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The Selfish Actors of Illegal Immigration By Victor Davis Hanson


Many people benefit from the lawbreaking: The Mexican and Central American governments, the Democratic party, employers, ethnic activists, rich progressives, and the illegal border crossers themselves.

Almost every party invested in open borders proves utterly selfish, without regard for the legitimate interests of others or of the law itself.

The Illegal Immigrant
The immigrant is the pawn of Latin American governments who view him as inanimate capital, someone who represents thousands of dollars in future foreign-exchange remittances, as well as one less mouth to feed at home — if he crosses the border, legality be damned. If that sounds a cruel or cynical appraisal, then why would the Mexican government in 2005 print a comic booklet (“Guide for the Mexican Migrant”) with instructions to its citizens on how best to cross into the United States — urging them to break American law and assuming that they could not read?

Yet for all the savagery dealt out to the immigrant — the callousness of his government, the shakedowns of the coyotes and cartels, the exploitation of his labor by new American employers — the immigrant himself is not entirely innocent. He knows — or does not care to know — that by entering the U.S., he has taken a slot from a would-be legal immigrant, one, unlike himself, who played by the rules and waited years in line for his chance to become an American.

He knowingly violates U.S. immigration law. And when the first act of an immigrant is to enter the U.S. illegally, the second to reside there unlawfully, and the third so often to adopt false identities, he undermines American law on the expectation that he will receive exemptions not accorded to U.S. citizens, much less to other legal immigrants. In terms of violations of federal law, and crimes such as hit-and-run accidents and identity theft, the illegal immigrant is overrepresented in the criminal-justice system, and indeed in federal penitentiaries.

Graham Outlines the Abuse of Children Being ‘Rented’ to Help Migrants Claim Asylum: ‘This Is a Sick System’ Houston Keene

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained how migrant children are being “rented” to help other migrants claim asylum when attempting to cross into the U.S. over the southern border.

During an interview with Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” host Maria Bartiromo pressed Graham on the claim that migrants have been “renting” their children so that others can claim asylum in the U.S. and his claim that 30% of families apprehended while attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border are not really related.

Graham responded by saying that officials at the border have started a “pilot program” where they are testing the DNA of migrant family units at the border and that he was told of “about 60 children” who were being “recycled” at the border to allow more people to claim asylum.

“They told us about 60 children that were recycled,” said Graham. “They pick the child up in Central America, they bring them to the United States, everybody’s released, and the child goes back to Central America to do it again.”

The Senate Judiciary chairman continued on to call the system that has “exploited” children “sick” and “rotten to its core.” He also brought up that “100,000 unaccompanied minors” had been apprehended at the southern border “this year alone.”

Acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan told Republican senators last month that migrants were renting children to allow for easier passage into the U.S. through the southern border.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that he could not “believe” that people were “renting babies” to enter the country.

“I can’t believe that this actually happens but that people down there in Central America or Mexico are renting babies to get across the border and then sending them back and renting them again to get across the border,” said Grassley.

Tom Homan: Democrats are lying to the American people about ICE and immigration — here’s why that’s dangerous By Tom Homan


What is going on in this country right now, especially on Capitol Hill, is nothing short of deceitful behavior which intentionally distorts the truth in order to win a political battle.

I saw it firsthand when I testified on Capitol Hill this past Friday, in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.  Aside from the six minutes I was given to read my opening statement, there was an attempt by most  Democrats on that committee to silence me.

The issues surrounding zero tolerance and the conditions of confinement at Border Patrol stations is an important one and it is vital that the American people know the facts. But every time one of the witnesses or members of Congress said something that was downright wrong – a lie, an intentional mis-truth – and I attempted to speak up and correct the record, I was refused many times the opportunity to speak.

They didn’t want to hear from me. They didn’t want the truth. They simply wanted to continue to push their false narrative about the Border Patrol and ICE.  They wanted to continually attack our president.

The hearing was nothing but political theater to misinform the American people. It was politics at its worse.

Toward the second half of the hearing, I finally decided that I was not going to be silenced any longer. If they didn’t want to hear what I had to say, then I was going to interject, interrupt and speak to the American people.  I refuse to be bullied, and I will not be silenced in my support of the Border Patrol and ICE or in support of the truth.

ICE deportation raids underway in New York City, ‘number of jurisdictions,’ official says By Travis Fedschun


A nationwide crackdown to apprehend thousands of illegal immigrants across the country began late Saturday in the nation’s largest city and several other places, according to an official.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) resumed its previously announced plan to apprehend thousands of illegal immigrants who’ve been given orders to leave the country, targeting people in at least 10 cities.  The ICE raids began late Saturday and into the early morning hours on Sunday in “a number of jurisdictions,” not just New York City, a senior administration official confirmed to Fox News.

In an exclusive interview on “FOX & friends,” Acting ICE Director Matt Albence said while he couldn’t speak to anything specifically from an operational perspective, the overarching concern when the agency conducts any sort of enforcement operation is “the safety and security of both our officers that are conducting the operation as well as the public.”

“We are doing targeted enforcement actions against specific individuals who have had their day in immigration court and have been ordered to be removed by an immigration judge,” Albence told Fox News’ Griff Jenkins. “We are merely executing those lawfully issued judge’s orders.”

Syrian Refugees in Germany Are Returning to the Country They Fled for Vacation—While on the Gov’t Dole By Brian Min


Syrian refugee Aras Bacho, who has written for the HuffPost and lives in Germany, tweeted that he knew at least six Syrians who traveled from Germany to Syria for vacation this summer season.

He tweeted in German, “Two weeks ago, six Syrians I know went on holiday in Syria to visit their family members and get some rest, especially from Germany. You miss your homeland and it is now commonplace for Syrians to do that!”

“Unfortunately, I was unable to go on holiday to Syria because something very important got in the way, and I hope to catch up very soon during the holidays. Germany is stressful and you need some kind of break,” he added.

Aras Bacho is in his early 20s and came to Germany in 2010. Although the Syrian Civil War did not officially start until March 15, 2011, Bacho still calls himself a refugee.

In the past, Bacho tweeted that it was the women’s fault that they got sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in Germany in 2015 when thousands of women were attacked by asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, and other migrants of “Arab or North African appearance.”

In 2018, Bacho was also found guilty of five cases of sexual harassment against female classmates aged 17 to 19.

As early as 2016, German newspapers have been reporting on migrants with recognized refugee status having holidays in countries that they “fled,” such as Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Syria.

Leftists rip and deface American flag at migrant detention center, raise Mexican flag By Monica Showalter


Apparently, the rabidly leftist protestors outside a Colorado migrant detention center don’t know which flag the Honduran, Salvadoran, Guatemalan, and other illegal aliens actually march under.

They attacked a migrant center in Aurora, Colorado; defaced an American flag, which is about par for them; and then raised a Mexican flag, forgetting that Mexicans aren’t too happy about Central American migrants traversing their country illegally, either.

Here’s the news story compiled by GatewayPundit, complete with Twitter photos:

Protesters took down the U.S. flag, the Colorado and GEO flags and and replaced them with a Mexican flag, a defaced upside down U.S. flag and a third flag of unknown description at a GEO contractor-run ICE detention facility in Aurora, Colorado Friday.

Numerous photos were posted online of the flags.

KCNC-TV reported the American flag was taken down, spray-painted with the words Abolish ICE and then flown upside down next to the Mexican flag.

And here’s a news tweet:

Protesters Remove U.S. Flag, Replace It With Mexican Flag Outside ICE Facility In Aurorahttps://t.co/UEvZax0bvv pic.twitter.com/xWnyhfSs7D

— CBSDenver (@CBSDenver) July 13, 2019

It’s beyond disgusting to normal Americans, and it certainly does nothing for the prospects of the migrants who want to stay here in the States ahead of would-be legal aliens.  It’s also intellectually confused: what kind of sense are we talking about here that the flag of the country no one wants to be sent back to is waved as a rallying cry?  What’s more, you can bet that the ignorant and inarticulate thugs behind this wanted it that way.  Their aim was to offend.

Impeaching Trump For Fighting Illegal Immigration by Thomas McArdle


What if House Democrats drew up articles of impeachment charging President Trump not with obstruction of justice but with obstruction of those entering America illegally?

The ructions for months now over the continuous unauthorized entry of multitudes across the southern border, their often-dubious appeals for political asylum, and the shameful exploitation of children by those seeking to get into the country any way they can are being used to the full against Trump.

If Democrats can’t convince the country that he’s Nixon, maybe they can convince the country he’s the witch from “Hansel and Gretel,” catching little children he can fatten up, roast in the oven, and consume.

Although the House Judiciary Committee remains intent on re-pursuing ex-special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia, to the extreme of even insisting that Mueller testify after he publicly stated at the end of May that the investigation is complete and his lengthy two-part report constitutes his testimony, it’s widely conceded, even among Trump haters, that there is nothing impeachable there.

So in tandem with its demands for documents and testimony regarding Russia, the panel has also sought numerous immigration documents from the administration. On Tuesday the committee authorized subpoenas for them in anticipation of Mueller’s appearances before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees next week. Administration officials have been yelled at in House hearings on children being separated from the illegal aliens accompanying them at the border. And earlier this month Democratic House members visited border facilities and raised an uproar regarding conditions there, with doubtful tales of Nazi-like concentration camps and guards telling migrants to drink from the toilet.

Trump Adheres To The Law On Immigration, Shocking Lawless Democrats Peter J. Ferrara


The plan to deport about one million illegal aliens announced by Acting United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Ken Cuccinelli is not a matter of discretion. Cuccinelli is just following the law, and already issued court orders.

Those subject to deportation under the plan have already had their cases adjudicated in the United States, with immigration judges ruling they have lost their cases, and ordering them deported. Cuccinelli is just the first federal official, besides President Trump, brave enough to follow and implement the law.

That is what President Trump pledged to do when he took the oath of office. Take care that the laws be faithfully executed. That is why the President is called the Chief Executive. Democrats, and their party-controlled media, find that shocking because they have been in an insurrection since Trump took that oath of office.

Cuccinelli said in a CBS interview on Sunday,

“[ICE agents are] ready to just perform their mission which is to go and find and detain and then deport the approximately one million people who have final removal orders. They’ve been all the way through the due process and have final removal orders.”

Pelosi Advises Illegal Immigrants on How to Avoid ICE By Jack Crowe


Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday offered advice to illegal immigrants seeking to avoid arrest and deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers.

“An ICE deportation warrant is not the same as a search warrant. If that is the only document ICE brings to a home raid, agents do not have the legal right to enter a home. If ICE agents don’t have a warrant signed by a judge, a person may refuse to open the door and let them in,” said Pelosi, reading from prepared remarks at her weekly press conference.

Pelosi’s comments come as ICE plans to begin raids in ten major cities Sunday targeting 2,000 illegal immigrants who have ignored deportation orders.

During a closed-door meeting on Thursday, Pelosi urged members of her caucus to help disseminate the party’s “know your rights” campaign to illegal immigrants in their districts who may be targeted during the raids, Politico reported. She also told her colleagues that she plans to appeal to religious leaders to speak out against the planned raids.

After the meeting, Pelosi told reporters that she believed opposition from religious leaders played a significant role in Trump’s decision to call off a sweeping ICE raid in early June.

“They were very concerned that this goes too far because these raids were not what they signed up for with President Trump. And I think their calls to the president made a difference,” Pelosi said. “Hopefully the president will think again about it or these groups will weigh in once again.”


Detention Centers on Our Southern Border Are Most Definitively Not Concentration Camps by Alex Grobman By Alex Grobman, PhD, and Susan L. Rosenbluth


The most recent effort to trivialize the Holocaust for political and propaganda purposes has been the attempt this month by some Democrats in the House of Representatives to compare migrant detention centers for would-be undocumented immigrants on the southern border to concentration camps.

There is nothing new about the endeavor to distort the Holocaust.  Israel’s enemies have been relentless at it for years. It’s seen every time they try to equate Nazi behavior to actions undertaken by IDF.

This current use of the Holocaust by some Democrats is an outrageous and contemptible defamation which they have engaged in only to assure worldwide exposure to their attempt to demonize President Donald Trump. They are trying to link him to the Shoah—the West’s most egregious example of state-sponsored evil.


The detention centers on the southern border are holding stations for people from South and Central America who have voluntarily attempted to enter the United States illegally and have been caught. No one grabbed any of these migrants from their homes and placed them in the detention centers.

On the other hand, Jews caught in the Holocaust were violently uprooted from their homes by the German Nazis and transported in sealed, packed freight and cattle cars to ghettos or camps. Other Jews were transported by boat in equally dire—or worse—circumstances.