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Republican Kendall Qualls launches campaign for Minnesota governor


There’s a new candidate for Minnesota governor on the Republican side.

Kendall Qualls entered the race Sunday, after touring the state for months as head of a nonprofit called TakeCharge Minnesota. Qualls is an Army veteran and business executive who ran unsuccessfully as the Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 3rd district in 2020.

“I’m running for governor of Minnesota because we are at a crossroads in our country. For over a decade the radical left has morphed the culture of the country where it is not recognizable,” said Qualls in a statement. “We are not going to be the generation that lost the America that we have known and loved.”

Calling the state “ground zero for riots, looting and the defund the police movement,” Qualls said he will “end the anti-American agenda pushed by Governor Walz, Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison.”

Qualls’ campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.

He made the announcement on Fox and Friends, and joined a Republican field of about a half dozen candidates hoping to unseat DFL Gov. Tim Walz, who is running for reelection this year. The GOP field also includes state Sen. Michelle Benson; state Sen. Paul Gazelka; former state Sen. Scott Jensen; Lexington, Minn., Mayor Mike Murphy; and physician Neil Shah.

Exclusive: Systemic Voting Issues In Pennsylvania County Even More Extensive Than Previously Known By: Margot Cleveland


The newest recordings provide some of the frankest discussion on how bad the behind-the-scenes situation was in Pennsylvania’s 2020 election.

The video (and audio) hits just keep on coming from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where a whistleblower secretly taped the aftermath of the chaos from the 2020 presidential election. Two recent recordings exclusively obtained by The Federalist from a source with knowledge of the recordings provide further evidence that systemic problems plague the large Pennsylvania county.

The newest recordings provide some of the frankest discussion on how bad the behind-the-scenes situation was, with one election worker describing a part of the post-election situation as “abominable” and the attempt to do the impossible—reconcile some precincts’ voter sheets—as “a nightmare.”

The whistleblower, Regina Miller, began recording conversations involving Delaware County officials after she became concerned with what she saw as a contract worker assisting election employees. A source familiar with the videos explained that Miller made the recordings as election workers scrambled to find—and in some cases create—documentation in response to a “Right to Know” request that sought copies of the paperwork that would confirm the accuracy of the vote tallies certified for the 2020 election.

Electronic Voting Machine Problems Media Report Major Problems With Electronic Voting

Below are quotes from revealing major media articles and links to an excellent documentary exposing serious problems with electronic voting machines. These weaknesses allow any foreign power like Russia and even powerful domestic groups to easily manipulate vote tallies.
Though some of these articles are several years old, many electronic voting machines being used now are 10 years old or more. Below these quotes, excerpts from an excellent article describe vital problems that have existed within the elections system for many decades.
Though one party may benefit more than others, this is not a partisan issue. We invite all who care about democracy to work towards fair elections which truly reflect the will of the people. For how you can make a difference, see the “What you can do” section at the end.
Major Media Articles Reveal Major Electronic Voting Machine Problems

MSNBC – A 2011 article titled “It only takes $26 to hack a voting machine” states, “Researchers from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have developed a hack that, for about $26 and an 8th-grade science education, can remotely manipulate the electronic voting machines used by millions of voters all across the U.S. The electronic hacking tool consists of a $1.29 microprocessor and a circuit board that costs about $8. Together with the $15 remote control, which enabled the researchers to modify votes from up to a half-mile away, the whole hack runs about $26.”
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44706301/ns/technology_and_science-security – 9/28/2011
Christian Science Monitor – A 2015 article states, “Computer security experts have warned for years that some voting machines are vulnerable to attack. In Virginia, the state Board of Elections decided to impose an immediate ban on touchscreen voting machines used in 20 percent of the state’s precincts. When state auditors investigated [they found that] while using their smartphones, they were able to connect to the voting machines’ wireless network, which is used to tally votes. Other state investigators easily guessed the system’s passwords — in one case, it was ‘abcde’ — and were then able to change the vote counts remotely without detection.”
http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/04/16/399986331… – 4/16/2015

Washington Post – An article titled “A Single Person Could Swing an Election” describes the test of a team of cybersecurity experts. The article states, “The experts … concluded in a report issued yesterday that it would take only one person, with a sophisticated technical knowledge and timely access to the software that runs the voting machines, to change the outcome.”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/27/AR200606… – 6/28/2006

Senate Candidate and Former New England Patriots Player Jake Bequette Slams Biden on the Border By Cameron Arcand


Jake Bequette is used to tackling people on the football field, but now he wants to tackle issues in Washington D.C. The former New England Patriots tight end and Iraq War veteran is now running for Senate in Arkansas, with hopes of beating incumbent Republican John Boozman in the primary election. Bequette talked with Cameron Arcand about the southern border, foreign policy, and his time in professional football.

What Does the Corporate Media Mean When They Say ‘There’s No Evidence of Voter Fraud?’ When one candidate “wins” three swing states by fewer than 50,000 votes, with serious problems verifying hundreds of thousands of those votes, that is not evidence of a free and fair election.  By David Keltz


Anyone with half an ounce of integrity knows the manner in which the 2020 election was conducted was neither free nor fair. Never before in our nation’s history did we have a presidential election with so many safety measures that were deliberately ignored or willfully removed. And never have we had an election with so much early voting, and mail-in voting.

All of this was made possible by drastic and unconstitutional rule changes implemented illegally by Democratic secretaries of state at the 11th hour, including the expanded use of mail-in ballots, unsupervised drop boxes, and ballot harvesting.

Yet the propagandists in the corporate media have remained silent about all of it, and have shown zero interest in exploring what may actually have occurred. Donald Trump is out of office. That’s all they care about.

As soon as Joe Biden was declared the winner by the Associated Press, CNN, and other news outlets, we were all told to shut up and accept the results. And even worse, to this day, anyone who questions the legitimacy of the election is considered a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist who wants to overthrow “Our Democracy™.”

But as we continue to learn more about what actually happened, it is becoming evident that the corrupt establishment media is more desperate to ensure that the truth is not revealed under any circumstances.

Here are some facts.

Stacey Abrams and Voter Suppression By Jim Daws


The Democrat’s latest tactic is to accuse Republicans who dare secure the ballot box against illegal votes of engaging in voter suppression.

Most conservatives are well aware of the Democrat’s Alinsky tactic of accusing Republicans of whatever criminal, immoral, or unethical activities they themselves are engaged in. When Joe Biden was caught pressuring Ukraine to fire the state prosecutor who threatened to expose the Biden family protection racket, they impeached Trump for asking about it, accusing Trump of blackmail. After declaring for four years that Trump was an “illegitimate president” due to Russia collusion lies that she herself concocted, Hillary Clinton exhorted Joe Biden not to concede the 2020 election “under any circumstances.” Then when Trump challenged the manifestly rigged results in four battleground states, the Democrats accused Trump of undermining democracy. To this day, the Democrats’ January 6th Committee is busy trampling the civil rights of citizens who protested the election results after the Democrats themselves encouraged, justified, and funded many months of riots, arson, looting, and murder under the guise of legitimate protest. The instances of hypocritical Democrats using this cynical tactic have become all too obvious. 

But there’s a variation of Alinsky’s projection ploy that’s even more insidious: accuse Republicans who dare secure the ballot box against illegal votes of engaging in voter suppression. The Democrat’s field general this tactic is their former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Abrams lost a close 2018 election to Brian Kemp and promptly accused Kemp of suppressing the black vote despite the fact that blacks voted in significantly higher percentages than whites. She continues, without evidence, to insist that that election was stolen from her and the same Democrats who are now accusing Trump of threatening our democracy still claim she is the rightful governor of Georgia. 

Abrams, who was neck-deep in tax and credit card debt, has turned her voter suppression scam into a lucrative position as head of a non-profit, the ironically named Fair Fight Action, that raked in tens of millions from leftist billionaires and major corporations terrified of crossing the woke mob. In addition to her salary — her mountain of debt has been vaporized — critics accuse Abrams of using her coerced windfall to promote her own political profile and another run for governor.

Louisiana’s Secretary of State Faces Lawsuit Over Election Integrity By Chris Queen


The integrity of our elections has become a front-and-center issue in the past few years. Between the legitimate concerns that the 2020 presidential election instilled in many people and the wild conspiracy theories that have cropped up on both sides of the political aisle, voters have become increasingly concerned about whether their votes even count.

In response to the craziness of 2020, several states, Georgia and Texas among them, have enacted laws that, in the words of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, make it “easy to vote but hard to cheat.” Because these laws originated in states with Republican governors, the left decided to gin up fake outrage over “voter suppression” and even attempted a federal takeover of elections that would entrench Democrats in power for years.

With midterm elections coming up this year that could tip the balance of power in Congress, all eyes are on how various states are handling their voter rolls. Over half the states rely on the Electronic Registration and Information Center — ERIC for short.

Back in December, J. Christian Adams, PJ Media columnist and president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), introduced us to ERIC. The way ERIC works is that the states that pay into the ERIC program send in their voter rolls, and ERIC analyzes them for voters who are dead or registered in multiple states. The idea, of course, is that the states then clean up voter rolls based on this analysis.

The GOP is gaining among Texas Hispanics. Women are leading the charge. In places where Donald Trump made some of his biggest inroads with Hispanic voters, women are playing a key role in the Republican Party’s growth.By Sabrina Rodriguez


Democrats were caught off guard by Donald Trump’s numbers in South Texas in 2020. The Hispanic Republican women who live there were not.

Many of them have played a leading role in urging their neighbors in majority-Hispanic South Texas to question their traditional loyalty to the Democratic Party.

Hispanic women now serve as party chairs in the state’s four southernmost border counties, spanning a distance from Brownsville almost to Laredo — places where Trump made some of his biggest inroads with Latino voters.

A half-dozen of them are running for Congress across the state’s four House districts that border Mexico, including Monica De La Cruz, the GOP front-runner in one of Texas’ most competitive seats in the Rio Grande Valley.

It’s some of the clearest evidence that Trump’s 2020 performance there may not have been an anomaly, but rather a sign of significant Republican inroads among Texas Hispanics — perhaps not enough to threaten the Democratic advantage among those voters, but enough to send ripples of fear through a party that is experiencing erosion among Hispanics across the country.

“For so long, people here just never had Republicans knocking on their doors and calling them the way we did in 2020. The majority of us are women that did it then and are doing it now because we feel it’s our responsibility to keep the American Dream alive,” said Mayra Flores, a leading candidate for the GOP nomination in a South Texas-

Exclusive: Whistleblower Videos Show Systemic Issues With Pennsylvania Elections By: Margot Cleveland


It would be far better for the nation if the military didn’t discharge the unvaccinated…and the people did discharge the Biden administration.

The U.S. Army is going to immediately start discharging the unvaccinated. And this after attempting to purge itself of patriots, devout Christians, and Trump supporters. At this rate, the “force” may literally soon mirror its recruiting slogan of 2001-2006, which touted an “Army Of One.” This seems particularly bizarre timing, given the fact that Uncle Sam believes Russia is going to invade Ukraine soon, and China is now openly threatening Taiwan.

The Biden administration has also pressured hospitals and businesses to get rid of their unvaccinated employees, putting more burden on already over-stressed doctors and nurses and worsening the ubiquitous labor shortages and supply chain disruptions.

The Russian hackers who interfered in 2016 were spotted targeting the 2020 US election Russia, China, and Iran have been caught conducting cyber espionage related to the US presidential race.By Patrick Howell O’Neill


Thousands of companies and governments are racing to discover whether they have been hit by the Russian hackers who reportedly infiltrated several US government agencies. The initial breach, reported on December 13, included the Treasury as well as the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security.  But the stealthy techniques the hackers used mean it could take months to identify all their victims and remove whatever spyware they installed.

To carry out the breach, the hackers first broke into the systems of SolarWinds, an American software company. There, they inserted a back door into Orion, one of the company’s products, which organizations use to see and manage vast internal networks of computers. For several weeks beginning in March, any client that updated to the latest version of Orion—digitally signed by SolarWinds, and therefore seemingly legitimate—unwittingly downloaded the compromised software, giving the hackers a way into their systems. 

SolarWinds has around 300,000 customers around the world, including most of the Fortune 500 and many governments. In a new filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the firm said “fewer than” 18,000 organizations ever downloaded the compromised update. (SolarWinds said it’s not clear yet how many of those systems were actually hacked.) Standard cybersecurity practice is to keep your software up to date—so most SolarWinds customers, ironically, were protected because they had failed to heed that advice.

The hackers were “extremely clever and strategic,” says Greg Touhill, a former federal chief information security officer. Even once they had gained access through the back door in Orion, known as Sunburst, they moved slowly and deliberately. Instead of infiltrating many systems at once, which could easily have raised suspicions, they focused on a small set of selected targets, according to a report from the security firm FireEye. 

Sunburst stayed quiet for up to two full weeks before it woke up and began communicating with the hackers, according to the report. The malware disguises its network traffic as the “Orion Improvement Program” and stores data inside legitimate files in order to better blend in. It also searches for security and antivirus tools on the infected machine in order to avoid them.