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Biden’s Border by Chris Farrell


Fiscal year-end figures provided this month by the Department of Homeland Security show that 2021 was the record year for all-time high apprehensions on the southern border. Federal agents apprehended 1,659,206 illegal immigrants at the southwest border in 2021, breaking the previous high of 1,643,679 in 2000.

The Biden administration, despite an August 2021 court ruling by Texas-based US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, continues to find ways through policy rules and memoranda of instruction, to circumvent the law and permit unlawful entry.

[T]he Biden administration has also decided to skew the numbers more favorably toward their goals for an even more “open borders” unrestricted immigration with a new policy directive from Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas… fencing off a number of new “protected areas” where no immigration law enforcement activities are permitted.

Border communities and states will feel the impact of Biden’s policies first and the hardest, but what this administration has unleashed on the nation at-large will have enormous consequences for every facet of our society: housing, healthcare, education, services, public safety, quality of life, employment, economics, the justice system, and – of course – voting rolls. The voting issue is indisputably altered in California under Governor Gavin Newsom, where election officials mailed unsolicited ballots state-wide, reportedly enabling “Cheating in plain sight.”

One does not see reporting in the American news media nowadays about the “Biden Caravans,” thousands of immigrants making their way north to the border region of the United States. News media reports on the number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the border are also few and far between. The deficit in reporting and public attention does not, however, mean that the border crisis has abated. In fact, the crisis has deepened on all fronts: it is a humanitarian disaster compounded by rampant criminality and grave national security threats.

The “mother of all caravans” (also known as the “march for liberty, dignity and peace”) is on the way from the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, to the United States. By the time you read this, they may already have arrived. More than 4,000 illegal immigrants are estimated to be in the caravan. Spanish-language reporting (that includes video) on the caravan claims that the group consists mainly of Haitians and Central Americans. Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretary, Marcelo Ebrard, is quoted in a Mexican news story as saying that the government will act with prudence and caution in accordance with human rights laws, although he adds that migrants are being fooled because they will not be allowed to enter the United States.

Biden’s Border Agenda Has Now Reached Peak Derangement The administration’s policies are not compassionate. They are part of a deranged agenda meant to slowly erode this nation’s resources by importing much of the world’s poverty problem.  By Brian Lonergan


Those who supported the ascension of Joe Biden to the White House could be forgiven for acting out of weariness and naïveté. They were tired of the political bloodsport from the previous four years and were promised a return to “normalcy” and competence. On the border issue alone, however, this administration has created buyers’ remorse on a grand scale as it implements hard-Left, radical policies that are permanently changing the country for the worse.

The most recent initiative to derail American exceptionalism is the move to terminate the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), which include the “Remain in Mexico” policy. In a memo announcing his intent to terminate the program, Department of Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas included among the verbiage in his four-page document a clause saying that “I recognize that MPP likely contributed to reduced migratory flows.”

Talk about burying the lead! 

For any other DHS secretary, reducing migratory flows and preventing the kind of chaos we saw recently with the Haitian migrants under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, would be a good thing. It would suggest a plan to maintain stability in our country and deter others from making the perilous journey.

In Bidenworld, however, Mayorkas got his job specifically because establishing border security is not on his radar. He operates more like the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, not the individual responsible for the federal agency in charge of protecting the homeland of the United States. His tattered credibility continues to sink with his bizarre dedication to repeating the lie that “the border is closed,” when all visual and statistical evidence points to the opposite conclusion. Will Biden fire him for gross incompetence? Of course not, because Mayorkas is doing exactly what he was put in place to do.

If Biden’s purported compassion for the world’s huddled masses were applied unconditionally, he could at least be credited with consistency. Alas, his Albert Schweitzer shtick ends when his party’s political interests are not served. It is the only explanation for the contrast between his “save the children” talk when it comes to Central America and Mayorkas slamming the door shut on oppressed Cubans.

The difference? Refugees from the Northern Triangle are considered more likely to vote with Democrats. Cubans have been living under the boot of a hardline Communist dictatorship for generations and are wise to the progressive lure of cradle-to-grave benefits. Sorry Cubans, the lofty rhetoric about saving the impoverished and persecuted children of the world does not apply to you.  

The Biden administration’s mind-boggling cash giveaway to illegal aliens By Bob Parks


Aside from exploitative nonprofits and opportunistic politicians, very few Americans invited illegal aliens to break our immigration laws intentionally—their very first act in the United States. Indeed, many Americans have had negative interactions with illegals, examples of which we see on an almost daily basis. Just the other day, a drunk-driving illegal alien killed a five-year-old girl, and there are other stories of thefts, robberies, sexual assaults. There are very few things anyone can point to that would be considered a benefit to having them around.

Only crazed Democrats could find a way to excuse this. Of course, Joe Biden has almost erased our southern border in an act of petty vindictiveness against President Trump and law-abiding Americans. But they just had to throw more salt in the wound….

Thousands of migrant parents and children separated from each other at the U.S. border by Trump administration policies may soon be eligible for hundreds of thousands of dollars per person in compensation, according to three sources familiar with ongoing negotiations in a lawsuit brought on behalf of separated families.

The Wall Street Journal first reported on Thursday that the Biden administration is in talks to offer separated migrant parents and children around $450,000 per person. That would mean that if a parent and a child were separated at the border, together they would be eligible for a combined payment of $900,000. The talks are part of negotiations between the Justice Department and lawyers representing the separated families in a number of tort cases that have claimed the families experienced harm when they were forcibly separated.

The Wall Street Journal has a few more pertinent details, most notably the fact that the “total potential payout could be $1 billion or more.”

Biden’s Broken Border: A Crisis by the Numbers By Gwendolyn Sims


Friday afternoon, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) quietly released some truly startling Southwest border migrant encounter numbers.

Fox News reports that “a total of 192,001 migrants were encountered in September, slightly down (9%) from 209,840 in August and 213,593 in July.” September’s numbers, though, mean there were a total of 1,734,686 encounters at the border in Fiscal Year 2021 alone—the highest number of U.S. border encounters in a single fiscal year on record.

And don’t forget, these numbers are simply the “migrant” encounters that were recorded by the U.S. Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations (OFO). Just imagine how many thousands more people entered the country illegally and undetected. Imagine how many of those were not only breaking our immigration laws, but are also violent and deviant criminals intent on doing Americans harm while the left feebly snivels and claims anyone who demands our border be secured and lawfully regulated is racist and hateful.

Border Patrol Arrests Shatter All Records at Southern Border By Charlotte Cuthbertson


Border Patrol agents apprehended a total of 1,666,167 illegal immigrants along the southwest border in fiscal 2021—breaking all records since 1925 after the agency was formed (when 22,199 illegal aliens were arrested).

An additional 294,352 were stopped after trying to enter at a port of entry without legal papers, bringing the total to almost 2 million (1,956,519) for fiscal 2021, according to new Customs and Border Protection (CBP) statistics.

The CBP doesn’t officially release the number of “gotaways”—illegal aliens who are detected by Border Patrol, but evade capture. However, former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan told a congressional Republican roundtable on Oct. 20 that the gotaway number hit at least 400,000 illegal aliens this year.

The Biden administration has faced growing criticism for the crisis at the southern border, which started to ramp up a year ago in tandem with election rhetoric.

However, the number of illegal crossings shot up once Biden took office and promptly dismantled many of President Donald Trump’s border security measures.

In January, Biden paused deportations, stopped border wall construction, halted the Remain in Mexico program, repurposed Immigration and Customs Enforcement priorities, and reversed the ban on travel from terror-prone countries.

In December 2020, Trump’s last full month in office, Border Patrol agents arrested almost 74,000 illegal immigrants on the southern border. By July, that had almost tripled to 213,500.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expelling most single adults under the Title 42 health directive policy issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in March 2020 that calls for immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants and non-essential travelers.

However, under Biden, the DHS stopped applying Title 42 to any unaccompanied children, most family units, and some adults.

Progressives Demand More Giveaways for Illegal Immigrants Biden’s open-border policies expand the pool of entitled illegals. Joseph Klein


Progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are pressing for an expansion of New York State’s $2.1 billion giveaway of subsidies to illegal immigrants who are otherwise ineligible for government relief. Passed last April as part of the New York State budget, the “Excluded Worker Fund” has provided one-time payments as high as $15,600 to illegal immigrants who have been able to document that they lost work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other illegal immigrants without this level of documentation were still able to receive payments of $3,200 to match the amount of COVID-19 related assistance that many American citizens and other legal residents have received from the federal government.

The New York Times described the Excluded Worker Fund as “by far the biggest of its kind in the country and a sign of the state’s shift toward policies championed by progressive Democrats.” But evidently, the fund is not big enough as far as the progressive advocates for illegal immigrants are concerned.

The Excluded Worker Fund is already running out of money. “To date, the state has distributed just over two-thirds of the fund, to about 128,000 people, a fraction of the nearly 351,000 claims that were received,” the New York Times reported on October 19th.

What else would you expect from yet another poorly conceived progressive Democrat program? Demand for the illegal immigrant subsidies has outstripped the money available to pay for them. The number of claimants to date has exceeded by over 20 percent the number of illegal immigrants that the Director of Immigration Research at a liberal think tank estimated last May would benefit from the program. 

Biden Administration Plans To Protect Immigration Fraudsters It’s all about mind over matter – and if Joe doesn’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Michael Cutler


America’s borders and immigration laws are its first and last line of defense against threats to national security, public safety and public health.

A review of the relevant section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 8 U.S. Code § 1182  (Inadmissible aliens) will provide clarity as to the intent and importance of our immigration laws that Biden refuses to enforce.

Indeed, the Biden administration continues to wage an escalating war against immigration law enforcement yet the largely compliant mainstream media never asks how Biden’s policies are in the best interests of America or Americans.

The disaster on the southern border has been well-documented and the dangers that this creates for national security, public safety, public health cannot be over-estimated.

However, there are many other elements of the immigration system and immigration fraud has been identified as the key method of entry and embedding for terrorists- and not just the terrorists who participated in the deadly attacks on September 11, 2001 but other terrorists who sought to carry out deadly attacks inside the United States before and even after the terror attacks of 9/11.


Blog:  www.PaulSchnee.com

All you have to do is look at the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from around the world who have crossed our southern border unimpeded, unvaccinated, uneducated and generally unwashed. They are being ushered in by anti-American activists and NGOs and transported to purple states where, it is confidently assumed, they will vote for Democrats once they have been granted amnesty by the treacherous oligarchs and high members of the gated-community now running and ruining our country.

Only people who really hate their own society would instigate and collaborate with this sort of cultural vandalism.

Demography is destiny. One gets what one voted for. The difference between genius and stupidity, said Einstein, is that genius has its limits!

Paul S.

One Chart That Exposes Biden’s Big Border Lie


“I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. … The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed.” — President Joe Biden, March 25.

The real truth of the matter is that nothing Biden has said about the crisis gripping the southern border is true, because he refuses to admit that he, and only he, is to blame for it.

At that same press conference, for example, Biden claimed that the surge of illegals crossing from Mexico at the start of 2021 “happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.”

He went on to say “the reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat in the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in-country – in-country.”

None of that is true. As we’ve noted in this space earlier, the flood of illegals has only increased in months since Biden made that claim, right through a sweltering summer and despite “the heat of the desert.”

The idea that this surge happens “every year” is also easily debunked. For proof, simply compare the illegal immigration numbers under Biden to those during President Donald Trump’s first year in office.

Biden Administration Knew in July That Thousands of Haitian Migrants Were Heading for U.S. Border Caroline Downey


U.S. agencies charged with managing immigration were aware that thousands of Haitians had embarked for the border in July, but internal disagreements over whether to escalate deportations as well as intelligence lags left border personnel overwhelmed by the crowds that flooded into Del Rio, Texas last month.

Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Analysis knew in July that caravans of Haitian migrants were journeying from South and Central America to attempt to gain entry into the U.S, three officials told NBC News. However, information regarding the size of the group or the progress of its movement north was not properly dispersed within DHS and other agencies to give adequate time to prepare.

The deportation process ahead of the incoming border surge was also stalled because of infighting between progressives and others at DHS, two officials told NBC. In a week’s span, about 28,000 illegal aliens were apprehended at the border, at least 12,000 of whom were released into the country despite the Biden administration’s assurances to the contrary.