Why are Saudi men attacking women? According to 9 out out of 10 Saudi men, it’s all about the eyeshadow. It has to be the eyeshadow since there’s not much else you can see of a traditional Saudi woman’s face.
In entirely unrelated news…
“The flash memory of mobile phones taken from teenagers showed 69.7% of 1,470 files saved in them were pornographic and 8.6% were related to violence,” said report author Professor Abdullah al-Rasheed.
Whew. I would have thought it would be the other way around.
Saudi Arabia was the only country to generate more searches than Pornistan for an animal, coming in at position 1 for ‘fox sex’. They also finished second or third for a good number of the abovementioned animal terms.
Probably the foxes were wearing too much makeup.
Far be it from me to criticize Islamic culture, but maybe this situation can be resolved by building a giant fence around Saudi Arabia and not letting any Saudi men leave. The Saudi women and the foxes will however be provided with sanctuary in a saner place. Like maybe Somalia.
A survey conducted by the King Abdul Aziz Centre for National Dialogue in Saudi Arabia shows that Saudi men blame women for the rising rate of molestation in the Gulf. The poll surveyed 992 men and women.
Ironically, in a country where women are required to wear full-face and body coverings in public, over 86% of men said that excessive makeup was the main cause of the increase in public molestation of women.