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Biden and team shrug after Stacey Abrams’ Georgia election lawsuit over ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ rejected by judge President Biden supported Stacey Abrams and derided Georgia’s election law as ‘Jim Crow on steroids.’ But it’s been crickets since the judge’s ruling: Jonathan Turley


“Jim Eagle” has landed… with a thud. President Joe Biden famously (and somewhat bizarrely) used the name “Jim Eagle” to characterize the Georgia election law. 

It was not enough to call it “Jim Crow on steroids” and “sick,” President Biden wanted the public to know that the law was flagrantly unconstitutional. Some of us disagreed, but the view that counted was that of U.S. District Judge Steve Jones, an Obama appointee who heard the challenge to the law. This week, Jones found the law to be entirely constitutional. 

After being declared the “new confederacy” and subjected to a costly boycott, Georgians could be forgiven if they view Biden’s claim as more foul and fowl.

Given the exhausting media coverage and condemnations of the law, one would expect the legion of legal experts out in force on a judge upholding the allegedly “modern Jim Crow law.”  Instead, it has been crickets . . . almost as if the earlier coverage was knowingly exaggerated for public consumption.

Georgia Democratic candidate for governor Stacey Abrams tweeted  “It’s Jim Crow in a suit + tie.” Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., called the laws “anti-American, racist, and a betrayal of our Constitution.” Democratic attorney Marc Elias (who allegedly hid the Clinton campaigns funding of the infamous Steele dossier) said in an interview that “democracy was assaulted with a pen” in the new law. Liberal publications like Vanity Fair called it “a broad, profoundly undemocratic assault on voting rights.”

Now that such claims were actually subjected to judicial review and rejected, there is little discussion of Jim Crow. The group that lost before the district court is closely associated with Abrams, who previously refused to concede the election of Gov. Brian Kemp in the last election.

The ONLY Issue in the 2022 Election is Voter Fraud By Joan Swirsky ******


Voter fraud happened in 2020 and could happen this time

A friend recently reminded me of an article I had written on October 5, 2020, just before the presidential election that found all TV networks reporting that President Donald Trump was crushing Joe Biden across the board—including in the all-important battleground states—and then that coverage mysteriously stopped cold, disappeared for over three hours, and reappeared to report that the exact opposite was true, that Joe Biden had magically become the Crusher in Chief, ultimately “winning” the 2020 election.

“Remember the title of your article?” my friend asked me. In fact, I did, since it was the only time in decades of writing that I had capitalized a word in the title. It read like this:

The ONLY Issue in the 2020 Election is Voter Fraud.

Well, it’s election time again, and sure enough the same thing is true. And after viewing Dinesh D’Souza’s jaw-dropping “2000 Mules,” which documents the massive fraud that indeed took place in 2020, and after reading dozens of reports about audits that were done in the battleground states and others which uncovered overwhelming voter fraud, including thousands of dead voters, it appears that voter fraud is once again the ONLY issue of concern. Great concern.

The reality factor

When you peel back all the layers of the onion of a human being’s psychology, our species is really not that complicated. Whether man or woman, black or white, rich or poor, from whatever background, religion, or culture, we all have similar if not identical needs.

If This Is The Dems’ ‘Winning’ Message, They Deserve To Lose … Bigly


Democrats have been trying to scare voters for months. A Republican victory, they shout, will mean the rise of semi-fascism! Women will be shackled to their birthing beds! Democracy itself is at stake!

None of it has worked. Despite endless news reports about how Democrats’ chances in the midterms were improving, the needle just isn’t moving.

So, will they try to run on their record of “accomplishment”? Brent Budowsky, a columnist for The Hill, says they should. In a piece headlined: “A closing message for Democrats to win,” he says they just need to ask voters: “Do you want to build on, or reverse, the achievements of Biden and the Democratic Congress?”

What achievements? Budowsky lists them. Democrats, he says:

lowered prescription drug costs,
created tens of millions of high-wage jobs,
made “dramatic” improvements in veterans’ health care,
“important” progress to combat gun violence, and
“historic” progress climate change,
strengthened the Violence Against Women Act,
passed the American Rescue Plan,
expanded Child Care Tax Credit,
and got a bipartisan infrastructure law passed.

Law Firm Files Third Complaint Over Duplicate Voter Registrations in Minnesota ahead of Midterms By Diana Glebova


The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed its third complaint against officials in Minnesota this week on Wednesday, alleging that 334 people in Hennepin County appear to have duplicate voter registrations for the upcoming midterm election.

Duplicate voter registrations violate the Help America Vote Act, which requires states to have a “computerized statewide voter registration list that is accurate and eliminates duplicate registrations,” the Indiana-based law firm focused on election integrity said in a statement. “This is the third of six complaints we will be filing in Minnesota counties this week,” PILF continued, adding that “Hennepin County has the most duplicate registrations of any Minnesota county.”

“Hennepin County is having a problem detecting and removing duplicate voter registrations,” PILF President J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “Every duplicate registration represents an opportunity for a person to vote twice. Not only is Hennepin County required to remove duplicate registrations by federal law, but accurate voter rolls also ensure that people can have confidence in their elections.”



Hung Cao is a retired Navy Captain who served in Special Operations for twenty-five years. He and his wife April are the parents of five beautiful children whom they homeschool. After their thirteenth move across the United States and around the world in the  service of our nation, Hung and April made their home  in Purcellville, Virginia where they have been active in their community and their church, Cornerstone Chapel for the last five years.

Hung is a refugee from Vietnam and immigrant to the United States. Hung’s family escaped in 1975 shortly before the fall of Saigon. After a brief stay in the United States, his family relocated to West Africa where he was educated in French schools before returning to Annandale, Virginia in 1982. Hung is a proud member of the inaugural graduating class at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Moved by the opportunities afforded to his family, Hung vowed to serve his newly adopted country and was accepted to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Upon graduation, he served as a Deep Sea Diver and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officer. As a Navy Diver, he salvaged several plane wreckages including the recovery of John F. Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and Lauren Bessette. Hung deployed in combat to Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia serving alongside Special Forces and SEAL Teams.

Hung’s non-combat assignments included balancing the Navy’s $140 Billion budget at the Pentagon, writing Department of Defense policy, working with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in San Diego California, establishing a Sheriff’s bomb squad in Monterey, California, and participating in humanitarian and disaster relief in Pakistan. In his private time, Hung has served multiple non-profit organizations and gone on mission trips around the world. He and his family established a 501(c)3 which builds beeping Easter Eggs for children with visual impairments.

How Do Democrats Explain Biden? It’s still awkward for candidates running in 2022. By James Freeman


Last month this column noted the significant number of Democratic candidates hoping that President Joe Biden would exercise his right to remain silent in their congressional districts. Reuters and the Washington Post found various candidates who didn’t want to campaign with the president and a striking number of Democrats have avoided even commenting on the subject.

Since then, the president’s standing in public-opinion surveys has improved somewhat but he remains unpopular. Meanwhile at least one Democratic House candidate seems to have found a clever way to deflect questions about Mr. Biden.

Will Weissert reports today for the Associated Press on Ohio Democrat Greg Landsman. Mr. Weissert writes that Mr. Landsman won’t say if the president will help or hurt his campaign and reports:

[Mr. Landsman] doesn’t think the president will visit the southwest Ohio swing district before the November midterm elections and insists that, in thousands of conversations while campaigning, Biden usually “just doesn’t come up.”

In political conversations during a campaign for federal office, the president of the United States usually goes unmentioned? This sounds like a job for those vaunted fact-checkers that new and old media companies keep telling us they employ.

Mr. Weissert reports on another Ohioan who has perhaps been hearing voter complaints about Mr. Biden a little too often:

Two hundred miles north in Toledo, Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur, the longest-serving woman in House history, has been more direct, producing an ad saying she “doesn’t work for Joe Biden” mere weeks after greeting the president at the Cleveland airport in July.

GOP Holds Largest Lead on Major Issues in More than 30 Years as Midterm Looms Large for Nation in Crisis By Jim Hoft


The Republican Party holds its largest lead in decades on major issues as the midterm election looms large for America.

The new, typically biased ABC News poll, finds Joe Biden with a generous 39 percent approval rating.

The poll also puts Republicans up by 3% overall in the poll.

Despite their bias the Democrats won’t be able to stop what’s coming – If cheating is kept at a minimum.

FOX News reported:

Crime has surpassed abortion among concerns for Americans, who also said they trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle it, giving them the highest lead on the issue in more than 30 years, according to a recent ABC/WaPo poll released Sunday.

According to the survey produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates in New York City, the economy (89%), education (77%) and inflation (76%) topped out the issues voters consider “highly important” as midterms loom, but those issues were followed closely by crime at 69%, which beat out abortion at 62%.

Immigration and climate change brought up the rear at 61% and 50%, respectively.

Asked which political party they trust to do a better job handling key issues, respondents answered 52% in favor of the Republican Party when it comes to crime, compared to 38% for Democrats.

An open letter to Ron DeSantis Why I, a lifelong Democrat, would vote for the Florida governor in a heartbeat.Lionel Shriver


Dear Ron (if I may),

The commentator David Brooks asserts that once the FBI raided Donald Trump’s pleasure palace in August, and rallied the faithful to his persecuted side, your fledgling campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 was basically over. Formerly America’s Most Loveable Conservative and now a Biden Democrat in sheep’s clothing, Brooks may or may not enjoy the insider access to your people that he claims, so I’m going straight to the source. Please assure me that you’re not hanging up your hat, but reserving it to toss in the ring.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a disaffected registered Democrat. I voted for Joe Biden on the assumption that he was a boring, moderate placeholder who could steady the national ship after the nauseous high seas of the Trump presidency. Two years on, I’m still sick to my stomach. Biden is captive to a radical left that has made the party I joined at 18 unrecognisable. It is now intolerant, racially obsessed, fiscally incontinent, eager to encourage dependency on the state and politically high-handed. But I cannot stick putting 2016’s crude, anti-democratic boor back in the White House. So the prospect of facing down a none-of-the-above contest in 2024 – a Trump vs Biden redo, much less Trump vs that idiot Kamala Harris – makes me suicidal. I’ve never voted Republican in my life. But if you were to secure the nomination (admittedly dependent on whom you ran against), I could be tempted to defect for the first time in nearly 50 years.

They say you’re insufficiently ‘charismatic’. But have you seen the Democratic competition? C’mon man, what passes for eloquence from our current occupant of the White House-cum-care home is making the same lame statement, word for word, three times in a row (for instance, on Putin’s threatened use of nuclear weapons: ‘Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.’). Could this guy conceivably pass for charismatic? Is Kamala charismatic? Apoplectic loathing for the vice-president is about the only thing that unites the whole country right now. Is meek softy Mayor Pete charismatic? Or Gavin Newsom, the slick, vain huckster who has turned the Golden State into the world’s largest open-air pit latrine? Granted, the 2016 primary candidate, Amy Klobuchar, while hardly magnetic, is at least likeable. Yet she rarely appears in journalists’ speculative lists of credible alternatives to Biden. Moreover, I reject the characterisation of Trump as charismatic. People flock to him because he’s an arrogant bully, not because he’s so charming. Sure, Ron, you’re a bit stodgy, and not the most rousing speaker in the world, but in comparison with the rest of this lot, you’re Abraham Lincoln. Jesus, while we wish her the best, the UK’s new PM won the Tory leadership contest with the charisma of a cardboard box.

‘Triple threat’: Three conservative Texas Latinas aim to convert border Democrats by Anna Giaritelli


Republicans are betting on three Trump-aligned Hispanic women to reel in and convert Hispanic voters on the Texas border who have long voted straight ticket and not elected a conservative to Congress in more than a century.

When support for former President Donald Trump jumped between 2016 and 2020 among Hispanic voters in the three congressional districts that encompass hundreds of miles of South Texas, the Republican Party set out to lock down the predominantly Hispanic regions.

The Republican Party believes its ticket to success on election night is through Monica De La Cruz, Rep. Mayra Flores, and Cassy Garcia. The three are outspoken and unashamed of being anti-abortion, pro-border security, and patriotic. They have branded themselves the “Triple Threat” — the GOP equivalent to the progressive “Squad” that was elected to the House of Representatives in 2018.

“It’s the perfect storm, but the right storm,” said Garcia, the GOP nominee for the 28th Congressional District, where incumbent Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) is seeking a 10th term. “It’s exciting to see so many Hispanics embracing the Republican Party, and this is an extremely positive development that’s good for our community and our party. Hispanics are commonsense voters. We believe in the American dream and hard work, personal responsibility, and the importance of faith.”

The women in Texas’s 15th, 28th, and 34th districts are trying to appeal to Hispanics with policies and views straight out of the Trump playbook, focusing on President Joe Biden’s inflation woes and the unaddressed influx of 3.6 million illegal immigrants since he took office.

Insidious voter fraud By Steve Feinstein


There are two kinds of voter fraud. One is obvious voter fraud. That’s the kind we know about and hear about every day:

Voting machines programmed to ‘flip’ votes from one candidate to the other.
Pre-printed bogus ballots stuffed into voting machines to inflate the count.
Voter participation that exceeds 100% of the number of registered voters in that precinct.
Observers/poll watchers of one party being ushered out of the tabulation area so that the other side is free to manipulate the totals.
“Mules” being hired to stuff ballot pickup boxes with additional fraudulent ballots.
Mysterious boxes of additional ballots — all for one candidate — suddenly materializing in the wee hours of the morning being added to the vote count.
Legitimate absentee ballots not being counted because they’d likely be for the “wrong” candidate.
State voting laws and procedures being illegally changed to favor one party over the other.
Mail-in voting procedures — such as signature matching and verification — being intentionally disregarded as long as the vote is for the “correct” candidate.