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Where Did All the Biden Illegal Immigrants Go? Hard-Up Sanctuary Cities Like New York Are Only Part of the Answer By James Varney


In New York City, if the newcomers aren’t put up at the luxury cruise terminal that served the QE2, they could get $700-a-night midtown hotel accommodations with iconic Manhattan views. In Chicago, they found themselves whisked to suburban lodgings. In Denver, officials refer to them discreetly as “guests” and you needn’t bother inquiring about their inns or addresses. 

The people enjoying these free digs aren’t privacy-conscious jet-setters, but the secrecy surrounding them might be comparable: They’re some of the millions of migrants who have illegally crossed into the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed most border controls.  

No one knows exactly how many people have poured across the southwestern U.S. border since President Biden took office, or where they’ve gone since. The official number of encounters by Customs and Border Patrol stands at 5.2 million people, logged over the last two full federal fiscal years and fiscal 2023 through March. But that number is imprecise because it includes repeat encounters with the same people and omits the many who slipped into the country unnoticed by border agents.  

Under President Biden, the U.S. smashed past the 200,000 monthly encounters mark for the first time in July 2021 and it has repeatedly topped that record in the months since. By comparison, in fiscal 2020, which ended a month before Biden’s defeat of President Trump, the U.S. averaged 38,174 monthly encounters at the border, according to CBP figures.  

Because of an official lack of transparency, all those people and the circumstances by which they have arrived and remained have made it hard to take stock of the historic influx. Through midnight flights and buses from the border to far-flung locales, the administration has made it difficult to identify where the migrants are now living and receiving services. Also unclear are the costs associated with the arrivals.  

But flares have been sent up – especially over immigrant sanctuary cities like New York, Denver and Chicago, which have long promised to house migrants. While those cities are providing housing and other services for a small fraction of the recent migrants, the costs are significant for these budget-strapped metropolises.

Mayorkas Refuses to Explain Why Child Exploitation Has Exploded Under His Watch; Denies DHS Lost Track of 85,000 Migrant Children By Debra Heine


During a Senate hearing Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refused to explain why an exponential surge in child smuggling and exploitation has happened under his watch and denied that the Department had lost track of 85,000 of these children.

Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2021, 345,807 unaccompanied minors  have been allowed to enter the United States through the southwest land border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics show.

As American Greatness has previously reported, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) habitually releases migrant children to unvetted “sponsors” who force them to take on grueling jobs, or be sexually exploited. In some cases, dozens of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) have been sent to the same residence of an unvetted sponsor.

Thousands of these minors “have ended up in punishing jobs across the country—working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating machinery in factories—all in violation of child labor laws,” the New York Times reported in February.

In Florida, the State Grand Jury recently released a report accusing the Biden administration of facilitating “forced migration, sale, and abuse of foreign children” through its criminally negligent immigration policies.

“Criminal history, lack of citizen status and even total refusal to submit to a background check does not disqualify sponsors from receiving a UAC,” Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody pointed out in a statement following the release of the Grand Jury’s findings. “One sponsor was given custody despite having been to Florida prison before for battery on a child,” Moody added.

Monthly calls to Health and Human Services (HHS) to report trafficking, neglect or abuse of minors placed with sponsors have exploded since the spring of 2021.

Half of Illegal Immigrants in NYC Are Not Vaccinated for Polio, Health Commissioner Warns Madeline Leesman


Half of illegal immigrants pouring into New York City are not vaccinated against poliovirus, the city’s health commissioner, Ashwin Vasan, said.

This month, Vasan sent an eight-page letter to doctors outlining the health risk migrants living in the city pose to residents. In the letter, Vasan pointed out that the migrants come from countries with high rates of infectious tuberculosis, chickenpox and other illnesses (via the New York Post): 

“More than 50,000 people have come to New York City (NYC) in the past year shortly after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. As more people arrive and many make NYC their home, the scale and scope of need continues to grow,” Vasan said in an eight-page letter, dated April 11, sent to physicians and other health care providers. A copy was obtained by The Post.  

“I am writing now to underscore how critical it is that health care providers take a wide range of considerations into account when working with people who are seeking asylum … The scope of this letter represents the scale of the need. It is incumbent upon us as a welcoming city to comprehensively evaluate and meet these needs.”


“Vaccination rates for certain diseases are low in some of the most common countries of origin, with rates hovering around 50% for polio as an example,” the commissioner said.

Biden’s Open Borders Bringing Diseases to Your Neighborhood Betsy McCaughey


Ready for another pandemic? New York City’s health commissioner announced last week that the influx of migrants from the southern border — more than 50,000 to New York City alone in the past year — is delivering contagious diseases, including tuberculosis and polio, to our neighborhoods.

The same disease threats are also endangering other migrant destinations, including California, Texas and Florida.

In a letter to physicians and health care administrators citywide, Commissioner Ashwan Vasan explained that “many people who recently arrived in NYC have lived in or traveled through countries with high rates of TB.”

TB, short for tuberculosis, is a bacterial infection. It is treatable with antibiotics, but it generally takes six to nine months of medication to recover. Not a walk in the park.

TB spreads through the air, like flu or a cold. Stand next to someone with TB for a long subway ride or sit next to them every day at school and you can catch it.

New York City’s TB rate, at 6.1 cases per 100,000, is more than double the national rate. Close to 9 out of 10 (88%) of these TB cases are people born outside the United States. Every neighborhood in the city has had at least one case.

Vasan’s letter called on New York to pull out all the stops providing health care, food and legal services to migrants. Not a word about protecting the people who already live here.

Open borders import disease. Immigrants who lawfully apply for a visa must undergo health screenings and show they are vaccinated, and refugees are screened for TB before entering the U.S. Not so for those wading across the Rio Grande.

‘Pay No Attention to That Jihadi at the Mexican Border…’ By Stephen Kruiser


Don’t look know, but something is amiss down at the Mexican border. Shocking, right? According to the open borders fetish Democrats, nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice make their way up from our neighbor to the south.

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in the summer of 2015, the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media referred to his remarks about the kinds of people who make their way illegally across the Mexican border as “controversial.” I was a huge Trump skeptic at the time. I have, however, spent my life living near the Mexican border and found it quite refreshing that someone with a national audience was talking about the criminal element that flows northward from Mexico into the United States.

Robert wrote a post yesterday about an updated version of an old border problem:

We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing you! “Skyrocketing terrorist watch list hits at US borders are fueling fear and condemnation of Biden immigration policies,” the Bloomberg article said, but don’t worry: there isn’t any reason to lose confidence in Old Joe and his henchmen: “border buffs dispute whether the numbers indicate a serious threat.” Oh, well then!

When the media starts running spurious explainers of this kind, it’s a sign that they’re feeling the heat. People are noticing how terrorists are taking advantage of the Biden regime’s nonexistent Southern border, and so the “experts” must be called in to reassure everyone that the Left has things completely under control.

The Border: 10,000 Apprehensions in 48 Hours And those are just the people who got caught. by Robert Spencer


What was once known as the Southern border of the United States is essentially nonexistent in this time of Biden regime misrule, and so it was no surprise Wednesday when Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz tweeted some figures showing just how bad the border area has become:

Past 48 Hours…

– 10,070 Apprehensions

– 52 lbs. of Fentanyl

– 38 lbs. of Ecstasy

– 11 lbs. of Meth

– 11 lbs. of Cocaine

– $48,000 Seized

– 20 Firearms

– 5 Stolen Vehicles Recovered

– 5 Sex Offenders

– 4 Warrants

– 1 Gang Member

Significant numbers for just 2 days!

Indeed, and it was just business as usual for the border, although Ortiz didn’t mention the terrorists. It came to light last October that up to that point in 2022, the Border Patrol had caught at least 98 people at the border who are on terror watchlists. There is no indication that they’ve stopped coming since then. Terrorists can see what’s happening at the border as much as anyone else can; why shouldn’t they take advantage of the mess Old Joe has made? And those 98, of course, were just the ones who got caught.

An Act Before Congress Until more Americans make border integrity a priority, we are all but guaranteed to have more smoke and mirrors performances hiding an extremist agenda that is poisonous to our future. By Brian Lonergan


While running his minimalist presidential campaign in 2020, Joe Biden’s handlers sold him as the wise, responsible, inside-the-Beltway moderate the country desperately needed after his allegedly renegade predecessor. What we instead received was arguably the least transparent administration in the nation’s history, populated by a series of radical activists who are driven by an agenda most Americans would reject if it were stated openly.

That noxious combination of radicalism and lack of transparency was on display yet again this week when embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas made a scheduled visit to Capitol Hill for questioning by senators. It only served to reaffirm that we are a nation being led by unserious people who do not prioritize the best interests of America and its citizens.

Among the topics discussed in the hearing was Customs and Border Protection’s “CBP One” phone app, which allows would-be illegal aliens from four countries—Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua—to sign up to enter our country on an app, and then be processed through ports of entry and paroled into the United States at the rate of 30,000 per month.   

Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) cited a Texas Monthly article, which reported that migrants using the app are given no interviews and asked no questions about vulnerabilities they listed in the app, or about why they are seeking asylum in the United States. Instead, they are simply released into the country on official parole.

Mayorkas responded by accusing Hawley of misrepresenting the program and gave long-winded answers seemingly designed more to run out the clock than to address the questions. He also gave incoherent answers to questions about the cost of the app and whether outside consultants were hired to design it.

Can We Call It an Invasion Now? With two porous land borders to defend, as well as increased attempts at illegal entry by sea, American sovereignty is now more conceptual than real. By Brian Lonergan


By almost any significant metric, this is not America’s finest hour. We do not appear to be respected or feared economically, militarily, or in any other way by rival nations. Americans do not feel confident about the future, and we are seemingly more polarized along partisan lines than ever before.

Adding to our collective sense of dread is the sight of our nation’s geographic integrity slipping away. Almost daily we see untold numbers of foreign nationals trampling what used to be our southern border, demanding rights and privileges that previously were reserved for citizens and legal residents.

Rather than protect our nation’s sovereignty, the temporary caretakers of the executive branch are actively encouraging its decline. At this point, a credible case can be made that this is not a well-intentioned asylum program spun out of control, but every bit the invasion the images and data tell us it is.

Saying the “I-word” today seems to trigger those who barely follow the news as well as dogmatic anti-borders activists. “It’s not an armed force, so it can’t be an invasion!” is the most common retort.

A Google definition search of the word “invasion” produces three meanings, only one of which refers to an armed force. The others refer to “an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity,” and “an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain.” 

Either definition seems to fit our current predicament.

The Southern Border is a Hybrid War Zone And the targets are U.S. citizens and U.S. sovereignty. by Austin Bay


The March 12 Incident on the Paso Del Norte Bridge confirms the U.S.-Mexico border is once again a war zone.

The March 12 Incident is an outrage that demonstrates the U.S. is currently under continuous hybrid war assault.

The hybrid war’s current weapons: deadly drugs (fentanyl), human trafficking (to include child sex and work slavery), migrants sapping social welfare dollars budgeted for deprived American citizens and noncitizens voting illegally.

Illegal votes equal hijacked U.S. elections.

Don’t exclude these horrors: enemies evading border controls to spread infectious diseases and terrorists masked as illegal aliens who use porous and undefended borders to enter the U.S. and embed as “sleeper agents” for future enemy action.

Video cameras on the Mexican side captured the human wave assault’s initial surge. A swarming thousand — overwhelmingly male — funnels into the bridge and below a sign reading “Feliz Viaje” (bon voyage) attempt to physically overrun security personnel and break into the U.S.

The personnel to mob would crush and stomp: Border Patrol agents, local and state police — blue-collar American citizens with badges suddenly outnumbered 10 to one and defending the U.S. from invasion.

A justified question: If the American security personnel under human wave assault had fired a shot, would President Joe Biden have called them bigoted “racistracistracists”?

Biden Cuts Illegal Border Crossings By Redefining ‘Illegal’


The Biden administration’s bulletin board, also known as the Washington Post, featured an article last week headlined: “Biden takes heat for border measures, but illegal crossings are down.”

Various other news outlets echoed this theme, using terms such as “plunged” and “plummeted,” to describe what is, in fact, a record-high number of illegal crossings in both January and February.

How did the administration pull off this “plunge”?

Basically, by narrowing the focus and by redefining what counts as an illegal border crossing.

“The Biden administration has started using its port parole program shell game to feign ‘lawfulness’ and distract from the true numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. each month,” reports the Daily Signal.

Joe Biden started this parole program for Venezuelans, and in January expanded it to include Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans. People from those nations can get into the country – without a visa – if they show up at a port of entry and agree to some minimal rules under a supposed two-year parole.

“The administration has directed would-be illegal aliens of numerous nationalities to use the CBP One app to make an appointment at a port of entry, where they will be paroled into the country,” the Daily Signal explains.

The Customs and Border Patrol reports that illegal crossings by people from those four countries fell from 84,190 in December to 2,050 during February.”

Well, no kidding. Why cross illegally when you can tap an app and get into the country without having to follow the rules to enter legally?

“The administration calls this process a ‘lawful pathway,’ but mass paroling tens of thousands of inadmissible aliens through the ports make neither the process, nor the aliens using it, lawful,” notes the Daily Signal.