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Removing Jew-Hatred From the Mosque: A Vatican II Paradigm for Islam? By Andrew G. Bostom


Pope Francis made an unscheduled visit to the campus of St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia on September 27, 2015, to view the sculpture by artist Joshua Koffman commemorating the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the Second Vatican Council Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions, in particular, Judaism. Koffman’s bronze work “Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time,” depicts a female figure representing the Church sitting next to another female figure representing the Synagogue, each holding their holy scriptures, which they appear to be discussing. It is meant to oppose centuries of art in which the triumphal Christian “Ecclesia” stood wearing a crown, while a woman representing “Synagoga” stood blindfolded and drooping, cradling a broken lance in one arm (likely an allusion to the lance that pierced Jesus), while tablets of the Torah appeared to be slipping from her opposite hand.

Vatican II/Nostra Aetate, as illustrated by two sentences from a pronouncement issued October 28, 1965, unambiguously condemned anti-Semitism. From the Church’s perspective:

Moreover, mindful of her common patrimony with the Jews, and motivated by the gospel’s spiritual love and by no political considerations, she deplores the hatred, persecution, and displays of Antisemitism directed against the Jews at any time, and from any source

The Forgotten Americans Who Died Fighting Communism By John J. Miller


Remember the Polar Bears

Troy, Mich. — At sunrise, following a sleepless night of trudging through the cold swamps of northern Russia, a couple of men from Detroit made breakfast. Corporal Morris Foley and Private Bill Henkelman brewed tea and opened a can of corned beef. As Foley prepared to finish the last of the beef, Henkelman spoke up: “Let’s save enough for after while.” Foley refused. “There might not be no after while.”

It turned out there wasn’t, at least not for Foley. Later that morning — on September 20, 1918, by the village of Seltso on the Dvina River — his company formed a skirmish line and charged a nest of Russian machine gunners. Bullets ripped through Foley’s face and neck. “Foley had his jaw shot off,” reported a sergeant. Somehow, the young man survived his brutal injury long enough to join a retreat. He died near his original position and was buried close to where he had scarfed down his beef.

Today, Foley’s recovered remains rest in Troy, Mich., in the 200-acre White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery, alongside the graves of 55 other American soldiers who died fighting Communists in the frozen wilds of northern Russia in 1918 and 1919. They’re marked by one of the most striking sculptures to be seen anywhere, let alone at a cemetery: a snarling polar bear, carved in white marble by the artist Leon Hermant. It’s a tribute to what some U.S. soldiers took to calling themselves a century ago: the “Polar Bears.” They were the first and only Americans to fight a shooting war against Russian Communists.



So, unless you’ve been away in another galaxy (but pay attention to what’s happening in our world otherwise), you’ve heard of the BDS movement, “Progressive” higher indoctrination instead of education on too many campuses, increasing worldwide anti-Semitism, and the exploits of The Three Amigas and their abettors in the USA and elsewhere by now.

My friend Cathy recently asked for help to provide a response to Arab assertions that Abraham was a Muslim and possibly Arab, and that Jews were nothing more than Arabs in disguise–unbeknown to themselves. Hey, they both like falafel.
Before tackling these subjects head-on, please permit me to provide a little background…
During the 19th century, European scholars of the Middle East–German Jews in particular–were prone to paint a picture of a tolerant Muslim world which treated non-Muslims admirably.
While it’s true that live Christians and Jews could be a better source of continuous revenue for Muslims via special taxes (the Jizyah) and such than dead ones, even though there was no Holocaust per se of Jews under Muslim domination, it’s also true that dhimmipopulations never knew what the morrow would bring.

Massacres, forced conversions, subjugation, and so forth were no strangers in the realm of Islam. And forget about non-dhimmi “Peoples of the Book”–Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, pagans, and so forth points east either converted and saw the Islamic “light” or were slaughtered. A reading of Middle Eastern Jewish scholars such as Norman Stillman, Sir Martin Gilbert, Albert Memmi, and Bat Ye’or is a must on this subject, as is newer work edited and/or authored by others like Andrew Bostom and the much maligned (especially by those who could not factuallydispute her) Joan Peters.

It seems that 19th century whitewash of Islam–which still continues–was largely done to contrast an allegedly tolerant Arab/Muslim East–where Jews are commonly known as kilab yahud, “Jew dogs,” and killers of prophets–to a historically intolerant Christian West, complete with its inquisitions, crusades, blood libels, demonization, forced ghettoization and conversions, massacres, Holocaust, and branding of the Jew as the deicide people…and that’s just for starters.
So (you ask), what does all of this have to do with Abraham?
First, keep in mind that all that we know of Abraham comes via the Hebrew Bible. That is our one and only original source.


Thomas Sowell @ThomasSowell”More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.”  1:03 PM – Feb 27, 2019

‘Islam: The Essays,’ Bruce Bawer’s Magnum Opus on ‘The Religion of Peace’ By Thom Nickels


It is perhaps fitting that on the day I was to begin my review of Bruce Bawer’s magnum opus on Islam, Islam: the Essays, that Facebook would send me a notice stating that my “Free Tommy Robinson Philadelphia” page had been deleted because of “hate speech.” My Robinson page criticized Islam as an ideology but it did not attack individual Muslims at all. Still, why should I have been surprised at the censorship? We’re living in a new world where criticizing a group — in this case, Islam — is tantamount to the worst obscenity. For me it was an epiphanous moment that brought Bawer’s new book of essays to life. It also got me thinking about other brave writers who aren’t afraid to tell the truth about Islam: Oriana Fallaci in The Rage and The Pride; Pat Buchanan; and James V. Schall, S.J., whose little book, On Islam, published by Ignatius Press, was released last year.

“The first is that the West insists on seeing Islam through the lenses of its own modern, liberal theories about religion, freedom, and human motivation. Islam is just another religion; we are told that it acts like other religions, even when it does not,” Schall writes.

Salman Rushdie, author of Satanic Verses, which got the Ayatollah Khomeini to put a fatwa on his head in 1989, not long ago told France’s L’Express, “We are living in the darkest time I have ever known. I’ve since had the feeling that, if the attacks against Satanic Verses had taken place today, these people would not have defended me, and would have used the same arguments against me, accusing me of insulting an ethnic and cultural minority.”

Anti-Zionism Is Koranic Jew-Hatred: Sunni Islam’s Pope Has Proudly Affirmed This Andrew Bostom


Perusing the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference schedule for this week, I noticed a session entitled, “Why Anti-Zionism is a Form of Anti-Semitism and a Threat to National Security.” Unfortunately, this rather glaring truth remains obfuscated by many as a socially and politically acceptable form of Jew-hatred, hence the panel.

Ironically, purveyor of the most virulent and widespread global Jew-hatred—authoritative, institutional Islam—is quite candid that Zionists/Zionism, are to be equated with Jews/Judaism. None other than the Papal equivalent of Sunni Islam’s Vatican, Ahmed al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, has made these connections explicit, and moreover, rooted in the Koran’s central verse defining “Muslim-Jewish relations.”

During an interview which aired on Channel 1, Egyptian TV, October 25, 2013, al-Tayeb publicly reiterated Islam’s sacralized, Jew-hating bigotry, with deliberate and equal reference of Zionists/Zionism, and Jews/Judaism, to Koran 5:82. He gave a brief analysis of the ongoing relevance of Koran 5:82, which as the good Grand Imam put it, “explains Muslims’ relations with Jews,” and has been invoked—successfully—to inspire Muslim hatred of Jews since the advent of Islam.

A verse in the Koran explains the Muslims relations with Jews…This is an historical perspective, which has not changed to this day. See how we suffer today from global Zionism and Judaism…Since the inception of Islam 1400 years ago, we have been suffering from Jews and Zionistinterference in Muslim affairs. This is a cause of great distress for the Muslims. The Koran said it, and history has proven it: “You shall find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers {Muslims] to be the Jews…”



Every human action, positive or negative, can ultimately be attributed to Allah, with the faithful believing a person’s eternal destiny is decreed forty days before that person is born. When a jihadi rampages, he sees himself having no more agency nor free will than the bloody knife in his hand.

A FEW days before Christmas in 2017, Saeed Noori, an Afghani refugee who came to Australia on a humanitarian visa in 2004, ploughed his mother’s car into a crowd on Flinders Street in Melbourne. As a result, sixteen pedestrians were injured and 83-year-old grandfather Antonio Crocaris later died in hospital. As he drove, Noori was shouting “Allah akbar” (Allah is great), according to the off-duty policeman who arrested him. In an interview with the police, he explained his action by saying “Allah made me do it.”

This same exclamation was used by Adel Amastaibou, a French-Moroccan, who stabbed Jewish disc jockey Sebastien Selam to death in Paris in 2003.[1] It was also the justification given by Gulchekhra Bobokulova, an Uzbek nanny, who decapitated a four-year-old girl left in her care in Moscow in 2016.[2]As Quadrant reported in its December, 2018, edition, foreign student Momena Shoma also invoked Allah’s alleged greatness as she repeatedly plunged a carving knife into the man who had taken her into his family home.

The Three Amigas by Gerald A. Honigman

You know, the duplicitous, taqiyya (deliberate lying for the cause)-spouting rock stars, Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, Farakhan’s good gal pal, Rashida Tlaib, and members of their dhimmi cheer leading squad–like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. As a preliminary, you might want to first check out that “d-word” above http://dhimmitude.org/.

Years ago, there was a good comedy, The Three Amigos, starring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Chevy Chase. Unlike the film, however, there’s no humor in what follows…

It’s become common, even popular–especially with younger generations having little historical perspective—for people to accept the one-sided vilification of Israel and Zionism (among other things, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people) often presented to them.

Truth turned on its head…

David is transformed into Goliath, Jews become the new Nazis, Hamas’ Gaza is the Jews’ Warsaw Ghetto, and Arabs (with almosttwo dozen states carved out of mostly non-Arab peoples’ lands) are now the allegedly new, “stateless” Jews.

Much of this can be traced to the higher indoctrination, not education, served on numerous “Progressive” campuses these days. Now, add to this many millions of dollars donated to support courses related to the Middle East (and even other seemingly non-related areas) by Arab oil potentates and international petro-connected businesses (ARAMCO, Bechtel Corporation, etc.) to fund scholars, programs, scholarships, travel, and so forth, and you can better understand why some subjects are not discussed and don’t appear on course reading lists, while others never seem to leave center stage.


On this date in 1943, the following 3/4-page ad appeared in the New York Times:

70,000 JEWS

The ad was placed by the Committee for a Jewish Army of Stateless and
Palestinian Jews (CJA), a pressure group founded by Peter Bergson
(Hillel Kook), showman Billy Rose, and Hecht, among others, and was in
response to an offer that had been made to the Allies by upper-echelon
members of the Romanian government to assist in the transfer of some
70,000 Jews from their fascist state to Palestine or elsewhere.

CJA was denounced by mainstream Jewish organizations as alarmist,
unethical, and overly militant, but the campaign did prompt the
American Jewish Congress, with the backing of AFL-CIO unions, to
create a public protest at Madison Square Garden on March 1, demanding
American action to rescue the Jews.

Eight days later, also at Madison Square Garden, the CJA presented a pageant, “We Will Never Die,” with
a script by Ben Hecht, a score by Kurt Weil, direction by Moss Hart, and performers that included Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson. The pageant was performed all over the U.S. and was viewed by Eleanor
Roosevelt, Supreme Court justices, and many other people of influence.
Still, no rescue plan was forthcoming from the State Department.

“The corpse of a people lies on the steps of civilization. Behold it.
Here it is! And no voice is heard to cry halt to the slaughter, no
government speaks to bid the murder of human millions end.” —Ben
Hecht, “We Will Never Die”


When Will the World’s Largest Sunni Religious Institution Disavow Colonization? by Saied Shoaaib


It is difficult to find today Christian clergy proud of their colonial past. In contrast, many Muslims consider Islamic colonialism and imperialism sacred and part of their religion.
To be sure, the West has committed sins, but it has apologized for them. Meanwhile, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the current Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, says that Islam and Muslims are completely innocent, and that the sole culprit is the West. His position totally ignores the Islamic colonial empire that occupied many countries, looting their wealth and committing massacres.
Sheikh Al-Tayeb not only failed to apologize for the atrocities listed above, but here are a few examples of what is being taught at the university he heads…

In Cairo, Egypt, in October, at an international symposium entitled, “Islam and the West: Diversity and Integration,” Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb — the current Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, the world’s largest Sunni religious institution — pointed to Andalusia (Muslim-ruled Spain) as a model for the peaceful coexistence between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It was a peculiar choice: Andalusia is not an example of cooperation; it is an example of the Arab colonization of Europe.

Those who occupied Andalusia were the Umayyad branch of the Quraysh tribe (the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad) from the Arabian Peninsula. They initiated the invasion; the Ottoman Turks followed to conquer European lands, including Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Hungary, Albania, Georgia and the Balkans. They nearly occupied Paris and Vienna, as well.

During the symposium, Sheikh Al-Tayeb, who delivered the keynote address, said that his goal was to build bridges between Islam and the West.