Oh dear, she struggled so to make ends meet- let’s hope she now meets the end—-of her political ambitions….rsk
We haven’t learned much new about Hillary Clinton on her book tour except that she mistakes herself for a version of Norma Rae.
First, during an interview in her well-appointed Washington, D.C., home with ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer, she said she and Bill left the White House “dead broke,” although they always made better potential subjects for Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous than for Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.
Next, in an interview with the Guardian, she seemed to suggest that she and Bill aren’t among the “truly well off,” and said that no one could possibly resent their wealth since they earned it “through dint of hard work.”
And so they did — the hard work of building political careers for themselves, and then, when the time came, profiting massively off them. As Hillary put it in her walk-back of the “dead broke” remark, she and Bill had different “phases” in their lives. One phase involved climbing into the White House and incurring stupendous legal bills in fending off various scandals. The other has involved getting showered with money.
Most people can’t understand the nature of the hard work with which the Clintons are constantly building their fortune.
They don’t know what it’s like to write a calculatedly tedious book for an almost $14 million advance.
They don’t know what it’s like to get up every morning and take a private jet to an event where adoring fans line up for a book-signing (only one copy per person, and no posed photographs, please).
They don’t know what it’s like to run from speech to speech, collecting as much as $200,000 per gig.
They don’t know what it’s like to be married to a man who earns $700,000 for one speech in Nigeria.
They don’t know what it’s like to have a daughter who gets paid $600,000 by NBC News for a not particularly taxing job.