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It’s been two years since 51 intelligence agents interfered with an election — they still won’t apologize By Miranda Devine ******


Exactly two years ago, on October 19, 2020, one of the dirtiest tricks in electoral history was played on the American people by 51 former intelligence officials, who used the false alarm of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president.

Using the institutional weight of their former esteemed roles, they signed a dishonest letter to mislead voters 15 days before the election, claiming that material from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The New York Post “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

In their expert opinion “the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

Russia was “trying to influence how Americans vote in this election . . . Moscow [will] pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win.

“A ‘laptop op’ fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are [sic] clearly designed to discredit Biden . . . It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.”

It was all a lie. Their letter was the culprit “interfering with democracy” in broad daylight.

Not one of the 51 had seen any material from the laptop or bothered asking for it, but their letter, instigated by, signed and delivered to Politico by Democratic operative and former John Brennan aide Nick Shapiro, killed the story stone dead. It got candidate Joe Biden off the hook for the corrupt influence peddling scheme his family had been running through the eight years of his vice presidency.

The shameful letter was used by Joe Biden three days later, on October 22, to deflect Trump’s attack in their last debate.

Images and files revealing personal information were discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan . . . Four, five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage . . . You know his character. You know my character. You know my reputation is for honor and telling the truth . . . The character of the country is on the ballot.”

Biden dismissed as a Kremlin smear all the evidence that was on his son’s laptop of dirty money from China and Russia, of all his meetings with Hunter’s overseas business partners, and all the lies he had told about his involvement in Hunter’s business deals.

Pelosi’s ‘Winning’ Message To Voters: Quit Griping About Inflation


To all those suffering from skyrocketing prices, struggling to make ends meet, going to food kitchens to feed their families, breaking the bank just to fill up their tanks, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a message for you.

Quit your griping and vote Democratic.

That is the “new and improved” messaging that Pelosi thinks will win over voters in November.

And no, we are not kidding. In an interview with Punchbowl News published on Wednesday, here’s what she said:

Inflation’s an issue, but it’s global. It’s global. … What’s [the Republicans’] plan? They ain’t got nothing. When you bring down unemployment, inflation goes up. … So, in any case, [President Joe Biden] brought unemployment [down], cut it in half. Inflation is there but it’s global and not as bad as it is in some countries. We’ll have to message it better in the next three weeks ahead. I think we’re in great shape. Other people don’t want to believe that.

Let’s break that down.

“It’s global.” Not exactly.

The U.S. inflation rate is worse than 13 of the G20 nations. Canada’s has been steadily declining since June. And several European countries are suffering higher prices thanks to their decision to impose the idiotic “clean energy” mandates Biden wants to import. Energy costs in Germany, for example, were up 44% in September.

In any case, telling people “everybody’s suffering, so don’t feel so bad,” is not what we’d call a winning message.

Who Denies Election Results? There is nothing “unprecedented” about challenging election results. And for Democrats, there’s nothing unprecedented in trying to manipulate them. By Victor Davis Hanson


A Democratic myth has arisen that Donald Trump’s denial of the accuracy of the 2020 vote was “unprecedented.”

Unfortunately, the history of U.S. elections is often a story of both legitimate and illegitimate election denialism. 

The 1800, 1824, 1876, and 1960 elections were all understandably questioned. In some of these cases, a partisan House of Representatives decided the winner.  

Presidential candidate Al Gore in 2000 did not accept the popular vote results in Florida. He spent five weeks futilely contesting the state’s tally—until recounts and the Supreme Court certified it. 

The ensuing charge that George W. Bush was “selected not elected” was the Democrats’ denialist mantra for years.

In 2004, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and 31 Democratic House members voted not to certify the Ohio election results in their unhinged efforts to overturn the election. Those denialists included the current sanctimonious chairman of the January 6 select committee, U.S. Representative Benny Thompson (D-Miss). 

After 2016, crackpot Democratic orthodoxy for years insisted that Donald Trump had “colluded” with Russia to “steal” certain victory from Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton herself claimed that Trump was not a “legitimate” president. No wonder she loudly joined #TheResistance to obstruct his presidency. 

The serial denialist Clinton later urged Joe Biden not to concede the 2020 election if he lost.  

Also after 2016, left-wing third-party candidate and denialist Jill Stein vainly sued in courts to disqualify voting machine results in preselected states. 

A denialist host of Hollywood C-list actors in 2016 cut television commercials begging members of the Electoral College to violate their oaths and instead flip the election to Hillary Clinton. 

Clinton herself had hired foreign national Christopher Steele to concoct a dossier of untruths to smear her 2016 campaign opponent, Donald Trump. 

The FBI took up Clinton’s failed efforts. It likewise paid in vain her ancillaries like Christopher Steele to “verify” the dossier’s lies. 

The bureau further misled a FISA court about the dossier’s authenticity. An FBI lawyer even altered a document, as part of a government effort to disrupt a presidential transition and presidency. 

Steven Hayward : Dems Hitting the Panic Button


Democrats are filling up their diapers over yesterday’s New York Times/Siena poll that offers a picture of all the macro-indicators lining up for a Republican tidal wave in next month’s election.

There is one curious aspect of the demographic breakdown that is prompting a question: why does the GOP seem to be doing best among “Gen-X” voters age 45-64, as seen in this chart:

I can actually think of one very simple reason this age group leans more Republican:

But let’s keep going with the NY Times/Siena poll, because the racial breakdown is really cause for Democratic panic and nightmares:

The surging Republican share of the hispanic vote has been noted for months now, but if Republicans approach 20 percent of the black vote, it’s lights out for Democrats.

Busted: China’s Attempt to Warp the 2022 Midterm Election Welcome to the new dysfunctional norm in America. by Scott S. Powell


The recent arrest of Eugene Yu, the founder and CEO of election software company, Konnech, Inc. for betraying Los Angeles, the largest metropolitan area in America, charged with transferring election poll worker information to China is just the tip of the iceberg of CCP subversion efforts to destroy the United States.  This arrest of Yu on the grounds of a security breach with China and on charges of embezzling funds—is a wakeup call for all polling place administrators in the U.S. regarding the upcoming mid-term elections. They need to unplug and shutdown Konnech, Dominion, ES&S and other electronic voting systems. All have been plagued with erratic vote count problems and are vulnerable to being hacked and manipulated.

Konnech’s “Poll Chief” software, designed to manage election-worker payroll, assignments, communications, and “innovative ways to support their voters” has been used in Wayne County, Michigan, DeKalb County, Ga., and Fairfax County, Va.—all large voting districts that have had significant voting irregularities. On November 3, 2020, Trump was leading in Virginia, until late-night ballot drops in Fairfax County delivered a whopping 73% of Biden votes—an unprecedented voting pattern.

The Konnech scandal has been initially suppressed by an assumption that it was a limited breach of personal data of election workers in one location in the U.S. But in Australia and Canada, where Konnech operates through subsidiaries, the company has been involved in electoral roll data, voter I.D. confirmation, the scrutiny of provisional and postal votes and access to defined elector records. This appears related to why both of those countries experienced election irregularities and veered to the left politically. Governing authorities that gained power in Australia and Canada during the period that Konnech was involved in managing elections ended up embracing communist-type policies, such as forcing citizens into quarantine camps and cutting off people’s access to their bank accounts.

We are reminded of the adage of the communist tyrant Stalin who said, “It doesn’t matter how many people vote, only who counts the vote.”

As Midterms Loom, Voters Prefer GOP On Border Security, Support Building A Wall: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Americans overwhelmingly believe that the U.S. has a serious problem with controlling its southern border as a record flow of illegal immigration leaves many scratching their heads over whether immigration laws are enforced at all. With midterm elections just around the corner, which party has the edge on this key issue? According to October’s I&I/TIPP Poll, the answer is Republicans.

For October’s public opinion survey, I&I/TIPP asked voters a simple question: “Which party would do a better job of securing the border?”

More Americans picked the Republican Party (43%) over the Democratic Party (34%), the online poll of 1,376 adults taken from Oct. 5-7 showed. A hefty 23%, however, claimed they were “unsure.” The poll has a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points.

But as in other recent I&I/TIPP Polls, voters showed a sharp partisan split on the issue. It is, after all, one of the hot-button issues in congressional election campaigns across the country.

Among Democrats, 74% said their own donkey party would do the best job, while just 3% of Republicans and 16% of independents agreed.

Not surprisingly, the answers flip-flopped for Republicans, who by an overwhelming 91% said their own party is the best choice for securing the border, compared to 9% of Democrats and 38% of independents.

Note that independents give Republicans the nod by more than 2-to-1.

Poll: 64 Percent of Americans Blame ‘Woke Politicians’ for Crime Spike By Nate Hochman


A new Harvard-Harris poll, published earlier this week, has a number of interesting findings about the mood of the American electorate, but one stands out as particularly striking:

The fact that a majority of Democrats aren’t just ceding that “wokeness” is a problem in the abstract, but that it’s directly responsible for one of the defining issues of the 2022 election — crime and public safety — is bad news for the Left. It’s also yet another indication that the contemporary culture war can and should be a winner for Republicans, if they’re willing to run aggressively on them; these aren’t boutique right-wing base issues. They have implications that are felt across the political spectrum.

Prosecutors: U.S. election firm gave Chinese workers ‘superadministration’ access to election data Supervisor described policy as “huge security issue.”


A U.S. election technology company currently embroiled in scandal gave Chinese subcontractors high-level security access to American election data, according to a warrant filed by prosecutors this week in Los Angeles. 

Authorities earlier this month arrested Eugene Yu, the CEO of the election software company Konnech, on charges of grand theft and embezzlement related to his work with that firm. Controversy has also swirled over Konnech’s alleged storage of poll worker data in servers located in the People’s Republic of China.

Konnech says on its website that it offers its PollChief “election logistic software” to nearly three dozen clients across the United States. The warrant for Yu’s arrest, meanwhile, made startling allegations related to the handling of sensitive data for those clients. 

The charging document, filed in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles on Thursday, claims that a project manager in August “wrote that any employee for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software had ‘superadministration’ privileges for all PollChief clients.”

The project manager reportedly described the decision as a “huge security issue;” He later stressed to workers at the company the “need to ensure the security privacy and confidentiality [of] our client data.” 

The warrant also alleges Konnech employees “sent personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers to third-party software developers who assisted with creating and fixing” the company’s PollChief software.

Konnech did not respond to a request for comment from Just the News on Saturday. Yu’s arrest warrant recommended that he be given no bail while being detained.

Yu could reportedly face up to a decade in prison if convicted on the charges. 

Why Ron DeSantis Should Run in 2024 For DeSantis, 2024 is the only time to run. By Brandon J. Weichert


Ron DeSantis is a veteran who has spent his time since leaving the military serving his home state of Florida. He is dedicated to his family and is a proven leader in his state—most recently navigating my hometown in Southwest Florida through the disastrous impact of Hurricane Ian. DeSantis has all the hallmarks of a president-in-the-making. Since 2018, DeSantis has led the state through a series of horrific crises. His powerful and disciplined leadership has ensured that the Sunshine State is one of the most prosperous and freest in the Union. 

First, there was DeSantis’ performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. When so many other states succumbed to authoritarianism, DeSantis bucked the trend (even defying then-President Donald Trump) by reopening Florida, saving the economy and, as it turned out, many lives in the process. Because of DeSantis’ visionary and decisive actions as governor during the pandemic, the Sunshine State moved away from being the butt of national jokes and was seen more and more as the promised land. Today in Florida, one sees not only old folks from northern states but young, hip people with license plates from states as far away as California and Oregon. In saving the state’s economy from the ravages of the federal government’s overly cautious pandemic response policies, DeSantis made Florida the best run state with one of the best economies in the nation. 

Second, DeSantis has waged a careful and highly effective campaign against the purveyors of indecency in corporate America. Going against what many believed was sensible advice, the Florida governor launched a cavalcade of attacks against the Disney Corporation, one of Florida’s largest employers and the owner of the Disney World theme parks in Orlando—a major economic engine for the state’s vital tourism industry. Uncowed by the threats from corporate leaders (such as insinuations that the corporations in question would fund DeSantis’ political opponents or would even pull their businesses from Florida), DeSantis understood that he had no choice and hit companies like Disney hard. He did this not because he had a jag against Mickey Mouse. Far from it. DeSantis recognized that the Left had co-opted much of corporate America—including Disney—and were using companies like Disney to push a vile agenda upon our children; attempting to reprogram and indoctrinate the kids so they’d grow up to be good little leftists. He put the country’s future, and our children, ahead of his political ambitions.

Saudi Arabia Releases Statement Confirming That Biden Pressured Kingdom to Delay Cuts in Oil Production Until After Election By Debra Heine


The Biden regime cynically pressured Saudi Arabia to delay cuts in oil production for another month until after the midterm election, the Kingdom’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed in a statement Wednesday night.

The OPEC+ alliance announced a 2 million barrels a day cut in oil production a week ago, which could drive oil and gas prices up and the Democrats’ electoral fortunes down in the crucial days before the election.

“The Government of the Kingdom clarified through its continuous consultation with the US Administration that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the OPEC+ decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences,” the statement said. The ministry went on to note that the Saudi government prefers to negotiate in a “non-politicized” environment.

“The Kingdom stresses that while it strives to preserve the strength of its relations with all friendly countries, it affirms its rejection of any dictates, actions, or efforts to distort its noble objectives to protect the global economy from oil market volatility. Resolving economic challenges requires the establishment of a non-politicized constructive dialogue, and to wisely and rationally consider what serves the interests of all countries.”