Let’s start with opening the following link and taking a good look at the name on the missiles in the picture: Please note that those fired recently were most likely advanced versions of these older Qassams.
In the article, Hamas complains about being blockaded–but never mentions (of course) why that’s so.
Ships from Iran have repeatedly been intercepted carrying advanced missiles, mortars, and other weaponry to Hamas and Islamic Jihad to attack Israel and kill Jews from Gaza with. This does not include the hundreds of thousands of more advanced weapons that Iran has supplied to Hizbullah in Lebanon with, just across Israel’s northern border.
That’s not exactly what Israel had in mind when it unilaterally uprooted thousands of Jews–who also have history in Gaza–in 2005 for the sake of peace…land that has been used since the days of the Pharaohs to attack Israel from.
Ever since Israel withdrew from Gaza in August 2005, adjacent towns in Israel proper have come under repeated attack. Qassam/Kassam rockets have been frequently fired into communities such as Sderot and Ashkelon, deliberately aimed at terrorizing civilians. Highly destructive incendiary kites and balloons—also aiming to kill Jews, slaughter domestic animals and wildlife, property, and burn land–have been added to that mix.
While Israel tries its best to carefully target those responsible for such attacks, the Arab targets of choice are usually the most innocent.