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Students Assigned to Pack Bags and Pretend They Are Refugees in Trump’s America “President Trump is trying to take control of the United States! There are fights in the streets!” Sara Dogan


A middle school teacher in Pennsylvania provoked outrage and charges of indoctrination after she assigned her students to time themselves for ten minutes as they packed a bag in imitation of refugees forced to leave America by President Donald Trump.

“President Trump is trying to take control of the United States!” read the deliberately inflammatory assignment, portraying America’s legitimate president as a dictator enacting a coup. “There are fights in the streets! You have to pretend that you are a refugee being forced to leave your home, never to return.”

The assignment then instructs students to spend only ten minutes packing a bag in preparation to leave their homes forever. “Please have a parent to [sic] time them for 10 minutes while they packed a bag. When the time was up they were to take a picture of the contents of their backpack and then email it to me,” the ungrammatical assignment continues. “If no picture, then draw it. You will have to present to us why you chose these items. This is due on Thursday. Worth 10 points.”

The teacher is an educator at Penn Cambria Middle School in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. When parents became upset about the assignment, School District Superintendent William Marshall claims that the teacher realized that the assignment was a “huge error” and called the parents of each student in the class to apologize.

Pro-open borders advocates blame stronger border for rising drug abuse By Andrea Widburg


For many people, including President Trump, one of the main problems with a de facto open border has been the fact that our southern border became a highway for drug traffickers. However, those who don’t like Trump’s efforts to secure the border have a different take: Trump’s policies increase drug use.

No one denies that America’s southern border has been porous when it comes to drug trafficking. Even left-leaning Wikipedia concedes that:

Most of the U.S. imports of drugs come from Mexican drug cartels. In the United States, around 195 cities have been infiltrated by drug trafficking that originated in Mexico. An estimated $10bn of the Mexican drug cartel’s profits come from the United States, not only supplying the Mexican drug cartels with the profit necessary for survival, but also furthering America’s economic dependence on drugs. (Endnotes omitted.)

However, when Trump wanted to make the border less permeable, Democrats said that it couldn’t be done. Nothing would stop the flow of either illegal aliens or illegal drugs. For example, in January 2019, Vox insisted that “Trump’s wall won’t do anything about the opioid epidemic: Trump claims his wall will stop the flow of heroin and other illegal drugs from Mexico. He’s wrong.”

Muslim Illegal Alien Accused Of Strangling 92-Year-Old Woman In Sanctuary City Daniel Greenfield


This is what happens when you have a sanctuary city and treat criminals as an oppressed minority and a protected class.

Police are investigating the death of a beloved neighborhood grandma whose body was found on a Queens street as a homicide.

Maria Fuertes, 92, was found unconscious and unresponsive near Liberty Avenue and 127th Street in the Richmond Hill section just after midnight on Monday.

Police say surveillance video shows the man strangling Fuertes until she falls to the ground.

Fuertes was affectionately known as the “cat lady.” Neighbors say she would come out at night to feed stray animals.

But the problem is that New York City has been feeding a different kind of stray.

Federal officials say the suspect in the murder of a 92-year-old woman should’ve been turned over to immigration officers months ago.

Trump administration starts returning migrants DEEP INTO MEXICO to combat border crisis Adam Shaw, 


Trump administration starts returning migrants DEEP INTO MEXICO to combat border crisis
Adam Shaw, FoxNews.com

The Trump administration has started returning Mexican migrants deep into the country’s interior as part of an expanding effort to deter illegal immigration and combat the ongoing crisis at the border.

The Department of Homeland Security started running flights from Tucson, Ariz., to Guadalajara in December. Officials say the migrants being returned are all Mexican nationals from non-border Mexican states who typically have either recently illegally entered the U.S., or who had gone through the court system but were ruled to be deportable by an immigration judge.

The plan marks a departure from past practice of releasing migrants at the border. The idea would be to make it harder for repeat offenders to try and cross the border again if they are returned hundreds of miles away. Officials say returning people closer to their hometowns is better for them as well, and allows them to receive services from the Mexican government.

DHS says it plans to run two flights a week starting at the end of January and expects to return about 250 migrants a week. Officials say the move has been requested by the Mexican government, with which the U.S. has been working for months to stem the border crisis — which peaked in May but still concerns officials.

Republican Governors’ ‘Tolerance’ Will Kill Us All Ned Ryun


Fixing this broken, immoral immigration system is one of the main reasons Donald Trump was elected. For the sake of the American people and the continuation of America as a truly unique, sovereign country, there really is no option for him but to succeed.

We’re tolerating ourselves to death. There is no other way to say it, especially when it comes to immigration, specifically anchor babies, chain migration, and refugee resettlement. It’s as though our “leaders” have been fed stupid pills and chased them down with healthy quantities of idiocy.

Take, for example, anchor babies. I’m shorthanding it here a little, so bear with me, but it works a bit like this: let’s allow illegal noncitizens into our country—people who shouldn’t be here, have no right to be here—and let them have their babies on American soil. Voila! We now have new American citizens!

A few here, a few there, and suddenly you have an entire new generation of “American citizens” who were born on the taxpayers’ dime after their parents arrived illegally and. We’re not talking about thousands per year: last year alone, as far as we know, at least 376,000 anchor babies were born in the United States.

Gov. Abbott announces that the State of Texas will not accept refugees in 2020 By Andrea Widburg


Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Friday that, as of 2020, Texas will no longer participate in the federal refugee resettlement program. The reason he gave was that the federal immigration system is “broken” and the state no longer has the resources to deal with the fallout of that breakdown. Abbott’s move makes Texas the first state to withdraw from the refugee resettlement program.

In a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Governor Abbott explained his reasoning:

On behalf of the State of Texas, I write in response to Executive Order 13888, on Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement, as issued by President Trump on September 26, 2019.

Texas is one of the most welcoming states for refugees seeking to escape dangers abroad. Since FY2010, more refugees have been received in Texas than in any other state. In fact, over that decade, roughly 10% of all refugees resettled in the United States have been placed in Texas. Even today, the process of resettling continues for many of these refugees.

In addition to accepting refugees all these years, Texas has been left by Congress to deal with disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system. In May 2019, for example, around 100,000 migrants were apprehended crossing this state’s southern border. In June 2019, individuals from 52 different countries were apprehended here. And in FY2018, the apprehensions included citizens from disparate countries like China, Iran, Kenya, Russia, and Tonga. Texas continues to have to deal with the consequences of an immigration system that Congress has failed to fix.

Trump Needs to Get Even Tougher on Immigration Deborah Pauly


In his inaugural address, President Trump declared that the American people “will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action.” The easiest way for him to retain the White House is to get even tougher on immigration.

President Trump has slammed Democrats’ de facto open-borders policies as a “betrayal” of everyday citizens. Unfettered immigration, he warns, “brings in millions of low-wage workers to compete for jobs, wages, and opportunities against the most vulnerable Americans.”

His analysis is spot on. But the president should still do more to curtail legal immigration and aggressively confront illegal immigration.

The president’s base cares about immigration more than any other issue. If President Trump doesn’t deliver the cuts his supporters demand, there is the possibility that many may stay home on Election Day this year.

To energize those supporters, the president could endorse Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) mandatory E-Verify bill and Senator David Perdue’s (R-Ga.) RAISE Act. Both proposals are enormously popular with voters in general and Republicans in particular.

Trump Wins His First Sanctuary City Fight Just before Christmas, the Ninth Circuit rejected Los Angeles’s petition to reconsider its ruling upholding the administration’s COPS rules.


Imagine, for a moment, that you or someone you know has become a crime victim. The perpetrator, you learn, had been incarcerated before this offense, and federal immigration officials, discovering that he was in the country illegally, wanted to pick him up for deportation. The jail, however, sits in a “sanctuary city,” so it refused to hold the suspect for immigration officials or even notify them before releasing him back into the community — thus allowing him to harm you or your loved one.

This scenario, which has played out numerous times, illustrates why many Americas are angry about sanctuary cities.

Donald Trump, of course, promised to end them. Beginning in 2017, however, his administration lost a series of legal battles with sanctuary cities. In each case, courts prevented the administration from using its grant-making authority to disincentivize sanctuary policies.

Sanctuary cities were having their cake and eating it too — thumbing their noses at the federal government’s request for basic law enforcement cooperation yet taking in federal law enforcement grant funds.

So last July’s ruling in City of Los Angeles v. Barr must have felt like a gut punch. Reversing a lower-court judgment for Los Angeles, a three-judge panel of the famously liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld scoring factors used by the administration in awarding Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants — scoring factors that handicapped sanctuary cities.

Iranian Terror Threat Exacerbated by Sanctuary Policies Exposing the politicians’ deadly lies. Michael Cutler


The United States and Iran has been on a collision course since the Carter administration and the seizure of the U.S. Embassy at Tehran, Iran on November 4, 1979. 

Iran has issued a string of threats against the U.S. since that day.  Consider my earlier articles published in 2018: Iran Threatens U.S. And Its Allies With “Drugs, Refugees, Bombs And Assassination” and Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S. So many hearings, so little action

On January 2, 2020 the New York Times reported, U.S. Strike in Iraq Kills Qassim Suleimani, Commander of Iranian Forces.  The Iranian response was reported on January 3, 2020 by Radio Free Europe / Liberty Radio: Khamenei, Other Iran Officials Vow ‘Severe Retaliation’ For Soleimani Killing.

The United States has been in the crosshairs of foreign terrorists for decades- and not just those affiliated with Iran.  Almost exclusively, these terror organizations have been affiliated with radical Islam.  Wikipedia posted a list of terror attacks in NYC up to and including 2017.

Turns Out, Trump’s ‘Evil’ ICE Raids Benefited American Workers John Merline


Remember when Democrats reflexively accused President Donald Trump of being a racist when he said illegal immigrants steal American jobs? Turns out, he was right, as evidenced by the aftermath of the massive summer raid that rounded up hundreds of illegals working at chicken processing plants in Mississippi.

In early August, some 600 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents surrounded seven plants operated by five companies in six different cities. They rounded up 680 “undocumented” immigrants, in what was described as the largest raid in a single state.

This is part of a larger effort by Trump to target companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Last year, it raided a landscaping company near Toledo, Ohio, and a meatpacking plant in eastern Tennessee. A Government Accountability Office report issued in early December found that arrests, detentions, and removals were all up in Trump’s first two years in office compared with Obama’s last two.

Nevertheless, the reaction to the Mississippi raid from Democrats was swift and furious. Joe Biden said the raid was a sign that “Trump is morally unfit to lead this country.” Sen. Bernie Sanders called it “evil.” Beto O’Rourke – who dropped out of the race two months after the raid – said Trump’s “cruelty knows no bounds.” The media, naturally, lent Democrats a hand by playing up the disruption and crying children, while playing down the fact that those workers were in the country illegally.

In fact, the raid was the furthest thing from cruel or evil or immoral to American citizens living in the area – many of them blacks – who flocked to get the jobs those illegals had held.

This week, the New York Times, to its credit, went to Morton, Mississippi – where a third of the illegals rounded up in those raids had worked – to see what’s become of the town months after Trump’s “evil” act.