Extreme turbulence in the Middle East provides an opportunity for Israel to assert its right to annex Samaria, Judea and East Bethlehem.
Secretary of State John Kerry heads to Jordan for a meeting with Palestinian Authority Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas finalized a Unity Government with Ismail Haniyeh leader of the terrorist group Hamas of Gaza; which kills Israeli civilians in suicide bombings and continued missile attacks. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemns the Unity Government and urges the international community not to recognize the entity which was announced on June 1st. The Unity Government violates OSLO principles.
King Saul ruled the Kingdom of Israel in 1020 BC in the area known in recent times as Palestine. Subsequently it was ruled by Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, and Romans. Jews revolted under leadership of Simon bar Kokhba but defeated by Emperor Hadrian who named it Syria Palestina. Killed and persecuted, Jews did not abandon the area.
During WW I the Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine. A letter from the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild in 1917 announced that it favored the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The League of Nations entrusted the United Kingdom with the Palestine Mandate in 1922.
Winston Churchill produced a two state solution. He wrote the 1922 White Paper re-asserting the Balfour Declaration within the Palestine Mandate. Churchill created Transjordan for Palestine Arabs and split the Mandate area at the Jordan River to establish the Emirate. The Jewish homeland was west of the River, to the Mediterranean; Arabs were not required to leave. Britain remained Civilian Administrator of both areas. Arabs resisted British Rule; bloodshed continued until the start of WWII.
Germany bombed Tel Aviv and Haifa, Italy invaded, and Rommel came north towards the Suez Canal. Jews formed the Palmach, a highly trained unit of the Haganah to fight. Arab leaders saw German victory as a way of taking the Jewish Homeland from Britain and the Jews. Heinrich Himmler enlisted the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Mohammad Amin Al Husseini, who assisted Hitler’s efforts.