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GovCon Expert Chuck Brooks: Strategic Paths of Cybersecurity


GovCon Expert Chuck Brooks, an invaluable member of Executive Mosaic’s GovCon Expert program, has published his latest feature detailing the essential understanding of cybersecurity, its capabilities, the best practices to get the most out of the technical concept and the awareness of cyber’s potential to find success.

“At its very core, the practice of cybersecurity is risk management. It requires being vigilant and encompasses educating employees, identifying gaps, assessing vulnerabilities, mitigating threats, and having updated resilience plans to respond to incidents.”

You can read Chuck Brooks’ latest GovCon Expert article below:

Strategic Paths of Cybersecurity

By GovCon Expert Chuck Brooks

Cybersecurity requires a plan and strategy.

At its very core, the practice of cybersecurity is risk management. It requires being vigilant and encompasses educating employees, identifying gaps, assessing vulnerabilities, mitigating threats, and having updated resilience plans to respond to incidents.

Government and industry leaders should have a working understanding of risk management (and risk exposure) and have context on the different array of threats and threat actors. They should also be knowledgeable on the guiding axiom of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover.

Biden administration fires most Homeland Security Advisory Council members Maria Sacchetti


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas fired most members of the department’s independent advisory council on Friday, a purge that included several allies of former president Donald Trump and veteran officials who served under both parties.

Former Department of Homeland Security officials and advisory board members who worked under Democratic and Republican administrations said they could not remember so many members being dismissed at once, as the general practice of past administrations was to allow appointees to serve out their terms before replacing them.

The council is unpaid and includes leaders from state and local government, law enforcement, the private sector and academia who advise the agency on issues such as immigration, terrorism, crime and national disasters. Members serve one- to three-year terms and meet about four times a year.

The removal of more than 30 board members comes as the Biden administration tries to rid the department of Trump-era policies and practices, especially on immigration, and as it has struggled to shelter and care for an unprecedented number of migrant children and teenagers who have arrived at the southwest border without their parents.

DHS officials said Mayorkas would conduct an assessment of the council and reconstitute it with bipartisan members who better reflect the diversity of the United States and the people DHS serves. Mayorkas said he plans to retain Chairman William Bratton, the former police commissioner in New York and police chief in Los Angeles, and Vice Chair Karen P. Tandy, a retired administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. William H. Webster, former director of the FBI and the CIA, will remain the council’s chair emeritus.

But everyone else is out.

General Flynn Video: ‘How an Adversary Comes Inside of Our Home’ Trump’s former National Security Advisor unveils the enemy infiltration of America.


This new Glazov Gang episode features General Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor for President Trump and best-selling author of The Field of Fight.

In this special episode, General Flynn discusses How an Adversary Comes Inside of Our Home, revealing the enemy infiltration of America.

Don’t miss it!

Iranian Terrorists Claim to Have Active Cells in Washington, D.C. ‘Resistance cells are rooted even in America and its capital’


Iranian militia groups claim to have active cells of operatives stationed in Washington, D.C., and other U.S. cities, according to chatter in online forums used by these groups.

Kawtheryoon Electronic Team, a Telegram network used by Iranian militia groups and supporters, claimed in a recent posting that Iranian “resistance cells are rooted even in America and its capital,” according to a copy of the English-language posting captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute, which tracks radical groups.

The group additionally claimed that terror factions associated with Iran are growing stronger and attracting more support than ever before. The group demanded the United States withdraw all of its troops from Iraq and the Middle East. The post included a picture of caskets containing U.S. soldiers.

If the Capitol Riot was “Domestic Terrorism”, Why Wasn’t the BLM Attack on the White House? Daniel Greenfield


Simple question.

The incredibly inept and useless FBI boss has declared that the FBI “views” the Capitol Riot as “domestic terrorism”. 

Had the FBI declared Black Lives Matter riots to be domestic terrorism, the media and the ACLU would have been first in line to condemn that. There’s a generally understood line between riots and terrorism. What happened at the Capitol was, despite false claims by Democrats and the media, a riot.

Like the leftist riots that had been happening throughout 2020.

If the Capitol Riot was domestic terrorism, then when Black Lives Matter besieged the White House, set fire to its gatehouse and to the Church of Presidents, why wasn’t that domestic terrorism?

There’s no coherent answer, except perhaps Merrick Garland’s answer that it happened at night?

But the White House is always the center of government. President Trump and his family had to be rushed to the bunker when BLM attacked. Why doesn’t that fit Wray and Garland’s definition of domestic terrorism?

The obvious answer is the familiar one: it’s different when they do it.

When your side does something wrong, then there it’s a “tiny minority of extremists” from a “mostly peaceful protest”. That’s spin. And spin is second nature in politics. The problem kicks in when spin becomes the law. That’s no longer politics, it’s political discrimination.

If the FBI and the AG want to use the media’s definition of domestic terrorism, they’re going to have to explain the double standard on the lefty attack on the White House.

Alarming Cybersecurity Stats: What You Need To Know For 2021 by Chuck Brooks


The year 2020 broke all records when it came to data lost in breaches and sheer numbers of cyber-attacks on companies, government, and individuals. In addition, the sophistication of threats increased from the application of emerging technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and 5G,  and especially from greater tactical cooperation among hacker groups and state actors. The recent Solar Winds attack, among others,  highlighted both the threat and sophistication of those realities.

The following informational links are compiled from recent statistics pulled from a variety of articles and blogs. As we head deeper into 2021, it is worth exploring these statistics and their potential cybersecurity implications in our changing digital landscape.

To make the information more useable, I have broken down the cybersecurity statistics in several categories, including Top Resources for Cybersecurity Stats, The State of Cybersecurity Readiness, Types of Cyber-threats, The Economics of Cybersecurity, and Data at Risk.

Book Review: America’s Covert Border War Andrew Harrod


Inside America’s Counter-Jihad Covert Border War

Contrary to America’s Leftists, “that jihadists would infiltrate land borders among bedraggled war refugees” is not an “outrageous fantasy of fringe racists, nativist immigration restrictionists, and conspiracy lunatics.” So writes Center for Immigration Studies National Security Fellow Todd Bensman in his revealing new book examining America’s Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation’s Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration.

Bensman is an experienced observer of his subject. This former Texas journalist became in 2009 a senior intelligence analyst with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division. With federal security clearance, he worked firsthand with federal agents in Texas government “fusion center” on border security issues.

Particularly since Al Qaeda’s September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Democratic and Republican administrations alike have worried about terrorist threats breaching America’s southern border, Bensman has documented. With bipartisan backing, officials have “deployed an internationally expansive, ambitious, and somehow almost entirely unreported counterterrorism enterprise at the border and along its Latin American approaches.” Yet this machinery “just became a victim of its own success in preventing jihadist attack” and has gone largely unnoticed.

Biden’s Pentagon ‘review’ falls short to deter communist Chinese By Robert L. Maginnis


On Wednesday, President Joe Biden visited the Pentagon to launch a review of how the U.S. military is postured to deter China in the Pacific.  Given the president’s statements concerning China, it is clear he doesn’t understand the existential threat posed by our Chinese enemy.

Mr. Biden totally misses Beijing’s threat because his “review” falls terribly short of the mark.  His worldview is naïve and shortsighted, and he fails to recognize that the Communist Chinese truly intend to conquer the world.  Indeed, Beijing seeks to destroy America — every aspect of our country and, by association, Western civilization.  We need to review and then act upon all aspects of our relations with that totalitarian regime or risk our future: trade, military, technology, cyber, ideological, media, geopolitical, and more.

There is no doubt that Beijing’s ultimate goal is to have the Middle Kingdom sitting atop the entire world.   Yes, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his communist puppets are worse than past dictators and on steroids. 

China’s Xi is a modern-day wannabe emperor, and he has taken steps to prepare China for global dominance through every means available — the Belt & Road Initiative and rapidly growing the world’s largest military, among others, and soon China will be the world’s largest economy. 

Meanwhile, the U.S. response to this threat is too little, too late.  Back at the Pentagon, Mr. Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris at his side called for a posture review to help “chart a strong path forward on China related matters.”

Cybersecurity Threats: The Daunting Challenge Of Securing The Internet Of Things Chuck Brooks


The Internet of Things (IoT) broadly refers to devices and equipment that are readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable and/or controllable via the internet. This incorporates physical objects communicating with each other including machine to machine, and machine to people. It encompasses everything from edge computing devices to home appliances, from wearable technology to cars. IoT represents the melding of the physical world and the digital world.

By 2025, it is expected that there will be more than 30 billion IoT connections, almost 4 IoT devices per person on average and that also amounts to trillions of sensors connecting and interacting on these devices. State of the IoT 2020: 12 billion IoT connections (iot-analytics.com).  According to The McKinsey Global Institute, 127 new devices connect to the internet every second.

That is a whole lot of IoT devices and protecting such an enormous attack surface is no easy task, especially when there are so many varying types and security standards on the devices. The prevailing perspective from a security operations perspective on those billions of IoT devices  is that anything connected can be hacked.

Cutler Video: Will the Mullahs Call their Sleeper Agents into Action? How the Biden administration’s immigration policies will impact America.


This video is brought to you by a Freedom Center-Glazov Gang collaboration on a new exclusive webinar series, Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century. Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. And make sure to ask your own questions of our experts.

Hosted by Anni Cyrus, producer of The Glazov Gang and Founder of Live Up To Freedom.

This new webinar features Michael Cutler, a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service).

Michael discusses How The Biden Administration’s Immigration Policies Will Impact America. He analyses how, as Iran races towards nuclear break-out, America needs to be concerned about the potential that the Mullahs could call their sleeper agents into action — if any measures are taken to stop their nuclear aspirations.

Don’t miss it!