Read a collection of Tom Friedman columns and after a short while, they begin to sound very familiar. Much like his fellow Times columnist, Paul Krugman, Friedman almost never has anything new [1] to say, so he goes back to the old standbys every few weeks spitting out pretty much the same venom directed at those who have not adopted his worldview. Krugman thinks more government spending and higher taxes on the wealthy are what are needed to solve every problem (the disappearance of the Republican Party would also help). In many of his columns, Krugman sounds almost needy, as he demands credit for all the “insights” he has offered the world in his columns (“I was right and they were wrong about austerity, deficits, inflation, interest rates and the size of the stimulus package!”).
Friedman thinks the world is primarily threatened by global warming and Israeli settlements. Friedman seems unconcerned, though, with his own global warming footprint, as he regularly flies first class around the globe, and relaxes in his “modest” Maryland home [2]. Conserving and living modestly are for the masses, not Times writers who married into enormous family money.
Friedman would be a good choice to be the new CEO of Mozilla, except that he knows nothing about the business. Of course ignorance of a subject has never stopped him from opining about various subjects in his columns. Friedman is not a demographer, but he states as fact in his latest column that there are 2.7 million Palestinians in the West Bank , thereby supporting his thesis that Israel needs to get out of the area to preserve its Jewish character. Some Israeli demographers think that 2.7 million number may be overstated by a million or more — hardly surprising when the higher estimate is based on earlier self serving numbers offered up by the Palestinian Authority and happily lapped up by Times columnists and reporters, who seem unaware [3] that the figure has even been challenged.