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Attempted Illegal Border Crossings Drop to Eight-Month Low By Zachary Evans


Customs and Border Patrol announced on Tuesday that in January the agency recorded the fewest number of attempted illegal border crossings in eight months.

Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan told reporters at a press conference that the agency had apprehended or denied entry to 36,679 people in January, down from 144,116 people in May 2019. Of the 36,679, 29,200 were arrested by the Border Patrol, while the remainder were refused entry to the U.S. at border crossings.

Morgan said the decrease in attempted crossings was attributable to “successful” Trump administration policies.

The Trump administration’s policies have included measures intended to stem the flow of asylum-seekers to the U.S.-Mexico border, such as the “Remain in Mexico” directives requiring asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their cases are processed in the U.S. Migrants are sometimes returned to other Latin American countries if their cases are rejected by the U.S.


The administration has also attempted to counter the phenomenon of sanctuary cities, where local governments instruct law enforcement not to cooperate with U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement. In the latest salvo against these policies, Attorney General William Barr announced Monday the Justice Department would commence a “significant escalation” in lawsuits against sanctuary cities for “unconstitutionally interfering” with immigration enforcement.

Trump Administration Secures Funding for 1,000 Miles of Border Wall Eric Lendrum


Representatives of the Trump Administration recently told The Daily Caller that the White House has shifted its focus away from “procuring resources” and instead towards acquiring new funds for additional construction, which has just secured 1,000 miles of new wall on the southern U.S. border.

“With funding available, the administration will build up to approximately 1,000 miles of border wall along the southwest border,” the official told the Caller. The official claims that the budget requests for fiscal year 2021 guarantee this, apparently by calling for “increases for infrastructure, technology, and law enforcement personnel” rather than new funding, which will “gain operational control of the border.”

This development confirms President Trump’s promise to construct at least 450 miles of new border wall by the end of 2020, as acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan declared in January. Additionally, officials reported that both the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security “will provide $8.4 billion to wall construction.”

The Trump administration is finally going after sanctuary cities By Andrea Widburg


One of the most galling things that the left has done is to block Immigration and Customs Enforcement by creating so-called sanctuaries to protect known criminal illegal aliens from arrest. The phrase “sanctuary city” (or sometimes “sanctuary state”) is something of a misnomer, of course, because while these places are sanctuaries for criminals who are being released back into the community, they’re anything but sanctuaries for the communities ravaged by those same immigrants.

Early on, the Trump administration tried to withhold federal funds from California as a way to block it from declaring itself a sanctuary. The problem was that California rushed into federal court where a friendly activist judge immediately issued a nationwide injunction. It wasn’t until July 2019 that the Ninth Circuit reversed that decision, and then only on narrow grounds.

Suddenly, though, after three years, the Trump administration is moving aggressively against the sanctuary city/state problem. It began last week when the administration announced that it was prohibiting New York state residents from participating in programs such as Global Entry and NEXUS which allow low-risk travelers to enter the U.S. more easily.

AG Barr Announces ‘Significant Escalation’ Against Left-Wing ‘Sanctuary Cities’ By Matt Margolis


During a speech at the National Sheriff’s Association 2020 Winter Legislative and Technology Conference in Washington, D.C., Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department would be filing multiple lawsuits against state and local governments for interfering with federal immigration enforcement, in what he described as a “significant escalation” to combat “sanctuary city” policies.

Attorney General Barr identified illegal immigrants who enter this country and commit crimes as a significant problem for law enforcement to address. “For many decades, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the priority for immigration enforcement has been identifying these criminal aliens and deporting them from the country as soon as they are eligible for release by state and local authorities,” Barr stated. “Those efforts are a vital part of how we keep our country safe. Immigration enforcement is an essential part of law enforcement.”

“Unfortunately, in various jurisdictions, so-called ‘progressive’ politicians are jeopardizing the public’s safety by putting the interests of criminal aliens before those of law-abiding citizens,” Barr continued. “They have put in place policies and laws designed to thwart the ability of federal officers to take custody of these criminals and thereby help them escape back into the community. They often proudly brand their jurisdictions as ‘sanctuaries,’ and package their obstructive policies in idealistic and misleading rhetoric about ‘protecting the immigrant community.'”

Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible: When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape.  These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society.  Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes.  This is neither lawful nor sensible.

Bloomberg Pledges to Investigate ICE ‘Abuse’ in Immigration Proposal By Mairead McArdle


Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg released a sweeping immigration proposal on Monday in which he pledged to launch an investigation into alleged Immigration and Customs Enforcement “abuses.”

In his ten-page proposal, Bloomberg pledges to launch a Department of Justice probe into the 400 allegations of sexual assault or abuse reported against ICE since 2017 while limiting the opportunity for future abuses by “significantly reducing immigrant detention for those who do not pose a threat to public safety.”

The proposal also calls for extending the legal status of participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects from deportation undocumented immigrants who were brought into the country as children, and those in the Temporary Protected Status program, which shields immigrants who cannot return home due to natural disaster or armed conflict.

Bloomberg would also implement a place-based visa system, which would allow states and localities to accept immigrants to help address the economic and social needs of different locations. The plan would encourage professionals to apply for visas, including doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs, and international students.

The former New York City mayor promised not to embrace policies that “run counter to American values,” such as President Trump’s travel ban, a southern border wall, or family separations at the border.

After heavy bipartisan backlash, the Trump administration in June, 2018 shuttered its “zero tolerance” policy of allowing children to be separated from their parents after the family crossed the border illegally. Over the previous year, migrant children were separated and housed separately from their parents as the adults were prosecuted.

Democracy Dies In Diverse Societies Ilana Mercer


By using their police powers to swamp their already fractious populations with alien nations, governments have undermined existing ethnic balance in Western democracies and the fellow feeling so essential to democracy’s endurance.

Dissatisfaction with democracy within developed countries is at its highest level in almost 25 years,” say researchers at the University of Cambridge. “The UK and the United States had particularly high levels of discontent.”

No wonder. Certainly, America is a severely divided country. “Severely divided societies are short on community,” and “community is a prerequisite for majority rule,” argues Donald L. Horowitz, a scholar of democracy, at Duke University.

Having studied “constitutional engineering” in divided societies like South Africa, Horowitz has concluded,

In societies severely divided by ethnicity, race, religion, language, or any other form of ascriptive affiliation, ethnic divisions make democracy difficult, because they tend to produce ethnic parties and ethnic voting. An ethnic party with a majority of votes and seats can dominate minority groups, seemingly in perpetuity.

Forcing The U.S. To Accept Immigrants Who Will Become Public Charges Francis Menton


Who runs the federal government of the United States? Is it the elected President and members of Congress? Or is it a permanent bureaucracy committed to expansion of its own size and power, together with a critical mass (potentially well less than a majority) of sympathetic federal judges who can be called upon as necessary to strike down any disfavored policy initiative from the elected branches? Or, in an even more cynical formulation, is it that the elected officeholders can run policy when they are Democrats, but when Republicans are elected the bureaucrats get to rule with the assistance of select members of the judiciary?

To view the dynamics of this process at work, there is perhaps no more striking example than what has occurred on the question of the extent to which the U.S. can exclude immigrants on the ground that they are likely to become “public charges.” We last visited this subject back in October 2019, in a post titled “Maneuvering To Force The U.S. To Accept Immigrants Who Will Become Public Charges.” This post is a sequel to that one.

The relevant context is that the U.S. immigration law as passed by Congress, since the enactment of the first statute on the subject back in the 1880s, has explicitly sought to preclude the admission as immigrants of individuals likely to become “public charges.” Although the statutory language has changed somewhat over the years in immaterial ways, one provision of the current statute ( 8 U.S.C. Section 1182(a)(4)) contains the following language:

Aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States: . . . (4) Any alien who, in the opinion of the consular officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.

Son of Muslim Immigrant Joins Nazis, Vandalizes Wisconsin Synagogue Does America have such a Nazi shortage that we need immigration to import more? Daniel Greenfield


In Wisconsin, the dairy capital of the nation, Muslims and Nazis revisited their old alliance when Yousef Barasneh, the son of a Jordanian immigrant active in the Muslim community, joined the Neo-Nazi group, The Base (which shares the meaning of its name with Al Qaeda), and vandalized a synagogue.

The synagogue, Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine, had the term, “Jude”, German for “Jew”, swastikas, the symbol of the Nazi Secret Service, and The Base white supremacist symbol, scrawled on it in September. Later that year, a Base leader ratted out Yousef as the perpetrator to the FBI.

When communicating with his Neo-Nazi pals, Yousef anglicized or polonized his Arabic first name to “Joseph” or “Josef”. Despite his Muslim convert mother’s Polish ancestry, Yousef might not have been confident of the welcome he would receive as “Yousef” from a white supremacist organization.

But when The Base called for vandalizing synagogues, the son of a Jordanian immigrant was eager.

“Imagine if across the country on local news, Everyone is reporting on new nazi presence,” he wrote in Nazi chat. “Our op will be a perfect f___ you to these kikes if we become terrorists.”

Trump To Take On Birth Tourism Daniel Greenfield


Immigration abuse isn’t a single problem. It’s really a series of problems, sometimes overlapping, but not necessarily.

It’s not just, “These guys are crossing the border illegally”, though that’s obviously a big problem. Birth tourism is one of the more obscure and infuriating problems that comes about as a consequence of the terrible idea that anyone who is born in the United States (unless they’re the children of a foreign diplomat) are automatically Americans. Or, birthright citizenship.

There’s no serious basis that just being born in America, regardless of the legal status of your parents, should immediately convey citizenship. It’s an aberration, internationally, where things just don’t work this way. (Much like voting without any ID.)

And the industry of birth tourism has sprung up around the birthright citizenship loophole with, often, Chinese nationals coming to the United States to give birth, and coming away with instant citizenship for their son or daughter.

Mark Krikorian: Trump’s Blind Spot on Immigration


A more moderate level of immigration is both good policy and good politics. Cheap foreign labor is cheap foreign labor, whether it’s legal or illegal, permanent or temporary, blue-collar or white-collar. 

President Trump’s recent interview with Laura Ingraham highlighted an aspect of his views on immigration that doesn’t get enough attention: He wants to increase immigration.

High-skilled or low-skilled, temporary or permanent, the president’s desire has been consistent: “We need people!” Apparently, 1.1 million new permanent immigrants a year—plus hundreds of thousands of “temporary” workers—just isn’t enough.

There’s no doubt that the president is committed to better enforcement of immigration laws, and his administration has made some modest progress in that regard, in the face of savage, Battle-of-Stalingrad opposition.

But when it comes to legal immigration, Trump’s approach is little different from that of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and John McCain, Mike Bloomberg and Mark Zuckerberg.

Ingraham is a fan of the president, so the half-hour interview, ranging across a variety of topics, was generally friendly. But Ingraham is also no sycophant, so when she brought up the issue of foreign workers, she didn’t pull her punch.

“We don’t have a tight labor market,” she said (about halfway through the linked clip). “If we had a tight labor market, we’d be seeing real increases in wages. I hear that your team is planning on advocating more foreign workers coming in for some of these high-tech companies. I’m very concerned about that, as are a lot of your supporters.“