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Biden Ends Title 42 – Ramping Up The Immigration Delivery System The goal is obvious. by Michael Cutler


After several reprieves the Biden Administration finally ended Title 42 on My 11, 2023.

Just about a year ago as the end of Title 42 appeared imminent I wrote an article worth revisiting:  Title 42 and Chaos on the Border

In that article, among other issues I provided information that appeared in a Judicial Watch report about how NGO (Non Government Organizations) were reaping huge government contracts to provide services of unknown millions of illegal alines, calling into question the notion od referring to NGOs as “Nonprofits.”

The actions and policies of the Biden administration that pertain to immigration are utterly impossible to comprehend.

Our immigration laws, contrary to the lies of the globalists and Radical Leftists, have nothing to do with race, religion, ethnicity or bigotry and xenophobia but about protecting public health, national security, public safety and the jobs and wages of American and lawful alien workers.  

A review of  8 U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible aliens).will make the purpose, importance and reasonableness of our nation’s immigration laws crystal clear.

The enforcement and administration of our nation’s immigration laws profoundly impacts nearly every challenge and threat America and Americans face in this especially dangerous era beginning with national security and public safety.

My recent article addressed my concerns about how the Biden administration’s immigration policies are great exacerbating the threats America faces from foreign terrorist organizations, particularly since the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.  I urge you to read my article: Multiple Biden Calamities Make 9/11 Commission Report ‘Required Reading’

The primary shared mission of the military services of the united States is to keep America’s enemies as far from our shores as possible.  Up close and in persons, that vital mission falls to the Coastguard, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Biden Applies Soros’ Open-Border Policy By Rachel Ehrenfeld


If you wonder what’s behind the Biden administration’s enablement of millions of so-called “asylum seekers” from some 160 countries to flow through what used to be the U.S.-Mexico border and hundreds of thousands more through the northern border, thus diminishing the nation’s sovereignty, start with George Soros, who dedicated the last three decades and tens of billions of dollars to reshaping America to his vision, craftily termed “Open Society.”

Soros began challenging the United States’ national sovereignty in 1996. As Soros tells it, he became enraged by new federal laws signed by President Bill Clinton.

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act “required state professional and occupational licenses to be withheld from undocumented immigrants,” thus, restricting food stamps and Supplemental Security Income Benefits to non-citizens. Soros declared this was “a clear-cut case of injustice.”

This was followed by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), which aimed to reduce the surge of illegal immigration to the US. The IIRIRA “increased penalties on immigrants who had violated U.S. law in some way (whether they were unauthorized immigrants who’d violated immigration law or legal immigrants who’d committed other crimes)” and required their detention and fast-tracking deportation. The Lazarus Fund, created through Soros’s Open Society Institute, believed that this kind of “open hostility” (against lawbreakers, mind you) was “antithetical to the values of an open society.”

The first U.S. naturalizing law of 1790 required that the applicant be a “free white person” with a “good moral character” who resided in the country for two years. In 1870, the law was amended to include applicants of African origin. According to the PEW Research Center, “Starting in 1875, a series of restrictions on immigration were enacted. They included bans on criminals, people with contagious diseases, polygamists, anarchists, beggars, and importers of prostitutes.” In 1965, “the landmark Immigration and Nationality Act created a new system favoring family reunification and skilled immigrants.”

150,000 Illegal Aliens Massed at the Border, Ready to Cross When Title 42 Ends By Rick Moran

There were 10,000 illegal alien encounters at the border on Sunday alone, according to the border patrol. Estimates up and down the southern border indicate that at least 150,000 illegal aliens are prepared to cross the border at midnight when the pandemic-era program Title 42 will end.

The Biden administration isn’t ready. Not by a long shot.

Orders have gone out to all border patrol sectors. If there’s no room in shelters provided by NGOs, agents are to begin a “safe” release of illegal aliens to city streets. CBP facilities to house newcomers are already bursting at the seams and with NGO shelters already strained, it’s likely that thousands of illegal aliens — perhaps more — are going to be released at bus stops, gas stations, supermarkets, and in towns and cities across the border.

Those small towns and cities aren’t ready, either.

The potential for a humanitarian disaster is right in front of us. Large numbers of desperate people all trying to cross the border at once leave little room for error.

“The dam is about to break,” one Border Patrol source said.

Fox News:

The mass releases will only happen if NGOs run out of space, but officials believe that is likely. Officials have made 26,000 apprehensions and seen over 7,000 “gotaways” in just 72 hours, according to Border Patrol. That comes ahead of the end of the Title 42 public health order on Thursday, which is expected to be accompanied by an even bigger wave of migration on top of the already overwhelming numbers authorities are seeing.

The Biden administration has put into place several policies that they hope will stem the flow of illegals. There will be restrictions on families arriving at the border and single adults will be turned back if they transited through another country before arriving at the U.S. border. But asylum seekers will, with few exceptions, still be processed and released.

The predominantly single adult migrants are expected to be encouraged by the belief they have a greater chance of being admitted into the U.S. once the order ends. The Biden administration has said that is misinformation and has warned that it is stiffening penalties for illegal entry while urging migrants to use expanded legal pathways instead. However, the prospect of mass releases into the U.S. interior of those who have illegally entered the U.S., after crossing multiple countries to do so, is likely to undercut that narrative.

But even with the new policies, there’s going to be mass confusion at the border.


The administration’s new policy will automatically reject asylum seekers who illegally cross into the U.S. without first seeking protection in a country they traveled through.

It’s a notable change from the U.S.’s longtime policy of giving people the right to seek asylum regardless of whether they crossed the border illegally. Title 42 also prevented migrants from seeking asylum, but was tied to public health concerns.

The new policy is expected to let more migrants be rapidly deported to their home countries or Mexico — and comes with severe penalties, including a five-year ban on re-entry.

Zoom in: There are many reasons migrants from Central and South America are overwhelming border communities now — but experts and officials say smugglers and cartels are part of the problem.

They often pounce on widespread confusion about U.S. border policies to recruit and exploit customers, experts say.

There was no way to avoid this situation after Biden lifted the pandemic emergency. With no pandemic, it was hard to justify using pandemic restrictions to limit illegal crossings at the border.

Related: Mexican President Calls DeSantis Illegal Immigration Bill ‘Immoral’

There are still policies the Biden administration could implement that would improve the situation, including tightening up asylum eligibility in order to prevent those border crossers from trying to game the system. But the open borders lobby has Biden in their hip pocket and he’s not likely to change America’s liberal asylum policies — unless Congress forces him to.

Joe Biden’s Immigration Calamity The collapse of his border policy is on full and painful display.


Scenes from the Biden Administration’s immigration policy:

• More than 10,000 illegal migrant apprehensions on Tuesday, a record for a single day.

• Emergencies are declared in El Paso and other border cities, but also in Democratic-run New York state and Chicago, far from the border. Shelters and emergency-bed capacity are overwhelmed. New York City may create migrant tent shelters in Central Park.

• Tens of thousands more migrants from all over the world sit across the border in Mexico, waiting for the right moment to walk or swim to the U.S.

The Biden Administration has tried to minimize the collapse of its immigration policy, hoping most Americans wouldn’t notice if only Fox News reported on the border chaos. But as the Administration’s Title 42 authority to deport illegal migrants expires on Thursday, the human debacle and the burdens on American cities can’t be asserted away.

It’s important to recall how we got here. Democrats campaigned against the Trump Administration’s policies as cruel. Upon taking office, President Biden ended such Trump-era policies as Remain in Mexico.

The signal went out to migrants that the border was essentially open. If you entered the U.S. and claimed asylum, the chances were good you would be admitted with a future date for an asylum tribunal you may never have to show up for. Millions of migrants took the hint and came in record numbers.

Shock: The New York Times Admits Biden’s Border Policies Encourage Illegal Immigration


After two years spent either ignoring the crisis at the southern border or refusing to blame President Joe Biden, the New York Times tepidly confessed this week that his border policies have, indeed, contributed to the surge in illegal immigration. Why now?

In an email to subscribers, the Times senior writer David Leonhart writes:

When the U.S. makes it difficult for people to enter the country illegally, fewer people make the journey north to try. When the U.S. sends signals that people will be able to cross the border even without permission, and potentially remain here for years, more people attempt to do so.

(Before you know it, the Times will be telling readers that water is wet.)

But Leonhart isn’t done.

The pattern is clear. Donald Trump was the most anti-immigration president in decade. … Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 promising a more welcoming approach, and after he won the election, the number of people trying to enter the country without permission spiked.

He even includes a chart (similar to the one below) showing Customs and Border Protection data on annual “encounters” with illegal border crossers.

New York’s Migrant Crisis Is About to Get Worse Covid-era restrictions on entry expire May 11. Mayor Adams says Washington ‘has turned its back.’ By Carine Hajjar


If you want proof that there’s a crisis at the southern border, enter New York City’s subway system and listen for the calls of “chocolate, chicle, y agua.” On my daily commute, I see many Central and South American women pacing across platforms peddling chocolate, gum and water. Many hold young children, some even breastfeeding.

Lucia, a young mother from Ecuador, has her sleeping 3-year-old son, Danny, swaddled against her back. In Spanish she tells me they crossed the border into El Paso, Texas, and were put on a flight to New York in November. Now she lives in a cramped room in Queens with her cousin and two sons—the other, 5, is in school as we speak. Her husband and two other children, 9 and 10, are still in Ecuador. What’s her plan in New York? “Like everyone who comes here—work. And to give my children a better future.”

But lawful work is hard to find. Lucia doesn’t have a permit. “I don’t know where to go,” she says. “I don’t know the city well.” If she did know where to go, she’d encounter bewildering applications and long delays.

Suspect in Texas Massacre Had Been Deported at Least Four Times By Rick Moran


The suspect wanted for the massacre of four adults and one child in Cleveland, Texas, had previously been arrested and deported at least four times, according to a source in Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The suspect was identified by ICE as Francisco Oropesa Perez-Torres. He was first removed by an immigration judge in March 2009, the ICE source told CNN on Monday.

“At an unknown time and location, Perez-Torres unlawfully reentered the United States, and was apprehended and removed several more times by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations in September 2009, January 2012, and July 2016,” the source said.

Oropesa Perez-Torres was asked to stop firing his rifle by his next-door neighbors several times. Despite at least 5 calls to 911, the situation escalated until Oropesa Perez-Torres opened fire.

Biden Is Guilty Of Child Abuse On A Massive Scale, And Nobody Cares


“The U.S. lost track of 1,475 immigrant children last year. Here’s why people are outraged now.” 

That was a Washington Post headline from May 2018, one of many such pronouncements in nearly every mainstream news outlet – all decrying these missing children as evidence of the “cruelty” and “inhumanity” of President Donald Trump’s border security policies. 

“It’s just wrong. It’s wrong,” Joe Biden said at one point. “Cruelty is the point. It’s their only point.” 

But under President Biden’s allegedly more humane border security policies, the federal government has lost track of 85,000 children who crossed the border unaccompanied by their parents. Worse, many of them ended up in the hands of traffickers, not family or friends.

The scale is far bigger today because the number of children crossing the border has exploded under Biden. Since he took office, border agents have “encountered” more than 354,000 unaccompanied minors. In just the past six months, the number exceeds 71,000, which is twice what it was in all of 2020. 

The response from the press? Crickets. For example, the Washington Post isn’t outraged at all. In fact, the only mention of the 85,000 figure so far has been in a commentary by brain-dead columnist Greg Sargent, who used it as an excuse to attack Republicans.

It gets worse. Congress last week heard from a whistleblower who told lawmakers that not only has the Biden administration lost contact with these unaccompanied border-crossing children, it hasn’t been properly vetting the sponsors with whom the federal government places them after they get here.

Three Former Presidents Launch NGO to Fly Illegal Aliens Into the U.S. By Eric Lendrum


Three of the five living former presidents have joined forces with American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US to create a non-governmental organization (NGO) that will fly illegal aliens to any desired destination in the United States.

Just The News reports that the new NGO, Miles4Migrants, was created by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Welcome.US was a pre-existing NGO funded by far-left billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, originally created to provide logistical assistance to the roughly 85,000 Afghan refugees that were brought into the United States after the collapse of Afghanistan, which resulted from the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from that country.

Now, with Welcome.US teaming up with American Express for the joint effort, Miles4Migrants will raise money to provide air travel for illegal aliens from Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Ukraine, with the illegals being allowed to fly to any destination they choose.

“Donations are needed to fund the flights for newcomers to travel to the United States,” the new group’s webpage declares. “Those forced to flee often leave behind all but what they can carry, and the costs of international travel can be prohibitive.”

“Welcome Connect Travel removes the cost of travel as a barrier for both sponsors in the United States and the displaced families they are supporting through humanitarian sponsorship,” the website continues.

The Biden Administration had already been organizing covert flights to bring illegal aliens into the United States, employing CIA assets to do so. Overall, according to Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), at least 5 million illegal aliens have entered the United States since Biden first took power in January of 2021.

Dems Propose Giving Automatic Entry To Illegal Immigrants Who Claim To Be LGBTQ


Democrats in the House and Senate this week introduced the Dignity for Detained Immigrants, which proposes the repeal of mandatory detention, the prohibition of family detention, the barring of the use of private detention facilities, and making it easier to release immigrants who qualify as a “vulnerable person.”
To be classified as a “vulnerable person,” there are 11 qualifications, including someone who is under 21 years of age, pregnant, identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex, has a serious mental or physical illness or disability, has limited English language proficiency, or is a survivor of torture or gender-based violence.
The bill was introduced by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) this week.