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10 Democrats who could run in 2024 if Biden doesn’t By Julia Manchester


The 2022 midterm elections are less than a year away, but questions are already being raised about what the Democratic ticket will look like in 2024.

The White House has repeatedly said that President Biden intends to run again in 2024, but political watchers point to the fact that Biden would be 82 years old at the start of a second term. He was already the oldest individual to be inaugurated when he was sworn in in January.

On top of that, Biden is facing a stalled agenda on Capitol Hill, declining approval ratings and a continuing pandemic.

Here are 10 Democrats who could run if Biden doesn’t in 2024.

Kamala Harris

Vice President Harris would seem like the most likely pick to run in Biden’s place if he does not run. Many viewed Biden’s pick of Harris as his vice presidential pick as a signal that Harris was being prepped to succeed Biden down the line as a presidential candidate and leader of the Democratic Party.

A hypothetical poll of a future Democratic primary without Biden conducted by Morning Consult showed Harris leading the field with 31 percent support among the party’s potential primary voters. Still, Harris has had to contend with negative coverage throughout the course of her first year as vice president. Recently, a number of Harris staffers have departed her office, although some had previous plans to leave by the end of 2021.

Despite the 2024 chatter, Harris said in an interview last week that she and Biden have not discussed whether he will run again in 2024.

“We do not talk about nor have we talked about reelection, because we haven’t completed our first year and we’re in the middle of a pandemic,” Harris told The Wall Street Journal.

Merry Christmas, America — the veterans are coming By Ed Timperlake


America is soon facing a great Christmas present. A record number of veterans, from all services are trying to enter our real revolutionary political process the 2022 mid-term elections.

Recently, three US Army pensioners took to a fainting couch while even perhaps symbolically clutching their pearls to issue a dire warning about the 2024 election:

“In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.”

The insightful Victor David Hanson nailed such a thumb sucking article;

The column seemed strangely timed to coincide with a storm of recent Democratic talking points that a re-elected Trump, or even a Republican sweep of the 2022 midterms, would spell a virtual end of democracy.

In fact, one quip about such Democrat coup porn is it gives porn a bad name. The other more salient point was a statement made by my often co-author Robbin Laird when he correctly pointed out then when writing about any future events a bit of humility is called for, “Not a single person in America in 2019 could have predicted the events of 2020”

Panic! At the DCCC: The Democrats’ House Campaign Arm Is Descending Into Mayhem Matt Vespa


Two dozen House Democrats have decided to file their retirement papers. They’re not going to go through being bloodied and beaten in what could be an absolute bruiser for the Democratic Party as the 2022 midterms begin. For starters, they got a taste of how far they’ve fallen with voters in the 2021 elections. Virginia booted all the Democrats that occupied statewide offices. The GOP retook the governor’s mansion and the House of Delegates. In New Jersey, Republican Jack Ciattarelli came within inches of clipping incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy. State Sen. Stephen Sweeney, a top Democrat in southern New Jersey, was defeated for re-election. That’s something I thought I’d never see. You can’t do much without Sweeney’s blessing as he was the president of the NJ State Senate.

Now, with Build Back Better in the toilet and being flushed down the drain, moderate House Democrats are saddled with defending a vote for this massive left-wing spending package. They threw their lot in with Pelosi and got screwed—royally. To make matters worse, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) appears to be totally out of touch and adrift on what to do. With Biden’s sinking approval ratings, there are no life jackets unless the DCCC can conjure some messaging magic. It hasn’t.

New York City Undermines the Vote By Janet Levy


Elections in the U.S. are plagued by problems of integrity.  At the very basic level, the country has failed to maintain accurate and current voter rolls.  With those on the Left opposed to voter IDs, there’s no way of verifying genuine eligibility.  Big Tech sways contests with enhanced social media coverage or censorship, and, more recently, there has been reason to suspect foreign interference.  Then there are structural defects which allow manipulation — the vulnerability of mail-in ballots to vote harvesting, the extension of voting periods weeks before and following official election dates, and the questionable last-minute changes of election law.  The list could go on and on.

But now a new threat, perhaps more foreboding than the ones listed, looms over American elections – a new bill that gives non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections in New York City.  The bill has been passed into law, making NYC the 15th among towns and cities with local laws permitting non-citizen voting.  Non-citizen suffrage is permitted in 11 municipalities in Maryland and two in Vermont, while San Francisco permits non-citizens to vote in school board elections.

Non-citizens often vote by subterfuge, under the cover of provisions that make it illegal to require an ID for voting.  If the New York law allowing aliens to vote goes unchallenged, non-citizens can shed even that fig leaf of deceit.  Those who merely hold green cards or temporary work visas will be able to vote openly.  Even those who have been lawful permanent residents of the city for 30 days and those with work authorizations will be able to select city officials such as the mayor, city council members, the comptroller, borough presidents and more.  Incoming NYC Mayor Eric Adams supports the bill, but according to Republican City Councilman Joseph Borelli, a legal challenge is likely.

Almost Anybody Can Now Vote in New York Democrats on the City Council give 800,000 noncitizens the franchise, as others dissent.


The New York City Council approved a bill last week to let about 800,000 noncitizens vote in local elections, and Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he won’t veto it. The measure passed 33-14, over some strong dissents, including from Democrats.

“It’s unconstitutional under state law. It’s very clear,” said Councilman Kalman Yeger, a Brooklyn Democrat, during Thursday’s debate. That was seconded by Councilman James Gennaro, a Queens Democrat. “I and everyone in this body took an oath—an oath!—to uphold the constitution of the state of New York.”

New York’s constitution guarantees citizens the right to vote, “provided that such citizen is eighteen years of age” and has been a resident for 30 days. The progressive argument is that this language doesn’t explicitly exclude noncitizens, so New York City can grant them the franchise.

But think what else this implies. The constitution only specifically says that a “citizen” must be 18 to vote. So could the city expand local elections to 12-year-old noncitizens? Ditto for the constitution’s 30-day residency rule. Could the city let noncitizens cross the Hudson River declare residency, and vote the next day? As legal analysis, this isn’t what New York’s constitution means.

The city’s bill at least requires 30-day residency by noncitizen voters. But Councilman Mark Gjonaj, a Bronx Democrat, said that would cover “a transient,” who’s “coming in for the duration of that job or that project and going back to their home country.” He warned it would make New York “vulnerable to outside influence,” including from Russia, suggesting a one-year residency requirement instead.

Because noncitizens can’t participate in federal or state races, a practical problem is that the city’s Board of Elections, which is legendary for ineptitude, would have to manage a second voting list and set of ballots. What about people who don’t speak the basic English required by the citizenship test? Councilman Mark Treyger, a Brooklyn Democrat who abstained on the bill, said he once asked for a law requiring interpreters at polling sites, and “I was told that we didn’t have the authority.”

Green-card holders pay taxes, yet so might second homeowners, international students, and illegal aliens. For voting, citizenship is a clear place to draw a bright line. Mr. Gennaro, the Queens Democrat, said noncitizens can’t hold office, so under the city’s bill “they’re good enough to vote for Mayor but not be Mayor.” Cynics, he added, would say “we’re looking for permanent residents to vote for us, but you don’t get a chance to, like, run against us.”

Other arguments were less, well, philosophical. Councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, a Brooklyn Democrat, said she worried the bill wouldn’t “amplify” black voices. “The top three ethnic groups that will benefit from this,” she said, are “the Dominican Republic, China, as well as Mexico.” She added that although it’s “not politically correct,” she is concerned that “many of our Latino brothers and sisters voted Republican, for President Trump.” So she opposed the bill.

These dissenting Democrats didn’t win the day, but let’s hope the courts say the whole thing is unconstitutional.

5 Biggest Takeaways From The Latest Review Of Wisconsin’s Rigged 2020 Election Wisconsin is a case study in the kind of ho-hum execution of elections that chips away at Americans’ confidence in our elections.By Kylee Zempel


After a 10-month review of the 2020 election in the Dairy State, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty has compiled its findings — which set off alarm bells about the state’s massive election integrity shortcomings and reveal weaknesses the swing state must shore up before the next election.

The review, which WILL said it approached “without presumption as to what it would find,” included polling, surveys, an inspection of the law, interviews with elected officials, an analysis of almost 20,000 ballots and 29,000 absentee ballot envelopes, as well as a review of tens of thousands of documents obtained through more than 460 open records requests.

“It’s clear many Republicans, like Democrats before them, are convinced that there was a ‘Big Steal.’ And much of the legacy media is of the view that, since there is little or no evidence that Trump won the election, any effort to look into whether proper procedures were followed is just part of the baseless conspiracy-mongering that pushes ‘the Big Lie,’” WILL attorneys wrote in their review of the study’s findings. “But WILL’s review indicates the truth may lie between these two poles.”

While WILL’s work also showed some state election procedures and outcomes to be above bar — including no significant issues with voting machines and limited instances of ineligible people successfully voting — some findings were troubling. Here are the top takeaways.

1. Unlawful Votes Exceeded Biden’s Margin of Victory

Tens of thousands of Wisconsin votes cast in the 2020 election did not comply with state law, especially regarding ballot drop boxes and “indefinite confinement.”

As a recent audit by the state’s Legislative Audit Bureau showed, absentee ballot dropboxes were used prevalently at the behest of the Wisconsin Elections Commission in violation of state law. These dropboxes were connected to an extra 20,000 votes for now-President Joe Biden, with no noteworthy effect for then-President Donald Trump.

Will Democrats learn from early election results? by Kristen Eichamer


When the Washington Post reports that the Democratic Party is facing a “Superstorm ” of revolt from voters, you know the political landscape looks pretty bleak for Democrats. Virtually every national political analyst and pollster is predicting that Republicans will easily win back majority control of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022.

A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll revealed that if the midterm elections were held now, 51% of all registered voters would vote for a Republican in their congressional district. Only 41% of those surveyed said they would support a Democrat. That’s the largest lead for Republicans in more than 100 surveys taken by ABC and the Post since 1981 .

Even more troubling for liberals is how this same survey found that 62% of participants said the Democratic Party is “out of touch” with the concerns of most citizens. Mainstream news outlets are offering their usual excuses for the Republican wave, saying it’s a historical trend that the party occupying the White House loses congressional seats in midterm elections. News coverage also blames Democratic troubles on redistricting efforts in several states that will give Republican candidates advantages in 2022.

While these factors are true to a degree, centrist Democrats such as Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Mark Warner of Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and a few others are voicing serious concerns about the broader agenda, the direction, and the political tone of a Democratic Party that has become hijacked by aggressive, outspoken activist members who demand unpopular, even frightening, policy changes in our country.

Head of Wisconsin election probe accuses two big-city mayors of cover-up, stonewalling The former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice leading probe singled out mayors of Madison and Green Bay.By Benjamin Yount


A former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice who is leading one of the investigations into the state’s 2020 elections says it’s clear to him there is a cover-up going on.

Former Justice Michael Gableman told the Assembly’s Committee on Elections on Wednesday that the state’s Elections Commission, its administrator, and the mayors of Madison and Green Bay have refused to answer any of his questions about the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, and continue to refuse to cooperate with the subpoenas issued in the case.

“[Green Bay Mayor] Eric Genrich and [Madison Mayor] Satya Rhodes-Conway have chosen to ignore the subpoenas issued by the Wisconsin Assembly because they have no intention of answering uncomfortable questions about what they did with the millions of dollars in Zuckerberg money that they took.”

The mayors have said in the past the Gableman’s subpoenas ask for too much information, or that it would take too long to comply with his requests.

Green Bay and Madison, along with Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha accepted nearly $9 million from the CTCL in 2020, ostensibly for coronavirus safety operations.

Gableman on Wednesday said the money, instead, went to a massive get out the vote operation in the state’s five largest, and most Democratic cities.

Voters are saying ‘no’ but Biden isn’t listening Could the message to politicians be any clearer? Any louder? Charles Lipson


Plummeting polls are sending a clear message to the Biden administration, but the president is deaf, dumb and blind to it. And it’s not just the polls. Take congressional retirements. Democrats who chair congressional committees, reading the grim poll numbers, figure life will be a lot more comfortable as highly paid lobbyists than as powerless minority members. They are retiring in droves. Historically, retirements by well-informed insiders are strong predictors of the next House majority.

Local elections are sending the same message. They tell Democrats they have moved too far left and that voters’ quality of life is suffering. Voters are especially troubled by inflation, Covid and crime. They are also concerned about illegal immigration, the flood tide of drugs crossing the border, and indoctrination in schools.

That’s what they are saying, repeatedly, at the ballot box. In the heavily Democratic city of Buffalo, for example, the party’s mayoral nominee, an avowed socialist, lost to a write-in candidate, the city’s former mayor. In South Carolina’s capital city, Columbia, a Republican narrowly defeated the Democrat in a city Biden carried by forty points only a year ago. In New York City — the biggest prize of all — the far-left incumbent, Bill de Blasio, will be succeeded by a former police officer. Voters there recoiled from pervasive violence on streets and subway platforms. They know “broken windows” policing once worked in the city and made it much more livable. What they see now is “please break our windows” policing, and they don’t feel safe.

Crime is a major issue across the country — and it is hurting Democrats badly. Last year, as progressives shouted “defund the police,” a cowed Democratic convention failed even to mention the riots breaking out in city after city. Total silence. The “bail reform” they pushed is directly responsible for putting violent offenders back on the streets and behind the wheel in Waukesha.

Meet the Technology That’s Uncovering 2020’s Voter Fraud By Jay Valentine


And may well beat vote fraud in the next big election

The search for phantom voters is over.  Phantom voters are sitting next to you at the restaurant or standing next to you at the bank.  They are your friend and neighbor.  You may be a phantom and not know it.

Phantom voters, the definition, is morphing from fake voters hiding in UPS boxes to people who advanced computer models predict will not vote.

Don’t get me wrong — there are thousands of phantom voters living in churches, R.V. parks, cemeteries, homeless shelters, hotels, and virtual mailboxes.  It’s just that there are as many, perhaps more, who live active, healthy, honest lives on voter rolls.  They just don’t know they voted.

You’ve heard the stories, denied by the mainstream press and almost every secretary of state: there is no significant voter fraud.  Why not say that?  There is no way you can check.

Now there is.

After the 2020 election results stopped in the middle of night and vote trajectories magically changed when they fired up again, thousands of people, just like you, didn’t buy it.  They formed armies of canvassers in 35 or more states.  They did something that has not been done at scale in the history of the country: they started checking voter rolls.

They did more.  They filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests at unprecedented levels.  Secretary of state offices, once a murky sinecure, had to answer real questions about what was going on. 

Here’s what popped out.

Leftists are different from you and me.  Unlike us, they care that every vote is cast, and if you do not cast your vote, they will do it for you.  And they did.  At scale.