The Democratic Party and its leader, U.S. President Barack Obama, have spent several years developing election themes around supposed “wars” directed by Republicans against particular segments of society.
The war talk has served to fire up the base among the groups supposedly under attack, and boost turnout for “progressive” candidates. The most repeated and ridiculous of the war themes is the alleged “war on women,” supposedly manifested most recently by challenges to the new contraceptive coverage mandate under Obamacare by owners of businesses opposed to the new mandate on religious grounds.
Other battles in this “war” include Republicans refusing to support “equal pay for equal work” for women workers, though virtually all of the alleged pay gap can be explained as having nothing to do with discrimination: ”The [American Association of University Women] has now joined ranks with serious economists who find that when you control for relevant differences between men and women (occupations, college majors, length of time in workplace) the wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing.”
There are other wars the Obama administration is fighting at home, now that it has withdrawn from pretty much all the real global conflicts, many of which have become uglier in light of the vacuum created by the increasing absence of an American presence in the Middle East. The recent flare-up in Ferguson, Missouri, after an 18-year-old black man was shot by a white police officer, was used to argue that there is a war in America by white cops against black men. Although blacks comprise only 13 percent of the population, they commit or are the victims in about half of all murders in America, almost all of which are black-on-black murders. Yet blacks represent barely 30 percent of those killed by police. In addition, more than half of the shootings and killings of black suspects were by black police. If anything, one might argue there is a war on white suspects in America, since they are disproportionately killed compared to the number of murders whites commit.
The fake wars dominate media coverage of campaigns, not a surprise, since well over 90 percent of Washington journalists support Democrats according to several surveys, and see their job as a way to advance the causes and candidates they believe in. Nonetheless, there are actual campaigns, if not wars, against groups in America that never see the light of day, and whose various fronts are never connected. One of these, and in some ways, an ominous, and dangerous new development, has been the beginnings of what might be called a war on Jews in America.