In this compelling and often heart breaking interview you will hear first hand accounts of Christian persecution in Muslim lands.
Sister Hatune Dogan gives a sobering message to all Americans, Churches, and Synagogues telling them specifically what they need to know about Islamic doctrine and theology based on her own personal experiences.
One of the most often heard statements from Muslim leaders in America is, there is no compulsion in religion. When followers of Islam say there is no compulsion in religion they are saying that Islam does not force others to follow the Islamic doctrine. Imam Mohammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida and Hassan Shibly of CAIR Tampa tell all who will listen at interfaith meeting that this is true, when real world examples prove otherwise. In this interview you will hear why Sister Hatune Dogan believes this statement is a lie.
In this interview you will learn:
1. First hand accounts of horrific persecution of Christian children in Syria.
2. First hand account of Muslims selling vials of blood from slaughtered Christians for $100,000 per bottle.
3. When Imam Mohammad Musri and CAIR’s Hassan Shibly tell non-Muslims there is “No compulsion In religion in Islam” it is a LIE.
4. Islamic doctrine that teaches to behead the non-believer and apostates from Islam.
5. You will learn about the 23 Fatwa’s or death sentences put on Sister Hatune Dogan by Islamic clerics and most importantly – Why.