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Report: The Biden Regime Has Released 7.4 Million Migrants Into the Country As Part of Catch and Release Program By Debra Heine


Over seven million border crossers—including unvetted potential criminals, spies, terrorists and gang members—have been released into the country as part of the Biden Regime’s catch and release program, according to internal federal data obtained by Fox News. Another 1.9 million who snuck across the border between ports of entry are also loose in the country as Border Patrol agents have been pulled off the line to process “asylum seekers.”

The staggering numbers have prompted national security experts to warn that the threat of a terrorist attack in the coming months is at an all-time high, and have Republicans scrambling to tighten voting laws to prevent non-citizens from voting in the November elections.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency’s “non-detained docket”  has reached 7.4 million cases and is expected to reach 8 million by the end of the fiscal year, federal sources told Fox.

According to Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, “ICE is completely understaffed and overwhelmed.”

Working their way through the mountain of cases is essentially impossible at current manpower and resource levels, federal sources told Fox News, with the increased pace of border crossings putting heavy strain on ICE employees.

In a statement Monday, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Green (R-Ind.) responded to the “jaw-dropping” numbers: “Would-be border crossers around the world are making a bet that if they cross under this administration, they will be released into the interior. These numbers show that’s usually a winning wager.”

Eight Suspected Terrorists Highlight Biden’s Recklessness on Vetting Illegal Aliens Andrew McCarthy


Biden has returned us to September 10. That’s not apt to end well.

Haley’s report on the government’s apprehension of eight Tajiks who are suspected jihadists tied to the Islamic State (ISIS, evidently the Afghan franchise our intel agencies label “ISIS-K,” for “Islamic State – Kohrasan Province”) is important reading. It also illustrates the September 10-level threat environment we’ve returned to, courtesy of President Biden’s heedlessness.

The Biden administration wants our praise for its purported diligence in locking up potential terrorists. We’re not supposed to notice it was the Biden administration that knowingly let these potential terrorists in — and if you think that just eight of them have bored into our country, there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you (as soon as we can clear out the Hamas and Hezbollah flags).

In a jaw-dropping X post, Fox News’s Bill Melugin explains that the government let the Tajiks in because its crack — or better, crackpot — vetting process “flagged nothing.” A U.S. official elaborated, “Sometimes there’s just no information on individuals, it’s quite common where there’s just nothing. You don’t have anything, there’s no criminal convictions, there’s no threat information.”

Understand, untold tens of thousands of illegal aliens are crossing our borders from countries hostile to the United States. It’s not just that the regimes in these countries do not have reliable databases and would not share them with our government if they did. In many of these countries — very much including those with sharia-supremacist cultures that are innately hostile to Western mores — actions that would violate our laws are perfectly legal. That is, the background facts that would make such people threats would never show up in any database from which our government would plead to be given information.

Bear in mind, we are talking here about illegal aliens, not Americans. Illegal aliens do not have an array of constitutional rights to be asserted against our government. The American people created the central government by the Constitution in large part to protect us from threats outside our borders. The Constitution, then, is not supposed to be a weapon to be used by those outside threats against our government, thus leaving us defenseless — that’s a total perversion. Aliens who have no right to be in this country, and whose first act is to violate our laws, do not have a presumption of innocence. It is common sense that they should be presumed hostile.

ICE Arrests Eight Foreign Nationals with Suspected Ties to ISIS By Haley Strack


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has arrested eight foreign nationals with ties to the terrorist group ISIS-K, an Afghan branch of the Islamic State, over the past week.

“Over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities,” the Department of Homeland Security and FBI told the New York Post, which first reported the story, in a statement. “The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings . . . The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security. ”

ICE arrested the ISIS-K-linked Tajikistani nationals in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia this week.

FBI director Christopher Wray warned of potential threats from ISIS-K in April, specifically saying that, “increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall a couple weeks ago.” ISIS-K carried out an attack at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall in March, which killed 145 people.

Wray has also cautioned that ISIS-affiliated groups have exploited the U.S.’s weak southern border to smuggle terrorists into the country. During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in March, Wray said “there is a particular network that, where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties that we’re very concerned about and that we’ve been spending enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating.”

One U.S. official reportedly confirmed that the eight individuals were not flagged during their screening at the southern Mexico border, but that security officials tracked and later tied the individuals to ISIS-K.

The Human Cost of Biden’s Border Policies By Sean Reyes


Joe Biden took executive action to limit asylum seekers at the border. This sudden and isolated attempt to distract American voters from 3 ½ years of disastrous open border policies is far too little and far too late.  

Being a son and grandson of immigrants, I have deep respect for the immense contributions to our country made by those who have come here to pursue their American dream. Tragically, President Biden’s open border policies have created untenable incentives and unrealized expectations turning would-be American dreams into lawless nightmares.

As migrants and refugees flood the southern border, the U.S. immigration system is buckling under record flows, massive displacement, and untold human suffering. Those undertaking the treacherous journey to the border are exposed to life-threatening dangers along the way, as American citizens here at home struggle to afford, let alone absorb, the unprecedented migrant influx.  

This cycle of suffering is deeply inhumane and entirely avoidable. Nevertheless, President Biden persists with reckless open-border mandates, turning a blind eye to the myriad humanitarian issues they have created. In doing so, he has stripped away the dignity and safety of American citizens and migrants alike. Weak border security only increases the suffering and pain for the most vulnerable populations in the migrant community and within the United States, often pitting them against each other.

Residents on the south side of Chicago have taken legal action against the city over its invasive use of public buildings for housing asylum seekers. NYC students have been forced into remote learning as schools accommodate migrants in the city. Throughout America, hospitals are overrun, shelters are out of beds, and low-income children have nowhere to go.  

Even those who risked life and limb for our nation are returning home to find themselves on the streets without shelter amid the largest spike in veteran homelessness in 12 years—while those who entered illegally are being housed by billions of dollars’ worth of government-funded programs.  

Biden acts on the border… sort of… maybe The orders are meant to solve a serious problem at the ballot box:Charles Lipson


The contrast between the two parties on illegal immigration couldn’t be sharper. Donald Trump erected a wall. Joe Biden erected a pole. Oops. Sorry. That should be “poll.” And Biden didn’t erect it. He was skewered by it.

Very few people think President Biden is doing a decent job at the southern border. More than twice as many think he has created a full-scale disaster. Those poll numbers aren’t just underwater. They’re headed for the Titanic in a flimsy submersible.

Faced with this disaster, Biden finally did what he has said for three years he had no authority to do. He issued some Executive Orders to close the border… .well, sort of, partially, maybe, under certain circumstances. It’s unclear why he thought he could issue orders demolishing Trump’s effective border policies during the first weeks of his new presidency but couldn’t issue others to restore tougher measures as the crisis unfolded.

And a crisis it is. Since Biden entered office, US Border Patrol has totaled some 8 million “encounters” with illegal immigrants at the southern border, overwhelming the agency’s manpower and the courts’ ability to hear cases. These migrants aren’t just coming from Mexico and Central America. They are coming from around the world, including America’s most dangerous enemies.

A border so wide open even the illegals are warning us By Monica Showalter


How wide open is too wide a wide open border? Well, when you’ve got illegal immigrants themselves warning about it, it’s too wide.

That was what one illegal immigrant coming into the U.S. from Turkey at the Jacumba, California, non-port-of-entry border crossing told Fox News’s Bill Melugin:

He seemed like a nice enough fellow, someone who could assimilate and become a successful and grateful U.S. immigrant. Assuming he’s never lived in the U.S., his English was remarkably good, as Turkish is one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn, and the reverse is also true.

No compassion for migrants in Massachusetts By Monica Showalter


The latest news is that migrants were housed with sex predators in shelters, despite claims that they all had been ‘vetted.’
Anyone who opposes illegal migration is always quick to draw the ‘hateful’ and ‘heartless’ label from the sanctimonious left. But here’s what passes for ‘compassion’ for illegal immigrants stationed now in Massachusetts.

According to Fox News:

Massachusetts officials placed migrant children to live among registered sexual predators, an investigation by the Boston Globe revealed.

According to a Boston Globe report, an investigation by the newspaper suggested that the state failed to vet hotels across the state before placing migrant families to live among the alleged predators.

“For the past month, the state Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities — the agency that oversees the program for sheltering homeless families — has rebuffed the Globe’s requests for information about sex offenders in shelters,” the Globe reported. “The Globe requested the information as part of an in-depth review because the agency’s contracts require hotel providers to screen for sex offenders but not to bar them.”

This comes even as Massachusetts officials, including the governor, insisted to the public that the shelters are ‘vetted.’

Well, they weren’t.

Now the state opens itself to a lawsuit from migrants who have been harmed by the perverts placed in their midst that they said weren’t there, no worries.

Over Half of Illegal Aliens in U.S. Are Unemployed: Report By Eric Lendrum


A new report reveals that over half of the population of illegal aliens that have come into the United States under Joe Biden’s watch are unemployed, thus creating an even greater strain on the country.

As reported by Breitbart, the report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released on Monday revealed that only 46% of illegals who came to the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed at the start of 2024.

“Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” said CIS researchers Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler in the report. “This was the case in the past, it is true today, and it will surely be the case for immigrants who arrive in the future. Those who simply see immigration as a source of labor need to understand it is also a source of school children, retirees, and many other non-workers.”

The numbers in CIS’s report appear to debunk one of the most common arguments used by advocates of mass migration and open borders, who claim that illegals must be brought into the country to fill jobs that American citizens will not do.

Furthermore, CIS reported that the population of illegals in the U.S. has risen by at least 6.6 million since Joe Biden first took power in January of 2021. As of March of this year, there are over 51.6 million foreign-born illegals in the country, an increase of approximately 5.1 million since 2022. This accounts for at least 15.6% of the entire population of the United States.

“Many advocates for the unauthorized argue they should be given work permits so they can support themselves while they await a court date,” the report noted. “Of course, others worry that this would only incentivize more illegal immigration. In 2024, a larger share of new arrivals were unauthorized relative to prior years due to the ongoing border crisis.”

Majority Of Voters (Still) Back Border Wall, Stiff Immigration Controls: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


When it comes to immigration, one thing is clear: Americans overwhelmingly favor building a border wall and strongly enforcing existing immigration laws, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. It’s a big reason why immigration has become the No. 1 issue in the 2024 presidential election.

For our April national online I&I/TIPP Poll, taken April 3-5 from 1,432 registered voters, we asked the following broad question:

“Since President Biden took office in 2021, immigration rules have been loosened, allowing for the entry of 5 million undocumented immigrants from around the world, according to the government’s own count. How would you address the immigration issue?”

The answers once again showed a strong general preference for a return to the stiffer border controls that had significantly diminished illegal entry into the U.S.

The fantasy of open borders Mass migration will only lead to more suffering Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Before entering today’s torturous immigration debate, we would do well to remember James Baldwin. “Power without morality is no longer power,” he observed. And the border question is fundamentally a moral one.

On one side, there is a growing belief that an open borders policy is a vital moral response to the economic inequality between countries. In these milieus, national citizenship within a bounded community in the Western world is increasingly seen not as a birth right but as just another unfair advantage. As the political theorist Joseph Carens puts it, Western citizenship is “the modern equivalent to feudal privilege — an inherited status that greatly enhances one’s life chances [that] is hard to justify when one thinks about it closely”. And just like feudal privileges, they should be cast aside.

On the other side, meanwhile, the vox populi disagrees. Polling consistently shows that most Western citizens want less immigration, a sentiment that has risen in recent years in the US, UK, France and Germany. Faced with the elite-approved “human right” to unlimited free movement, popular opinion responds with an emphatic no.

With die-hards on both sides, it’s no wonder the Senate border bill has become such a point of contention. For Democrats, the problem is not that too many foreigners are abusing asylum claims in order to immigrate illegally; it’s more that, with an election coming up, news coverage of chaotic conditions at the border doesn’t paint Biden in a good light. For the rest of us, meanwhile, the problem is the assumption that everyone in the developing world has a moral right to claim asylum in the US.