown candidate. The known commodity is a proven fundraiser and vote-getter. So even with a high partisan lean in a district carried by Joe Biden, there’s no guarantee a Democratic candidate will prevail.

According to Politico, out of the last 15 elections, the party with the fewest retirements has won 10 of them. Even with a partisan lean of 10, a district with a retired incumbent is still considered “in play” by the opposing party.

(FiveThirtyEight’ defines partisan lean “as the average margin difference2 between how a state or district votes and how the country votes overall. For example, if a state has a FiveThirtyEight partisan lean of R+5, that means it is 5 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole.”)

Currently, there are 27 Democrats not running for re-election while only 9 Republicans are declining to run. Some of those candidates are running for another office such as governor and senator. But why those 34 retirements are significant is because the cycle hasn’t hit its historic peak of announced retirements yet.

Manchin attacks Biden, vows to ‘mobilize the radical middle’ Manchin said that Biden is “not the person we thought was gonna bring the country together.”By Madeleine Hubbard


West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin on Sunday attacked President Joe Biden for being too far to the left, and he vowed to “mobilize the radical middle.”

“Joe Biden has been pulled so far to the left, the extreme left, as far as liberal,” Manchin, told radio host John Catsimatidis in an interview Sunday on “The Cats Roundtable” show. “Makes no sense at all. It’s not the person we thought was gonna bring the country together.”

Manchin, who is not seeking reelection in 2024, said that Washington, D.C., wants “America to be divided because it’s a better business model,” and he “came to the conclusion” after 13 years in the Senate that he is “not going to change it from within.” 

After realizing that he could not change Washington as a politician, Manchin said, “I’ve decide[d] to go around and see if I can mobilize the radical middle.”

Meanwhile, last week Manchin alluded to a potential 2024 White House bid. 

This is how the Republican Party became so strongly pro-Israel


Since the Hamas attack on Israel, Republican presidential candidates have been sniping at each other. The goal: to prove to Republican voters that they support Israel more strongly than their rivals.

Former Vice President Mike Pence declared on CNN, “this is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America’s role as leader of the free world.”

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott likewise slammed Ramaswamy for, at one point, saying he hoped the U.S. could eventually reduce aid to Israel.

Former President Trump, meanwhile, took aim at Democrats at a recent campaign rally, drawing a direct line between protecting Israel, being an evangelical Christian and voting Republican.

“I can’t imagine how anybody who’s Jewish or anybody who loves Israel — and frankly, the evangelicals just love Israel — I can’t imagine anybody voting Democrat,” he said bluntly.

To be clear, people of both parties widely expressed horror at Hamas’s attack on Israel. But there is a divide on public opinion toward the ongoing conflict and the history behind it, with Republicans being particularly pro-Israel.

That divide didn’t always exist; in the late 1990s, the Pew Research Center found that just over half of Republicans said they sympathize with Israel more than the Palestinians. By 2018, 8 in 10 Republicans said Israel. (Pew has since stopped asking that exact question, but more recent polling still shows a wide partisan gap in attitudes.)

And as Trump said, evangelicals are a big part of that shift.

The biblical connection to Israel

Conservative news sources can offer a glimpse of the biblical link between Israel and evangelical Christians. Baptist preacher and Fox News contributor Robert Jeffress recently told the network about what he sees as connections between current war and biblical descriptions of the end times.

Young Voters Flee Biden, Who Turns 81 Monday Eric Mack


President Joe Biden is already the oldest president ever elected or ever to hold the office, but he turns 81 on Monday and Democrats backing him want to stress former President Donald Trump’s age is equally advanced.

“I think everyone knows it’s an issue, and we have to address it,” former Biden administration White House chief of staff Ron Klain told Politico, wanting to “emphasize it gives him more wisdom and experience, how he’s navigated this difficult problem in Ukraine.”

“He’ll keep on doing the job, campaigning with vigor and demonstrating to the American people his energy level, which is quite robust.”

A Democrat donor and Biden bundler, Alan Kessler told Politico age should not be important in the 2024 presidential rematch between Biden and Trump because of the age of both leading candidates.

“Neither are going to get any younger on their next birthdays, but yet Biden seems to get, on a continuing basis, knocked for his age while Trump does not,” Kessler lamented to Politico. “No one brings up the age thing with [Trump]. That double standard is troubling.”

But it remains a disparate issue for Biden among young voters than Trump voters, according to the latest NBC News poll released Sunday. 

Among young voters (18-34 years old) — just 20% of whom view Biden favorably on Israel’s war on Hamas — Biden (42%) trails Trump (46%) by 4 points, which is outside the poll’s margin of error.

“This could be a massive sea change,” according to NBC News poll analyst Steve Kornacki, who noted Biden was plus-26 points on younger voters in 2020.

Unable to change the reality of an 81-year-old incumbent who will be 82 if he were to win next November, Democrats want to focus on the narrative of “wisdom.

Election Fraud Deniers Are The Real Threat To Democracy


“Just to be clear, we are not saying the 2020 election was rigged or that Biden stole the election. We will never know the answer to that. But what we are saying is that voter trust in the integrity of our elections will never be restored so long as one side keeps insisting that election fraud is a myth, while doing everything it can to make cheating easier.

That, dear reader, is the real threat to democracy.”

If you are like us, you’re sick and tired of being labeled a “denier” any time you challenge the left’s agenda. Don’t believe the earth will be destroyed unless we all live like cavemen? You are a climate denier! You worry about side effects from an experimental new vaccine. Vaccine denier!

And if you suspect that election fraud is a real problem, you’re an election denier!

The problem is that the “deniers” keep turning out to be right.  

The latest example came out of Bridgeport, Connecticut, earlier this month, when a judge overturned the primary election for mayor because of an “unprecedented” volume of evidence showing ballot fraud, including surveillance footage exposing supporters of the incumbent stuffing stacks of absentee ballots into drop boxes.

Even CNN, which can always be relied on to dismiss election fraud as a myth, was forced to admit that “the Connecticut case does highlight the potential vulnerabilities with mail-in voting.”

Just as a reminder, this is exactly what “election deniers” have been saying since 2020, when Democrats used COVID as an excuse to implement widespread mail-in voting schemes across the country.

James Clyburn And The Big Third-Party Lie Thomas Buckley


A few new polls out show former President Donald Trump ahead of current sort-of President Joe Biden.

And ahead rather comfortably, leading nationally overall by enough and leading in five of the six “swing states” that have determined the last two presidential elections.

Good news for him? Yes.

The downside for Trump is that those leads shrink if certain third-party candidates are thrown into the mix.

Without RFK Jr. in the mix, Trump polls well ahead of Biden – add in RFK Jr. and it shifts to a small Biden lead nationally and a “who knows?” in the swing states.

But then add in Cornel West – who recently dropped his Green Party nomination effort and is, like Kennedy, going the independent route – and Biden and Trump are really in jumpball territory.

So then why would Biden’s Democratic South Carolina savior Rep. James Clyburn be railing about the evils of third-party candidates?

Clyburn states that third parties could so confuse the race that Trump in the end benefits and that in and of itself “fundamentally endangers our democracy.”

Whose democracy, Jim? If you wrote “my democracy” that would be accurate, but “our democracy” is not put in danger when more people run for office. It seems Clyburn has no problem with just anybody voting – he pushed the John Lewis Act, which would hamstring states from instituting legitimate voting ID requirements and essentially federalize the election process – but he has a problem with just anybody running.

Anyway, Jim, the addition of West and Kennedy seems to help your guy, so what gives?

“Our democracy” is what gives. Whenever the term is used it is not about “our democracy” but “their democracy.”

The Romans called the Mediterranean Sea ‘Mare Nostra,’ or ‘Our Sea’ to connote power and exclusivity.  The mafia is often referred to by its members as ‘Cosa Nostra,’ or ‘Our Thing,’ again to ensure a protective separateness from everything and everyone else.

High Stakes and a Simple Choice Bernie Marcus


Bernie Marcus is the co-founder of Job Creators Network, a philanthropist, and the retired co-founder of The Home Depot.

I am 94 years old and like many of you, I am exhausted by politics and saddened by what I see happening to America. I had hoped it was time for me to move to the sidelines and let younger generations continue the fight to preserve America’s founding freedoms and values. But, like so many of us, I realized that I could not let myself walk away; the stakes are just too high.

We cannot let the America we see today be what we leave to our children and grandchildren. Many of our once-great cities have devolved into lawlessness with random violent attacks on innocent people, rampant looting, and large-scale homeless encampments. There are rarely consequences for the wrongdoers because George Soros-elected prosecutors across America refuse to prosecute them.

Moreover, our southern border is unprotected, and millions of people we know nothing about pour into our nation to receive care and benefits that we cannot afford to provide to our struggling military veterans. Worse, many of the border crossers may be gang members who commit violent crimes here. Schoolchildren across America cannot read, write, or do basic math, while our educational leaders tell us that they know better than parents how to raise our children. Working men and women are struggling to provide for their families and must raid their retirement funds just to feed, clothe, and take care of their children. These are just a few of the problems America is facing after three years of bad government policies. They cannot be our legacy.

This should not be a partisan issue. This should be an issue for all Americans – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – that I hope to reach with this op-ed. You enjoy the freedoms and values on which the nation was founded. Sadly, I see these freedoms and values being eroded today as government gets bigger and weaponized against its political opponents.

I wrote this op-ed because of my love for America, not for any financial gain or advantage. I have been retired for 30 years and spend my time engaged in philanthropic causes, with which I have committed to share 90% of my net worth. I was born here and can give testimony about The American Dream. I lost my job and was broke when I was 48 years old. A dear friend of mine suggested that my misfortune presented a great opportunity to build a small business based upon an idea I had shared with him. Only in America, the land of opportunity, could being without a job and broke be a great opportunity. In 1978, my partners and I built four hardware stores, and this small business grew and is known as The Home Depot. We could only have done this in America because of America’s system of free enterprise and pro-jobs growth government policies. The state of America today, especially record inflation, government over-regulation, and the problems of the last three years, would prevent my partners and I from succeeding as we have.

Part of our legacy must be passing on to future generations of Americans our founding freedoms and values, including The American Dream. We must change the current trajectory of the nation and solve the problems created in the last three years. We must also reject calls from some politicians to replace our free market system with big government socialism. Most of them seem to have never had a job outside of government. All they know is making government bigger and more intrusive in the lives of its citizens.

Digging into Ramaswamy’s correct attack against Nikki Haley about TikToxic By Andrea Widburg


Last night, Nikki Haley, showing the wit, tact, and self-control that will, I’m sure, characterize a potential Haley presidency, called Vivek Ramaswamy “scum” after he pointed out that, even as she had attacked him in September for setting up a TikTok campaign site, her daughter had a TikTok account. Her children, she said, are off limits. I’m siding with Ramaswamy on this one, though. TikTok targets America’s youth, so we conservatives should have a presence there. The reality is that TikTok is tik-toxic, especially because it’s corrupting American young people on everything from sexuality to Middle Eastern politics. Since it’s here, whether we like it or not, we ignore it at our peril.

As you may recall, way too late in his first term to make a difference, Donald Trump issued an executive order banning apps from ByteDance Ltd., the Chinese-controlled company that owns TikTok. He did so because he identified TikTok as a national security risk. Within months of gaining the White House, Joe Biden rescinded that executive order, inviting TikTok back into America…and the People’s Republic of China back into the minds of our children. China got what it paid for when Biden entered the Oval Office.

It’s long been known that, within China, TikTok ensures that people see videos about China’s might, patriotism, health and fitness, America’s perfidy, etc. It’s all pro-government stuff, whether social or political. However, in America, TikTok promotes videos about anorexia, steroids, self-harm, LGBTQ+ stuff, with a special focus on transgenderism, and anti-Americanism.