It looks like the US government has finally named the enemy. So who would that be?
The Muslim Brotherhood, which has infested US government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Pentagon, the State Department, etc? The Russian bear awakened by the stench of a declining America and a weak American president? Or maybe Iran, the world’s #1 sponsor of terrorism and soon-to-be nuclear power? No, the US government has started cracking down on enemy #1… i.e., the Israelis. Not Islamist terrorists, mind you, but Israeli tourists seeking visas to visit the US.
We kid you not. The US State Department has dramatically increased its rejection rate of Israelis seeking visas to visit the US, and expelled Israel from its visa waiver program (see below). You know, the State Department’s visa waiver program, the same program reserved for such stalwart US allies as Saudi Arabia, aka Wahhabi Central, and Qatar, banker to terrorists worldwide.
American Jewry take note: This is the President who received the overwhelming majority of your vote…TWICE. The problem is, as Rev Jeremiah Wright, President Obama’s pastor of 20 years would say, your “chickens are coming home to roost.”
One Week After Russia’s Crimean Invasion, US Imposes Travel Sanctions…Against Israelis-Thomas Rose