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Bill Clinton Makes the Case for Donald Trump Oops. by Jenny Beth Martin


Kamala Harris isn’t happy with Bill Clinton. The former president, a Democrat All-Star for decades, made trouble for the Harris campaign Sunday when he acknowledged an obvious truth that Harris would rather not talk about – Laken Riley would very likely be alive today if not for the lax border security policies ordered and implemented by the Biden-Harris administration.

“You got a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn’t you – they made an ad about it – a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant,” said Clinton at a Harris campaign event in Fort Valley, Georgia. “Yeah, well, if they’d all been properly vetted that probably wouldn’t have happened.”

Bill Clinton, meet Michael Kinsley, the liberal journalist who famously defined a “gaffe” as “when a politician tells the truth.”

On February 22 of this year, Riley’s body was found close to a walking trail in a wooded area near the Athens, Georgia campus of the University of Georgia. She had been a nursing student at Augusta University. Law enforcement authorities disclosed the following day that they had captured and charged an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, Jose Antonio Ibarra, with Riley’s murder.

Ibarra was only present in the United States because the Biden-Harris administration had made a deliberate decision to allow him into the country. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Ibarra had been detained by the Border Patrol on September 8, 2022, after he was caught entering the country unlawfully near El Paso, Texas.

It is unclear whether he had, after his apprehension, entered an asylum claim.

Whether he had or had not, he had entered the country unlawfully. He should have been detained and then deported. But the Biden-Harris administration – acting through Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and his subordinates, carrying out a policy the Biden-Harris administration had earlier decided – had made a choice to allow Ibarra to remain in the country. So he had been released.

60 Minutes Officially Announces: Yes We Edited the Harris Interview and We’re Proud of It By Jeffrey Blehar


I’d like to add a brief note tonight on a kerfuffle of less matter and moment than the other debates of greater importance currently raging throughout American political media. (To name but one example: How many times will Kamala Harris and her media surrogates try to sell “Donald Trump is old and tired” as a campaign talking point before giving up at the transparent futility of it all?)

Earlier this month Kamala Harris sat down for an interview with 60 Minutes, and it went just about as well her other various media encounters have: rather poorly. She served up her usual word salad, and I don’t recall there being much for me to say about it that wasn’t already covered well enough by my colleagues.

One little detail that nagged at me, however, was the way in which 60 Minutes edited their interview with Harris after first airing a preview of it on Face the Nation. When interviewer Bill Whitaker queried Harris about the Biden-Harris administration’s diplomatic relationship with Israel, Harris began with a rambling, lost prelude that amounted to her typical rhetorical churn. Then she collected herself and remembered her canned answer.

Later on, when the interview aired on 60 Minutes, that opening word jumble — which made Harris look remarkably weak — was edited away from Harris’s response. Instead of looking like a deer in the headlights unable to quickly answer, she was presented to viewers as a crisper speaker and thinker than she was.

Are Dems Out Of Options To Stop Trump?


Two impeachments, 88 felony counts (with guilty verdicts on 34 of them), a massive fine, two assassination attempts, unrelentingly hostile media coverage, a last-minute candidate switcheroo, and Donald Trump is still showing signs that he will win the election in two weeks.

So, what do Democrats still have up their sleeve to stop Trump? They must have something.

Back in May, we asked what the Democrats’ Plan B was if their lawfare campaign against Trump failed, and offered five options – four of which have come to pass. Here is what we said then.

Dump Biden … We’ve long suspected that swapping Biden out at the last minute has been the Democrats’ plan for some time, especially since mainstream reporters started parroting Democratic talking points about how Biden was 100% guaranteed to be the nominee.

Well, we were right about that one.

Reassemble the election rigging team … Evidence is currently emerging that the Biden administration has been using taxpayer money on a government-wide effort to selectively register voters most likely to vote for the Democrat – i.e., rig the election.

Big Tech is also doing its share. Podcaster Joe Rogan complained recently that “You can’t find a negative story about Kamala Harris on Google if you tried.” Meta’s chatbot refused to answer questions about the Trump assassination attempt. Amazon’s Alexa gave starkly different answers when asked the same question about Trump and Harris. The companies, of course, deny tilting their algorithms. Google blamed “bugs,” Meta denied AI chatbot bias, and Amazon blamed an “error” that was “quickly fixed.” Funny how these “errors” always go in one direction.

Cheat … Even if election fraud is widespread and obvious, the same institutions that rallied to ‘save’ the 2020 election will deny it all and accuse anyone who claims otherwise of being an insurrectionist.

Interest Payments Top Defense Spending For First Time In History — Thank You Kamala


SUNNY HOSTIN: Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?

KAMALA HARRIS: There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of — and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact.

On Friday, the Treasury Department released a report showing the kind of impact Harris is talking about. If nothing else does, it should cost her the election.

The latest monthly Treasury report shows spending and revenues for the full fiscal year 2024, which ended in September.

Among the terrible results: The federal deficit topped $1.8 trillion in 2024 — the third highest in history and eclipsed only by the two COVID-19 panic spending years.

That’s not for lack of revenues, which were up by nearly half a trillion dollars this year. Spending under Biden-Harris this fiscal year climbed more than $617 billion – a 10% increase.

But the real shocker is the explosive growth in interest payments on the national debt.

These payments hit $882 billion in FY 2024, the Treasury report says. That’s a 35% jump from last year.

And it’s $8 billion more than we spent on National Defense.

Michigan Voter Rolls Claim 8.4M Voters, When There Are Less Than 8M Eligible Residents By Eric Lendrum


The voter rolls in Michigan claim that there are 8.4 million people registered to vote in the crucial swing state, even though the state’s total population is almost half a million less than that.

According to the Daily Wire, the state of Michigan had previously been sued by the Republican National Committee (RNC) over the extremely inflated voter rolls, and other concerns regarding election integrity. But Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D-Mich.) dismissed such concerns in a statement on Wednesday, claiming with no evidence that these lawsuits “lay the groundwork to overturn the results of the election if they don’t like them.”

“The RNC and its members are concerned that Defendants’ failure to comply with the NVRA’s voter-list maintenance obligations undermines the integrity of elections by increasing the opportunity for ineligible voters or voters intent on fraud to cast ballots,” the RNC’s lawsuit states.

A spokeswoman for Benson’s office, Angela Benander, even admitted that there are at least 606,800 inactive voters currently on the rolls, but they will not be purged until 2027. Voters who become ineligible include those who have moved to another state, those who have mail returned from their address as “undeliverable,” and voters who do not vote in two or more consecutive federal elections.

In total, 78 of Michigan’s 83 counties appear to have more registered voters than residents of voting age. The largest county in the state, Wayne County – where the city of Detroit is located – has only 1.3 million residents of voting age, but 1.4 million registered voters, according to data from the U.S. Census. Another example is Genessee County, with 351,000 registered voters but less than 300,000 residents.

2024 Election Showdown: Harris’s America vs. Trump’s Comeback Were Kamala Harris elected, the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America” into a one-party socialist redoubt would be complete. By Roger Kimball


A couple of days ago, The American Mind published a scary tale in which I pondered the question: what would America be like in the (admittedly unlikely) event that Kamala Harris should win the 2024 presidential election?

The brief answer: it wouldn’t be pretty.

Although Harris has recently been pretending that she is in favor of border security (just as Donald Trump is), fracking (just as Donald Trump is), and law and order (ditto), she would quickly revert to form. The border would remain open and America’s oil, gas, and coal would remain in the ground. Who knows what would happen to Trump’s idea, also adopted by Harris, of exempting tips from federal income tax? We do know, however, that Harris would continue the Biden-Harris assault on free speech, weaponizing the DOJ against critics of her administration.

Assuming the Dems got control of the Senate, Harris would pack the Supreme Court, reinstituting the left-wing bias that had prevailed throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Donald Trump and his close supporters would finally be neutralized, bankrupted, and jailed for life. The federal debt would continue to skyrocket, as would taxes and anything like economic innovation would be stamped out by regulatory zeal masquerading as environmental sensitivity. The left-wing sacrament of unrestricted abortion would be nationalized, nominally by the readoption of Roe v. Wade but in fact by the sanctification of infanticide. The discriminatory culture of ESG and DEI would be further institutionalized, thus undermining any support for meritocracy or such traditional values as colorblind justice.

In short, though there would still be a place called the United States of America, the polity and the political values that existed under that name for nearly 250 years would have vanished, absorbed by the statist, freedom-tarnishing energies of an unaccountable administrative state. The masks would be dropped, the euphemisms retired. The basic hatred of what the United States has been would come to the fore. Harris gave us a little taste of what to expect in her remarks on Columbus Day (a holiday she wants to rebaptize as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”): “European explorers,” she said, “ushered in a wave of devastation, violence, stealing land, and widespread disease.” Were she elected, the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America” into a one-party socialist redoubt would be complete.

As I say, I regaled readers with that horror story in my essay for The American Mind. Here I would like to offer a few thoughts on the alternative story: What if Donald Trump wins the election? What then?

Trump: Netanyahu Is Winning by Doing the Opposite of What Biden, Harris Say


Former President Donald Trump told a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday that Israel was succeeding in its war because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did the opposite of what President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris had told him.

As Breitbart News has noted, Netanyahu had managed to destroy most of Hamas, kill Hezbollah’s leaders, and — in recent days — eliminate Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, largely by defying Biden and Harris.

Trump picked up on that point at a rally in Latrobe, east of Pittsburgh:

This election is a choice between whether we will have a[n] incredible four more years of failure — it’s such a horrible four years. We had a horrible think of that. Everything they touch turns to [Audience: “Shit!”]. Everything. Inflation, Afghanistan. How about Afghanistan — most embarrassing moment in the history of — everything they’ve touched. Even now. He’s telling Israel everything he said to Israel was exactly the opposite. He’s the greatest — I will say this about Biden. He’s the single greatest expert on foreign policy in history. You know what that means? If you did the exact opposite of what he suggested every single time, you’d go down as the greatest foreign policy president in history. If you did the exact opposite — everything is a failure. And he’s telling Bibi Netanyahu, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do this — all our great congressmen are there — and don’t do any of these things. And Bibi didn’t listen to him and I tell you what, they’re in a much stronger position now than they were three months ago. That’s for sure. Nobody’s ever seen anything like that like this happened. And Bibi called me today, and he said it’s incredible what’s happened. They said it’s pretty incredible, but he wouldn’t listen to Biden because if he did, they wouldn’t be in this position. And she’s worse than him. She’s not as smart as him. And I’m not saying he’s the smartest. I’m not saying he’s the smartest, but she’s not as smart as him.

The Times of Israel reported that Netanyahu and Trump spoke after an Iranian-backed assassination attempt in which a Hezbollah drone targeted Netanyahu’s home. Neither Biden and Harris called Netanyahu after the event.

Voter Fraud: The Only Issue That Matters in 2024 By Joan Swirsky


No, it’s not “the economy, stupid,” in spite of the schizophrenic stock market since our remarkably resilient capitalistic economy ran head-on into the socialist-cum-communist Biden-Harris regime, with its $1.8-trillion deficit.

And no, it’s not domestic policy, where we have had the luxury of being on the receiving end of these:

High taxes.
High food prices.
High gas prices.
Sky-high regulations.
Alarmingly high crime rates throughout the country, particularly in states run by Democrats, where arrests are few, bail is nonexistent, and raging criminals enjoy no consequences for their assaults, rapes, murders, racist attacks, etc.
Eleven million illegal and unvetted aliens are further draining our economy  thanks to the largesse of this regime, which is housing them in fancy hotels and providing food, health care, iPhones, education for their children, and even monthly stipends that are higher than what American families and veterans receive.

And no, it’s not foreign policy, in which:

We’ve spent trillions of dollars supporting thugs like Zelensky in Ukraine but couldn’t find the funds, as ace investigative journalist Kelleigh Nelson spells out, to help the ravaged victims of the government-manipulated hurricanes Helene and Milton in several southern “red” states.  Talk about an October surprise!
There are now five wars that didn’t exist four years ago — in Yemen, Darfur, Myanmar, Ukraine, and Israel — costing us more trillions of dollars and precious lives.
The Biden-Harris regime is indefensibly antagonistic to our trusted and invaluable ally, Israel, as it has waffled on its support and threatened an arms embargo for that tiny Jewish state, surrounded and at war with seven menacing enemies whose charters call for its annihilation and death to every Jew on Earth.  And yet we have a president who threatens Israel not to destroy the Iranian nukes.

The Collapse of Kamala Harris Perhaps if the Harris-Walz ticket does go down in flames, Democrats will pause and take a long, hard look in the mirror. Perhaps. But if history is any indication, they probably won’t. By Josh Hammer


On July 26, in the aftermath of the Democratic Party’s ruthless midsummer coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, this column predicted that the elevation of dimwitted cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris to the party’s presidential slot would “spectacularly backfire.” More specifically, I wrote: “Practically, the path to winning 270 Electoral College votes still runs through the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It is frankly bizarre for Democrats to swap out the man who talks ceaselessly about his hardscrabble Scranton upbringing for a Californian who boasts the most left-wing voting record of any presidential nominee in modern history.”

I’m feeling pretty good these days about that prognosis.

Harris recently campaigned in Erie, Pennsylvania—a crucial regional hub in this election cycle’s most important battleground state. Conspicuously absent from that snoozefest was incumbent Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.). Harris tried to pass off the snub as a nothingburger, suggesting that Casey was doing the more important work of knocking on doors and getting out the vote. This doesn’t pass the laugh test. Facing a spirited challenge from Republican hopeful Dave McCormick, Casey has clearly concluded that Harris’ immense Bay Area lefty baggage—her history of endorsing the Green New Deal, a national fracking ban, and crippling electric vehicle mandates—is an electoral albatross around his neck.

It’s tough to blame Casey. Other vulnerable Senate Democratic incumbents, such as Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), reached the same conclusion a while ago. Such a conclusion makes a great deal of sense: A recent Marist national general election poll, for instance, shows Trump up a whopping 10 points on Harris with registered independents. If that margin ends up being anywhere near accurate, it is extraordinarily difficult to see a scenario in which Trump loses.

The Most Unserious Presidential Candidate Of All Time? Francis Menton


The American presidency has definitely had its ups and downs over the years, but at least the occupants of the office, and the contenders who have sought it, have taken the job of being President seriously. Until now, uniformly, they have thought it important to outline some kind of a vision for the country, and to propose policies intended to achieve that vision. Even if in some instances you might disagree entirely with the candidates’ vision, at least they had it. Or, if they really didn’t have a vision, or much of one, then they pretended to.

In this sense, has there ever been a more fundamentally unserious candidate for President than Kamala Harris?

Joe Biden dropped out of the race on July 21, so it has now been nearly three months since Harris became the presumptive nominee. In that time, Harris has studiously avoided all occasions to make clear statements about vision or policy. Until this very night, she has declined all interviews with any outlet that might be even slightly challenging. Even more incredibly, she has not held a single official press conference. From Fox News yesterday:

Vice President Kamala Harris has gone 86 days as the presumptive, and now, official Democratic nominee for president without holding an official press conference.

A press conference would be a signal opportunity to get broad public exposure, particularly to people who are not already her supporters. Any serious candidate ought to be affirmatively seeking opportunities for such exposure. The failure to hold a single such event points strongly to the conclusion that she and/or her advisors believe that she is not up to the challenge.

I haven’t yet had a chance to watch tonight’s interview, so I will update this post after I have had that opportunity. However, from what I can quickly learn, she showed up late, severely limited the time available, and filibustered questions in order to run out the clock for possible follow ups. Here’s a review at the Federalist from columnist Eddie Scarry.

The last time I went looking for Harris’s official positions on any issue or policy, her campaign website was completely silent on the subject. Since then, a section has been added to the official Harris website called “Issues,” so I guess that’s progress. But review of that section reveals a combination of platitudes and evasions calculated to avoid the key questions.