You Can Spell Biden Without “CCP” but Why Would You?
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Am I oozing enthusiasm for the start of a new week? Yes, yes I am.
The sobering reality of Joseph “The Masked Groper” Biden being sworn in as President of the United States next month is finally starting to hit me. I’ve mostly been approaching the possibility like it’s a bad SNL skit that I’m being forced to watch with those A Clockwork Orange thingies propping my eyelids open. It was all a bit surreal but it’s just a bad dream, right?
Apparently, this nonsense is actually going to happen now and, honestly, I don’t think even I can drink my way through this. Sure, I’ll give it a try, but I have some things I need to accomplish next year and I can’t get any of them done if I am meandering through a Biden-avoidance alcoholic haze every day.
A central component to my denial has involved my assessment about who the power behind the throne will be. At the beginning of the month I wrote about the looming tug-of-war between DOCTOR OR SOMETHING Jill Biden and Miss Congeniality Kamala Harris for control of the empty space in Drooling Joe’s head. That’s a battle that is definitely still on and might even be worth pay-per-view.
They’re only bit players in the Joe Biden’s puppeteer sweepstakes. As my friend and colleague Stephen Green is fond of saying, Joe Biden is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party.
There’s the real problem that I’ve been trying to keep buried in the back of my mind.
Of course, I’m not doing as good of job burying reality as the mainstream media is, as Jeff wrote over the weekend:
Hunter Biden was the October Surprise that wasn’t—a report so explosive, so potentially damaging, so dangerous for national security that it should have destroyed Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. In any other election, fleets of investigative reporters would have been unleashed to verify the claims in the report. Instead, in the ultimate expression of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a major media company set out to personally destroy the man they thought put the report together and thereby discredit the report to the point that the entire media complex in America took turns ridiculing the story instead of investigating it. The results could have dire implications for national security.
But hey, at least they got rid of the Bad Orange Man.