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DeSantis, Newsom, and the Algae Apocalypse Vanquishing woke extremists is only half the battle. Right-sizing the environmentalist movement is equally important, and may be a harder battle. By Edward Ring


It would not be surprising if the final candidates for president in November 2024 were Joe Biden and Donald Trump. But if a younger generation of candidates prevails in their respective primaries, an equally unsurprising outcome would be Gavin Newsom pitted against Ron DeSantis.

While purists on both sides may find the California Democrat and the Florida Republican to be far from perfect embodiments of their ideals, a contest between these two governors would nonetheless be a contest between two very different visions for the future of America insofar as they govern two big states that diverge on almost every policy of consequence.

The prevailing perception of a hypothetical race between Newsom and DeSantis focuses on cultural issues, with both of them claiming their state is a beacon of freedom. But a comparison of equal consequence could be based on their response to environmental challenges.

Genuine Environmental Threats vs. Environmentalism, Inc.

One of the many tragic outcomes of overhyping the “climate crisis” is that for millions of skeptics, the entire environmentalist movement has lost credibility. In many cases, it is deserved. Organizations that used to have specific and relatively unassailable missions, such as Greenpeace back in the days when their mission was to save endangered whales, have now morphed into politicized caricatures that their founders wouldn’t recognize.

The environmentalist movement in the world, and in America in particular, has used the rhetorical bludgeon of an imminent “climate catastrophe” to terrify every child, intimidate every politician, and coopt every major corporation on earth—although, to be fair, monopolistic corporations have easily exploited the climate agenda to blaze a profitable pathway to even more market dominance and captive profits. Meanwhile, genuine environmental threats, lacking the sex appeal of surging seas and flaming forests, are not getting the attention they deserve. Examples of this are plentiful, and California is ground zero.

Is Ron DeSantis ready to face Donald Trump? The Florida governor offers a sober return to Republican sanity. Does the party want that?


When Donald Trump ran for the presidency in 2016, he took on a very well-funded politician who had been a successful governor of Florida. And he destroyed him. Trump humiliated “low-energy” Jeb Bush, son of one president and brother of another, and trashed his family’s legacy so comprehensively that the Bush-era Republican party is now widely regarded as a disaster.

Jeb messed up again last week. Speaking to Fox News, he semi-endorsed Ron DeSantis, the current Florida governor and Trump’s strongest challenger for the 2024 Republican nomination. “I think we’re on the verge of a generational change, kind of hope so,” said Jeb. “Who better to do it than someone who’s been outside of Washington, who’s governed effectively, who I think has shown that Florida can be a model for the future of our country?”

Talk about the kiss of death. Jeb soon clarified that he was “praising, not endorsing” DeSantis — too late. Trump’s fanatical army had the line they wanted: the old rotten establishment want Trump out and DeSantis in. “Generational change” actually means the elite taking the party back to the pre-Trump era of politics-as-normal. No chance.

How will DeSantis cope with the barrage of abuse he’s about to receive? He may be punchier than “please clap” Jeb, but he appears to suffer from a similar inability to exude charisma. He is just under six foot and has been mocked for wearing cowboy heels to make himself appear taller. “Tiny D” is reportedly one of the nicknames Trump has been “workshopping” — whatever that means — along with “Ron DisHonest” and “Ron DeEstablishment.” He tried “Ron DeSanctimonious,” but keen students of Trump’s nominative determinism considered that diss sub-par. Still, you get the gist. Don makes people laugh; Ron, not so much. Some sources suggest he has a touch of Asperger’s.

“DeSantis is an introvert in an extrovert’s world” is how Roger Stone, the Trump ally who knows Floridian politics inside out, puts it. “He gets irritated whenever faced with a difficult question or situation.” “He’s good company,” adds Nigel Farage, another Trump confidant. “But you know when Donald Trump walks into a room. I’m not sure the same could be said of DeSantis.”

We Need to Talk About Mark Levin’s Interview With Ron DeSantis Last Night By Paula Bolyard


On Sunday night, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appeared on “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News, purportedly to promote his new book, The Courage to Be Free, which comes out this week.

While DeSantis has not yet declared that he’s running for president, he certainly sounded like a man who’s making the case for his candidacy. Or, if not, he’s making a case for conservatism as the path to American success and prosperity— the subtitle of the book is “Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival.”

As my colleague Stephen Green pointed out earlier today:

DeSantis isn’t traveling to early presidential primary states like Iowa or New Hamphire, at least not yet. Instead, his most recent tour was through three struggling Deep Blue cities to tout what he’s done differently in Florida… DeSantis is calmly but quite publicly holding up his state as a model for the nation, just like a governor running for president would do. Except that he has yet to announce that he’s running. He hasn’t even formed one of those exploratory committees that allows a not-yet candidate to fundraise.

I don’t see how it’s a bad thing for DeSantis to wait to announce, if he does indeed plan to run. Does anyone really think the primary season is too short and needs to be lengthened? The 2016 primary seemed like it would never end—and the personal attacks and circular firing squad did nothing to help spread the message about the benefits of conservatism.

We’re still more than a year out from the primaries. What’s the rush? If DeSantis can run a soft campaign, while continuing to notch more conservative wins on his Florida belt, he can stay above the fray and avoid some of the pitfalls that early announcers often run into, including candidate fatigue. Remember how sick to death we all were of hearing from the 2016 candidates, many of whom we previously liked? For what that’s worth, a lot of formerly vociferous Trump supporters are sick of his bellyaching on social media day and night and his silly attacks on DeSantis, who is one of the few Republicans actually getting anything meaningful done.

The Solution to Ballot Fraud By Jay Valentine


The irresistible force is mail-in ballots, nonexistent signature verification, phantom voter rolls, a feckless Republican Party, Republican governors donating tax money to a George Soros–funded entity to clean voter rolls — election commissions changing ZIP codes so mail-in ballots stack up — courts refusing to remove dead people from voter rolls unless they miss two consecutive elections, and a Republican presidential candidate who thinks he can win with ballot-harvesting.

What could go wrong in 2024?

In 2000, the national realization was that election fraud is industrial-scale, committed by election commissions or with their acquiescence.  It is a sovereign crime.

The 2020 realization is that voter integrity teams cannot remove phantoms from voter rolls — even with death certificates.

This irresistible force will not dissipate.

Wisconsin advanced the state-of-the-scam to further flood voter rolls with anyone claiming existence. 

Forty years of Republican acquiescence and temerity brought us here — the end of free and fair elections.  Election fraud is baked into every state’s voter rolls — protected by government.

This week, we demonstrated a solution.

We sent an open letter to ERIC, the organization, ostensibly founded with help from George Soros, managing voter rolls for almost 30 states — many Republican.  We sent George a copy.

Voters Want A Trump-DeSantis Primary Battle In 2024: I&I/TIPP Terry Jones


If you’re wondering who Republican voters want to see square off in next year’s presidential primaries, it’s probably no big secret. As the latest polling data from I&I/TIPP show, a solid majority of registered GOP voters and independents who lean Republican, or Republican primary voters, say they want to see former President Donald Trump and current Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis duke it out on the primary trail.

In the latest poll, taken of 1,155 registered voters from Feb. 1-3, 397 were identified as GOP primary voters. They were asked to respond to the following statement: “I would like to see a primary contest between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.” They were given a choice to “agree strongly,” “agree somewhat,” “disagree somewhat,” “disagree strongly,” and “not sure.”

The margin of error for the sub-sample is +/-5 percentage points.

The answer that came back: an emphatic “yes.” By 61% to 23%, voters said they’d like to see DeSantis and Trump joust in the campaign, with 26% saying they agree “strongly” while 35% saying they agree “somewhat” strongly.

Why the 2020 Election was Unverifiable By Joe Fried


Joe Biden acquired his job through a legal process. However, he did not earn enough verifiable votes to justify the certifications in six key swing states. This issue is addressed in my new book, but here is some of my reasoning. I have limited myself to one example of unverifiable votes for each of those swing states.


At an Arizona Senate Committee hearing on January 24, 2022, we learned that precisely 95 percent of Maricopa County overseas military members (and their families) voted for Joe Biden. That is an amazing (as in phony) percentage, given that the overall county-wide vote was fairly even between Biden and Trump (51 to 49%). Winning the military vote in Maricopa County with a 90 percent margin strongly suggests the likelihood of fraud.

The findings were presented at the Committee hearing by Paul Harris, a corporate executive who had been asked to conduct the review during the Cyber Ninjas audit. These are key points from the presentation. (See video @ 1:53.)

The “ballots” were simply unsourced sheets of copy paper.
The number of ballots had jumped dramatically, from 1,600 in 2016 to 9,600 in 2020.
Exactly 95 percent of the votes were for Joe Biden. Harris estimated that these copy paper ballots provided 8,000 net votes to Biden, who ostensibly won the state by just over 10,000 votes.

Paul Harris analyzed just one county. In Pima County, a witness named Kathleen Alby testified that “thousands” of “military faxes” were processed: “At one point that’s all that they were processing were the faxed ones.” And, as in Maricopa County, there was no chain-of-custody documentation. (See video at 8:32.)


Garland Favorito is the head of VoterGA.org, and has a forty-year background in information technology. In a detailed press conference, Favorito and his cyber experts itemized fifteen categories of ballot irregularities found during their analysis of ballot images acquired from Fulton County, Georgia. (See video @ 27:00.)

Thunderdome 2024: here come the Republican hopefuls This primary has all the signs of being even bloodier than the 2016 one


Over Presidents Day weekend, Donald J. Trump, our most beloved former president — according to him anyway — posted the following to his Truth Social account: “Ron DeSanctimonious wants to cut your Social Security and Medicare, closed up Florida & its beaches, loves RINOS Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Karl Rove (disasters ALL!), is backed by Globalist’s Club for NO Growth, Lincoln Pervert Project, & ‘Uninspired’ Koch — And it only gets worse from there. He is a RINO in disguise!, whose Poll numbers are dropping like a rock. Good luck Ron!”

This is as good a point as any for the launch of Thunderdome 2024, a Republican presidential primary that has all the signs of being even bloodier and more acrimonious than the 2016 contest. Just look at the stakes, the positioning of donors and activists, and — after three cruel rounds of electoral failure — a former president turned red in tooth and claw.

For the dispassionate viewer, it presents a gladiator match for the prize of running against Joe Biden. The field is strikingly different than it was eight years ago, when the money and assumptions were behind the likes of Jeb Bush and Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, and a bevy of senators and governors fought among themselves in an attempt to set up a mano-a-mano showdown with Trump — a strategy that totally backfired.

Smart Republicans have learned a lot since then. But they’re also taking on a former president who occupies a very different space than he once did: Trump and his supporters are the new GOP establishment, even as he maintains his position as its constant critic. This gives him enormous advantages, and makes Trump, despite what you may have heard, still the likeliest candidate for the Republican nomination. For those who aspire to replace him atop the ticket, it’s wise to remember that the same abiding rule that undid Hillary Clinton and aided Joe Biden is still in place: you can say anything you want about the candidates, but don’t speak poorly of their voters.

Ramaswamy Reaches for the Presidency The entrepreneur wants Americans to believe in their principles again.


Donald Trump proved that you don’t need to hold elective office before you try for the Oval Office, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is taking that as inspiration as he announced Tuesday that he’s running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. He has a chance to make a contribution to the race even if he is a long shot.

The 37-year-old Ohio native attended Harvard and earned a law degree from Yale, but don’t hold that against him. In 2014 he also founded a biotechnology firm, Roivant Sciences, and served as CEO until 2021. We’ve come to know him over the years through his contributions to these pages, which are provocative and well-wrought even if we disagree.

Mr. Ramaswamy has preternatural energy and can argue his brief with the best of them. He’ll be formidable if he can marshal the polling support to make it onto a debate stage. He was early in campaigning against the woke infection in American business with his 2021 book, “Woke, Inc.”

He’s also been a stalwart voice for free speech against the censorship of the tech giants. His enthusiasms sometimes get carried away, as with his proposal to make political beliefs a legally protected characteristic, like race or religion. If you think companies are woke now, wait until employees can’t be fired for attacking their employers.


Nikki Haley’s chances of becoming President are really very slim to zero. She knows it but wants to be the Veep. So she’s putting herself out there hoping to stay the course in the forthcoming debates.

Kamala Harris who never made it beyond December 3, 2019, was chosen because a woman was deemed critical for winning.

That may well be the case for the GOP in 2024, but there are many male contenders who are very qualified.  Stay tuned! rsk

Haley, Trump, and a GOP race like no other by Byron York


HALEY, TRUMP, AND A GOP RACE LIKE NO OTHER. Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) announced her candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination this morning. Word was she would jump in at an event in Charleston tomorrow, but Haley scooped herself with the release of a 3.5-minute video that constitutes an announcement. The event in Charleston will essentially be a live re-announcement.

Haley’s move makes the 2024 Republican presidential primary race a real multicandidate race, with Haley joining former President Donald Trump, who entered the contest last November and has had it to himself ever since. Haley will likely be followed by several other Republicans, among them, perhaps, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH), and others.

Each one of them will be something of a first, or at least the first in a long time. In this way: No one alive has ever run a primary race against an out-of-office president seeking the White House a second, nonconsecutive time.

That will present a special problem: As all candidates do, they will talk about what they will do if they become president. Trump will talk about what he did as president. Some of them worked for Trump, and all were loyal to him. That will make for some interesting exchanges. Trump is already taking all sorts of shots at Haley.

But Trump has historical problems, too. In all of U.S. history, six presidents have left office and then made an effort to win their old job back. Five of them failed. The odds are not great.

The success is President Grover Cleveland, the only president ever to serve nonconsecutive terms. Cleveland was first elected in 1884, then lost his bid for reelection in 1888, then came back after four years out of office to win the White House in 1892.