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Trump Stays in the Picture  There is a certain anxiety evident in current anti-Trump imprecations, made more understandable when one looks at the polls. By Roger Kimball


For some time now, Michael Anton has been saying that the Establishment—Democrats tout court, of course, but also large swaths of the testosterone-challenged GOP—are dead set against allowing Donald Trump to run for president again. It’s been obvious from its beginnings that the January 6 committee—an illegally constituted kangaroo court—was interested in one thing and one thing only: eliminating Trump and his followers from the metabolism of American political life. The fact that its public face is Liz Cheney, a soon-to-be cashiered anti-Trump RINO, underscores Anton’s point, or part of it. 

It’s not just the Democrats who cannot countenance Trump. It is the entire certified political class, what Anton calls the bureaucratic “uniparty” that runs the government and maintains the Overton Window that determines what is and what is not acceptable in the political life of the country. Donald Trump is not in the picture frame. 

Another data point: just Friday, the New York Times gleefully reported that Fox News—Fox!—had also cut the former president loose. Apparently, he hasn’t appeared on the network since April. The Times noted that other mouthpieces of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire—the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, for example—had published opinion pieces harshly critical of Trump and pointedly announcing that he was unfit to run for president. 

There is a certain anxiety evident in all these anti-Trump imprecations, a fact that that is made more understandable when one looks at the polls. The unhappy fact—unhappy, anyway, if you are dead set against Donald Trump being president—is that Trump is by far the most vital Republican candidate. The Republican consensus is repeating the mantra “DeSantis, DeSantis, DeSantis.” Nothing wrong with that: Ron DeSantis is a good guy, Trump without the mean tweets and other baggage that CNN dislikes. Were he the GOP candidate, I would support him avidly. 

But will he be? As Newsmax reports, Trump is “crushing all potential opponents in a Republican primary,” including DeSantis. A recent Harvard-Harris poll has Trump hoovering up 56 percent of the vote in a field of seven GOP rivals. DeSantis clocks in with 16 percent. The last time I checked, 56 was a considerably bigger number than 16.

‘Former Deputy Sheriff’ in Stacey Abrams Ad Never Served in Law Enforcement in Georgia By Chris Queen


A recent ad from a pro-Stacey Abrams PAC features a “former deputy sheriff” talking about how “dangerous” Georgia’s new constitutional carry law is.

I’ve heard the spot on the radio — a lot — but I hadn’t seen video of the ad, which is entitled “Dangerous” featured a “former deputy sheriff” identified only as “Dennis” wearing a navy blue jacket and driving around in a car. The vehicle and the outerwear are supposed to make you think he’s actually in law enforcement if you’re not looking closely enough.

“Dennis” intones the following somber words:

As a former deputy sheriff, I’ve seen all kinds of gun crimes. And I can tell you, Brian Kemp’s new law is dangerous. It makes it easier for criminals to carry loaded guns in public. At the movies. In church. No permit. No background check. And Mr. Kemp, I call that criminal carry. Brian Kemp may talk tough, but he makes us less safe. Because the last place we want more criminals with guns is here [pointing at the school he is standing in front of].

And of course, the only way to avoid this future in which everybody is just shooting up every building in Georgia is to elect Stacey Abrams.

Pete Buttigieg Comes Out on Top in a New Hampshire Poll of 2024 Democrat Primary Voters By Stacey Lennox


According to a poll of likely Democratic Primary voters in New Hampshire, President Joe Biden is not the leading candidate for 2024. The state holds the first primary in the nation, and several possible candidates have been swinging through from both parties. Trump-hating Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited the state in the fall of 2021. More recently, Illinois’s extra-large governor, J.D. Pritzker, made an appearance. However, when the University of New Hampshire polled likely 2024 Democratic Primary voters, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg came out on top.

​​Democrats Aid Peter Meijer’s ‘Stop the Steal’ Opponent By Charles Hilu


Democrats are running ads for a Trump-endorsed candidate in Michigan’s third congressional district, continuing their effort to aid those who claim the 2020 election was stolen.

John Gibbs, who is running to unseat Peter Meijer, one of ten Republican Congress members who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, gained support Tuesday from an unlikely source, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

“John Gibbs is too conservative for west Michigan,” the voiceover in the ad says. It warns that Gibbs will support policies similar to those of Trump, including being “hard-line against immigrants at the border” and “supporting ‘patriotic education.’”

Although the ad is critical of Gibbs, it could serve to help him gain favor with the Republican base that will choose between him and Meijer in the state’s August 2 primary. Conservative voters will be more likely to gravitate toward the candidate that leftists see as “too conservative.”

The ad is part of a larger campaign by Democrats to help “stop the steal” Republicans, whom they believe to be easier to beat in the general election. If their favored Trump-like candidate does not win in the primary, they can still force the mainstream candidate to spend more money, weakening him in the general.

Liz Peek: Why Florida’s DeSantis could be the cure for an ailing America


Vengeful Democrats investigating the January 6 riots may help elect Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis president in 2024. Good for them; the nation is grateful.

In spending weeks and months conducting their one-sided hearings into the riots at the Capitol, Democrats have undermined the standing of former President Donald J. Trump. There is no question that the made-for-TV show trial has taken a toll; polling confirms that Americans, including many Republicans, are disgusted by Trump’s behavior during those consequential hours.

Trump increasingly has baggage, the kind of baggage that caused Hillary Clinton to lose in 2016. When you run for president, it is not helpful if a majority of the country considers you dishonest and untrustworthy. That’s where Clinton was in the summer of 2016; that’s where Trump is now.

Democrats are congratulating themselves on this achievement. A recent Bloomberg piece was titled: “Good news for Democrats: Even Republicans are Tiring of Trump.” The story says the hearings have turned off a lot of “soft Trump” voters and Independents who are ready to “move on.”

But in possibly sidelining Trump, Democrats have unquestionably furthered the fortunes of DeSantis who, on many matrices, could be a much tougher opponent that Trump. They may in fact have cost themselves the White House in 2024.

The Stolen Republic: Kevin McCullough


Why would the seated administration sue a state over a constitutionally verifiable action it takes—especially when 80% or more of its own supporters are in favor of that action? Specifically why would *President Joe Biden choose to sue the state of Arizona over a state statute, handling the state’s business?

You may say, “it’s none of the Federal Government’s business what that state decides internally within its borders.” And you would be right.

The Biden DOJ did that just a bit more than a week ago.

The state of Arizona, in conjunction with the will of its people, passed a law that requires proof of citizenship in order to be able to cast a ballot.

Many states already have such a rule. So why Arizona?

It’s not rocket science.

Arizona sits on the southern border. Millions of non-citizens have entered in recent months. And if each of them could score a ballot, then less-than-honest people can harvest them and use them to stuff drop boxes as was done in 2020.

Less than honest people like Guillermina Fuentes. The former mayor of San Luis was just convicted in June of slinging a web of ballot harvesting in the border town.

At Least 21 Confirmed Illegalities Prove Election Fraud in 2020 By Eric Lendrum


Despite the Democrats, the mainstream media, and Big Tech rushing to declare that any claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election constitute a “big lie,” there are now nearly two dozen confirmed cases of illegalities and irregularities in how the election was carried out in multiple states across the country.

Just The News has compiled a comprehensive list of 21 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, with many of them coming from the handful of key swing states that ultimately determined the outcome of the race.

Wisconsin in particular has seen numerous developments in recent days, with the state Supreme Court ultimately ruling that ballot drop boxes are illegal, forbidding their use in future elections, after they were implemented unilaterally by the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) in 2020. Another investigation carried out by a former state Supreme Court justice, on the orders of the state legislature, determined that millions of dollars donated to heavily Democratic areas by billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, ostensibly for the purpose of improving election procedures and voting technology, ultimately violated the state’s anti-bribery laws.

Also in Wisconsin, mass ballot-harvesting – the illegal practice of third parties collecting, delivering, and sometimes even filling out ballots for someone else – was carried out through nursing homes, which also led to suspiciously high turnout rates and many ineligible nursing home residents casting ballots. In addition, many noncitizens were found on state voter rolls, in violation of state and federal law.

Similar practices have been uncovered in Georgia, another key state that decided control of the U.S. Senate with its two concurrent elections. In addition to a criminal investigation that is currently being carried out by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger looking into the possibility of ballot-harvesting, election watchdog group True the Vote has said that it has assembled cell phone location data on as many as 240 ballot-harvesting activists. Another audit carried out by Raffensperger’s office determined that over 2,000 foreigners tried to register in the state, although none succeeded. Raffensperger has also ordered an investigation into the handling of ballot drop boxes in the heavily Democratic DeKalb County, following reports of chain of custody issues there.

Report: Just 14 Percent of Stacey Abrams’s Fundraising Haul Came From Georgia Residents Donors in California, New York, and Washington, D.C.Andrew Stiles


Stacey Abrams has raised almost $50 million for her gubernatorial campaign in Georgia. Just $7 million (14 percent) of that fundraising haul came from residents of that state, however, according to an analysis by Washington Free Beacon alum Lachlan Markay.

Nearly half the money raised by Abrams’s campaign and leadership committee ($22.7 million) came from donors in three deep-blue states and one liberal territory that wants to be a state but never will: California ($10.2 million), Washington, D.C. ($6.4 million), New York ($3.6 million), and Delaware ($2.5 million). The result is not entirely surprising given that Abrams recently described Georgia as “the worst state in the country to live.”

Those astonishing figures stand in stark contrast to the fundraising numbers posted by Abrams’s opponent, Gov. Brian Kemp (R., Ga.), who has raised most of his campaign funds from in-state donors. More than 83 percent of the $31.5 million raised by Kemp’s campaign and leadership committee came from Georgia residents, the analysis found.


Ron DeSantis


“We have taken action to protect the integrity of our elections by making ballot harvesting a felony, strengthening voter ID, eliminating drop boxes, and banning Zuckerbucks.”


Keep Schools Open and Reject Lockdowns
Educate, Don’t Indoctrinate
Ensure Parental Rights in Education and Keep Woke Gender Ideology Out of Schools
Support Robust Civics Education
Expand Workforce Development and Technical Education
Reject the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the Curriculum
Increase Teacher Pay
Continue Support for School Security and Mental Health Initiatives
Protect the Right of Parents to Petition School Boards and Districts for Redress of Grievances
Guarantee the Right of Parents to Curriculum Transparency

Hochul’s Messianic Delusions Obey her orders on guns and vaccinations — or you’re a sinner. Matthew Vadum


New York’s bizarro governor, radical Democrat Kathy Hochul, whose party just rammed totalitarian anti-gun laws through the state legislature in Albany, seems to thinks she’s Jesus Christ.

Is this characterization of Hochul hyperbole? Decide for yourself.

In a wildly under-reported public sermon last year, Hochul zealously denounced the unvaccinated, accusing them of defying God’s will. The unvaccinated people she vilified are her own constituents. They have good reasons, religious or medical or otherwise, for avoiding the various vaccines, all of which have been shown to have serious side effects. The fact they reject the vaccines should not be her concern, but that would not be in keeping with leftist public health dogma, so their heresy must be punished.

America is supposed to be about freedom of choice, but that’s not the way fanatics like Hochul see things. This left-wing theocrat says she is entitled to be followed by “apostles” to spread the false gospel of public health charlatans, monomaniacal epidemiologists, corrupt statistical modelers, and their self-righteous enablers in the government and the media.

“We are not through this pandemic. I wished we were,” Hochul said September 26, 2021, at the Christian Cultural Center in New York City.

The Unvaccinated As Sinners

“But I prayed a lot to God during this time. And you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers, he made them come up with a vaccine that is from God to us. And we must say thank you, God, thank you. And I wear my vaccinated necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated,” she said.