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The Immigrant Population Is Growing Rapidly By Mark Krikorian


The total foreign-born population reached a record 47 million in April, according to a new report by my colleagues Steven Camarota and Karen Ziegler.

While that’s the largest number ever recorded, and the total number of immigrants is important in itself, the simple fact of a record number is maybe the least interesting finding of the report; after all, a growing population of any kind sets a new record every year.

But the pace of that growth is remarkable. The report, based on the Census Bureau’s monthly Current Population Survey, noted that the 47 million number is half-again more than in 2000. Going back further, the total size of the foreign-born population has doubled since 1990, tripled since 1980, and quintupled since 1970. (The total U.S. population has grown only by about half since 1970.)

What’s more, the growth is accelerating. This total number of foreign-born (people living here who weren’t U.S. citizens at birth — legal and illegal, naturalized citizen, green-card, H-1B, whatever) has grown by 2 million just since Joe Biden was inaugurated in January of last year. And two-thirds of that increase under Biden are illegal aliens (1.35 million), which should be no surprise considering the ongoing dissolution of the border. (The Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics both state that illegal immigrants are included in their survey data, though some do get missed.)

In addition to the size of the foreign-born population, the percentage also matters. The foreign-born now account for one in seven U.S. residents (14.3 percent) — the highest percentage since 1910.

Monkeypox: That unasked question By Monica Showalter


Scientists, it seems, are baffled by the unexplained appearance of the smallpox-like illness associated with rodents called “monkeypox” in the West which brings unsightly sores to the skin of those who are afflicted with it.

Long a disease seen mostly in parts of tropical Africa, it has now made appearances in the U.S. continental Europe, Canada, and the U.K., all at approximately the same time.

According to the Associated Press:

LONDON (AP) — As more cases of monkeypox are detected in Europe and North America, some scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks in Africa say they are baffled by the unusual disease’s spread in the West.

Cases of the smallpox-related disease haven’t previously been seen among people with no links to central and West Africa. But in the past week, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, U.S., Sweden and Canada all reported infections, mostly in young men who hadn’t previously traveled to Africa.

France, Germany, Belgium and Australia confirmed their first cases of monkeypox on Friday.

“I’m stunned by this. Every day I wake up and there are more countries infected,” said Oyewale Tomori, a virologist who formerly headed the Nigerian Academy of Science and who sits on several World Health Organization advisory boards.

“This is not the kind of spread we’ve seen in West Africa, so there may be something new happening in the West,” he said.

Viruses and bacterias, of course, can mutate, which could explain the sudden rate of the spread.

But the unasked question in all of the stories cited is how the disease got here to start with.

Title 42 and Chaos on the Border Mayorkas is not America’s guardian — he’s its innkeeper. Michael Cutler


On May 15, 2022 Fox News reported, The end of Title 42 will create ‘chaos all across the border,’ former ICE director warns.  That report began with the following:

Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan warned on Sunday that the Biden administration’s move to end the use of the Title 42 public health order to expel migrants at the border will create “chaos all across the border.” 

The policy, used since March 2020 under both Presidents Trump and Biden, provided the ability for American officials to bar migrants from entering the country during a health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last month, the Biden administration confirmed it will terminate the policy at the end of May despite objections from both Democrats and Republicans warning that it would trigger a massive migrant wave.

Those very serious concerns are well founded, nevertheless, the Biden Administration appears determined to go forward with its plan of ending Title 42.

Under Title 42 illegal aliens who apply for political asylum can be turned around at the border out of public health concerns.  Once Title 42, which was imposed by the Trump administration I terminated, the Biden administration will welcome all illegal aliens into the United States even though there is no way to properly vet these aliens.  Consider this warning contained in the official report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel:

Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

OUTRAGEOUS: American Infants Go Hungry While Biden Sends Baby Formula to Illegals By Athena Thorne


In a Facebook video, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) made a blood-boiling accusation: Even as American parents face the prospect of being unable to feed their infant children adequately amid a worsening baby formula shortage, the Biden administration has been shipping pallets of formula to the Mexican border to hand out free of charge to foreign nationals who enter the country illegally.

“Something that I absolutely have to share with you right now is the craziness of the Bare-Shelves Biden movement and the fact that they are sending pallets — pallets — of baby formula to the border. Meanwhile, in our own district, at home, we cannot find baby formula,” said Cammack. She held up two photos, one of alleged bare shelves in a Target store. The second photo, says Cammack, was sent to her by a Border Patrol agent and showed plentiful stocks of baby formula at Ursula Central Processing Center in McAllen, Texas.

All the President’s Border Policies That Have Illegals Heading North James Varney


While a federal court has stayed the Biden administration’s attempt to lift pandemic-prompted restrictions on immigrants pouring across the southern border, that is just one setback in a largely successful push by the president to make it easier for migrants to enter, live, and work in the U.S.

Since Joe Biden’s first day in office, when he signed seven executive orders on immigration that, among other things, suspended deportations and ended the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” program that had eased the crush of those awaiting asylum hearings, the president has in word and deed sent signals that migrants have interpreted as welcoming. The initiatives include reviving the Obama-era policy known as “catch and release,” “paroling” illegal border crossers so they can enter the country, resettling migrants through secret flights around the country, and ending the “no match” policy that had helped the government identify people who were using fraudulent credentials to find work.

At the same time, the administration has deflected responsibility for the surge of immigrants. Initially, Biden’s team claimed there was no significant spike in immigration, later attributing it to “cyclical” and seasonal trends. Even as a record number of migrants from around the world were streaming across the border, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki declared last year that “the border remains closed.” Last week, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said the administration had “effectively managed” the border crisis while also blaming “a broken and dismantled system” the administration had inherited.

The Great Betrayal of American Democracy The American people will have their chance to hold Joe Biden and his party accountable in November. By Christopher Schorr


The Biden Administration is aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States.

Let’s review the facts. As a candidate, Biden precipitated the crisis with several campaign promises: 

Amnesty and citizenship 
Halting construction of the southern border wall 
Suspending deportations
Abandoning successful asylum fraud prevention efforts like the “Remain in Mexico” policy and “safe third country” agreements with Central American nations. 

Upon taking office, Biden swiftly implemented these promises, escalating the crisis. He reinstituted the Obama-era policy of releasing migrants apprehended at the border into the interior of the country, pending hearings they often skip. His Department of Homeland Security secretly transported migrants across the country in the dead of night to avoid public scrutiny. Confronted with a court order to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” policy, Biden passively refused to comply. 

In March, monthly border encounters hit a new record of 221,303, beating the previous record (also set by Biden) of 213,953 in July. Biden has funneled 1 million illegal aliens into the United States in just over a year. 

Last month, Biden announced his plan to end Title 42, a public health authority under which 1.8 million migrants have been turned away at the border. By the administration’s own estimates, this could swell border incursions to 18,000 per day. Ending Title 42 eliminates the last vestige of American control over the southern border. With 19 months remaining before the 2024 election, Biden could add another 10 million illegal aliens to the United States. The number could be lower—the planet might run out of economic migrants posing as asylum seekers—or it could be much higher. In any event, American law would no longer govern entry into the United States. 

The Politics of Dismantling U.S. Sovereignty 

Biden has determined that displacing Americans with foreigners is in the long-term interest of his party. No other explanation makes sense. 

Consider the invasion’s short-term politics. Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration by 57-35 percent. By 51-34 percent, most Americans believe that Biden is “purposefully encouraging illegal immigration.” Facing a midterm rout, vulnerable Democrats are rebelling, but Biden seems intent on punishing his party and the voters it claims to represent: low-wage earners, blacks, and Latinos.

A humanitarian crisis did not necessitate Biden’s invasion, but it has caused several, including:

A migrant rape crisis. Human traffickers reportedly rape 60-80 percent of migrant women and girls. This is the true face of open borders: Central American parents giving their pre-teen daughters birth control, expecting the worst.
Making Cartels Great Again. Biden’s invasion enriches Mexican drug cartels, fueling violence and corruption in Mexico.
China’s new Opium War against the American people. Mexican cartels funnel Chinese fentanyl through border security gaps they create by tying down U.S. Border Patrol with migrants. Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45. 
American families under siege. Cartels (and migrants) destroy property, threaten families, and burn homes to the ground. 

These are some of the invasion’s costs. What are its benefits? 

Biden Administration’s Post-Title 42 Border Plan: More of the Same How today’s disaster will become tomorrow’s catastrophe. Joseph Klein


Title 42 has allowed Border Patrol agents to deny entry to illegal border-crossers because of COVID-19 health concerns without having to conduct any kind of hearing first, even on an asylum claim. The Biden administration is still planning to lift the Title 42 entry restriction on May 23rd. However, that may be on hold for a while following a federal district judge’s issuance of a temporary restraining order on April 25th requiring the administration to keep Title 42 in place for now.

Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), admitted in an April 26th memo that when “the Title 42 public health Order is lifted, we anticipate migration levels will increase, as smugglers will seek to take advantage of and profit from vulnerable migrants.”

Not to worry, according to Secretary Mayorkas, who says that DHS has a new plan to deal with that. 

The DHS Secretary’s April 26th memo is entitled “DHS Plan for Southwest Border Security and Preparedness,” which discusses various measures the Biden administration intends to implement once the Title 42 termination goes into effect.

Secretary Mayorkas uses benign sounding terms in his memo like “vulnerable migrants” and “noncitizens” to obscure who they really are – illegal immigrants.

With Biden Reckless and Congress AWOL, Will the Supreme Court Save ‘Remain in Mexico’? Andrew McCarthy


Don’t count on it.

‘I guess I’m just wondering why that’s our problem.”

Chief Justice John Roberts was asking why the catastrophe at the southern border, which is clearly the nation’s problem, should be the Supreme Court’s problem. The catastrophe results from the hash the political branches have made of things. Since they caused the problem, and they alone have the wherewithal — if not the will — to address it, Roberts was grousing about the problem’s arrival at the doorstep of the judiciary, the branch least equipped to solve it.

But isn’t that always the way it is with a catastrophe? There are many good questions about how we got into this fine mess. What eludes us is how we get out of it.

The occasion for the chief justice’s musings was oral argument this week in Biden v. Texas. In its mulish determination to cancel all Trump policies, for no better reason than that they were Trump policies and regardless of how beneficial they were, the Biden administration has endeavored to undo “Remain in Mexico.”

That is the popular name for what is formally known as the “Migrant Protection Protocols.” These comprise a procedure, worked out after tough negotiations with the Mexican government, whereby aliens seeking to enter the United States without authorization are permitted to remain in Mexico while awaiting their hearings.

The illegal aliens at issue, who are now arriving at our border at a breathtaking, sovereignty-destroying rate of over 200,000 per month (221,000 last month), are overwhelmingly excludable. That is, they should be instantly turned away because they have no legal right to enter and no realistic basis to claim asylum. Nonetheless, our law allows even obviously meritless asylum claims to be made by illegal aliens (whom we’re now supposed to call “migrants” based on the nonsensical progressive trope that “no human being is illegal”). Something, therefore, must be done with the “migrants” while they await hearings on their frivolous claims — and those hearings are taking ever longer to schedule because the numbers arriving are ever more daunting, overwhelming the government’s finite resources — which is why what Roberts euphemistically refers to as a “problem” looks more like an invasion (although it is not referred to as such because our betters abide such leaps of language only for insurrection).

Policy-wise, Remain in Mexico has been a home run. It keeps out people who are not entitled to be in the U.S., thus incentivizing use of legal immigration processes. It discourages people in South and Central America (among other places) from making the dangerous trek to our border, since the risk is not worth bearing if there is no realistic expectation of admission. Consequently, the procedure relieves our government of the prohibitively costly burden of detaining and expelling illegal immigrants, or, worse, of dealing with the significant downsides of discharging an ever more massive illegal-alien population into the United States.

Our Inhumane Southern Border By Carine Hajjar


Migrants and Americans suffer when the law is absent

Val Verde County, Texas

Star Ranch, half a mile from the Rio Grande, is a popular spot for border crossers to “surrender” and request asylum in the United States. The surrender I witness this morning is as remarkably unremarkable as all the others I have seen in a week of ride-alongs with law enforcement. A family from Colombia — mother, father, and young son — chat calmly with two adult male migrants as a Customs and Border Protection van pulls up. National Guardsmen lean on their vehicles and watch casually. The CBP officer will take the migrants to a processing center, where they will be assessed for asylum eligibility.

I ask the father what the family’s plan is for life in the United States. “Empezar de cero,” he replies: to start from zero. They remind me of Jorge, a Cuban migrant I met days before at an NGO in town. He wanted asylum to pursue “el sueño Americano,” the American dream. Jorge told me he planned to send money to his three kids at home. It is hard not to sympathize. Why not welcome people who want to work, to improve their lives? This is the motivation behind calls to lower the bar for asylum seekers and thereby create a more open, “humane” border.

Look a little further, though, and it becomes clear that the current system is not ready for that idea, no matter how well intentioned. Right now, a more open border is not only dysfunctional, it’s a danger.

Last month, Customs and Border Protection had 209,906 encounters — both expulsions and apprehensions — with migrants at the southern border. That number breaks a 22-year record.

DHS head Mayorkas spars with House GOP and blames Trump for border troubles by Virginia Aabram,


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sparred with Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee over the crisis at the southern border, while he and the Democratic lawmakers blamed the Trump administration for his department’s troubles.

While the GOP members pressed Mayorkas on migration statistics at the Thursday oversight hearing, Democrats acknowledged that he “inherited something of a mess,” as Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat, said.

“One of the greatest obstacles we have, Mr. Chairman, is to overcome the distrust that was sown by the prior administration,” Mayorkas told New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler. “Through its global policies, many still feel fearful, given what trauma they experienced and continue to experience.”

Nadler said that “the previous administration did all it could to break our immigration system” by enforcing family separation policies in which “children were literally kidnapped from their mothers and fathers with no plans to reunite them” and doing everything in its “power to block legal pathways.”

Mayorkas, in response to Lofgren’s lamentation of the state of the immigration system left by former President Donald Trump, agreed that “the prior administration decimated the legal immigration system, leaving U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that administers our nation’s legal immigration system, on the brink of bankruptcy.”