The United States has a problem with Islamic State. Its problem is that it refuses to acknowledge why Islamic State is a problem.
The problem with Islamic State is not that it is brutal. Plenty of regimes are brutal.
Islamic State poses two challenges for the US. First, unlike the Saudis and even the Iranians, IS actively recruits Americans and other Westerners to join its lines.
This is a problem because these Americans and other Westerners have embraced an ideology that is viciously hostile to every aspect of Western civilization.
Last Friday, Buzz Feed published a compilation of social media posts by Western women who have left Chicago and London and other hometowns to join IS in Syria.
As these women’s social media posts demonstrate, the act of leaving the West and joining IS involves rejecting everything the West is and everything it represents and embracing a culture of violence, murder and degradation.
In the first instance, the women who leave the West to join IS have no qualms about entering a society in which they have no rights. They are happy covering themselves in black from head to toe. They have no problem casting their lot with a society that prohibits females from leaving their homes without male escorts. They have no problem sharing their husband with other wives.
They don’t mind because they believe that in doing so, they are advancing the cause of Islam and Allah.