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http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sharpe/140126 When I was still a teenager I had the great good fortune to find a book in my local library that had a profound effect on my understanding of the Book of Books, the Bible; both as a most marvelous history book as well as an indispensable affirmation of personal faith. The book in […]


yeoldecrabb.com/ East Asian worries Anonymous leaks from Chinese spokesmen along with mistaken translations of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s private remarks at the gathering of our lords and masters at Davos World Economic Forumn are alarming. Bombastic comments from the Chinese – including the military as well as the controlled government media – are nothing […]

Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife — on The Glazov Gang

Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife — on The Glazov Gang
An Iranian-American Christian pastor languishes in Iran’s gulag — and America’s president turns a blind eye.


Coddling the Muslim Brotherhood The TSA public review that was released last week reports a16.5% (257) increase in guns discovered in 2013 over the previous year. Checkpoints across the countrydiscovered1,813 firearms in carry-on bags. Of those, 1,477 (81%)were loaded, averaging nearly fivefirearms that could have been fired at a U.S. airport on any given day. Firearms were intercepted in 205 airports. […]

Christine Williams: Israel: “A Matter of Our Own Long-Term Interests”

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4143/canada-harper-israel While Canada continues to crack down on terrorist-supporting entities, the current U.S. Administration has been busy tightening its relations with the “unindicted co-conspirator,” the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA], praising it as a “pillar of the American Muslim community,” and entering into collaborative consultations with it before U.S. President Barack Obama left for […]



The warmist establishment has never shied from pocketing other people’s money, albeit with assurances that nice hotels and international jaunts are building a better, greener world. More traditional scammers have taken note

Oh, the humanity! Internet scammers are creating their own conferences on global warming threats and remedies. They call for papers, and offer air fares and accommodation for presenters. Moreover, papers endorsed by the scammers’ “peer review panel” will be published in “prestigious” fake climate journals.

To secure your room at the five-star London hotel, please pay the hotel a small refundable deposit of 300 pounds by using the (fake) hotel’s payment website. The 0844-prefix hotel phone number involves a re-direction to who-knows-who.

Top-tier scamming emails are signed ostensibly by “Christiana Figueres” – the UN climate body’s real-life executive secretary from Costa Rica. She distinguished herself last October blaming NSW bushfires on global warming – unless some scammer was impersonating her. She also won the Hero for the Planet award in 2001, unless that was another hoax.

Disgruntled would-be climate-science travellers have found the address of one London hotel to be that of a pet shop, and another to be that of the Marylebone Crematorium.

How Global Warming Makes it Warmer and Colder Thomas Lifson

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/01/how_global_warming_makes_it_warmer_and_colder.html Every time events fail to confirm the predictions of the global waming models, we see putative scientists thinking up excuses, like a “pause” that just interrupts the inevitable, absolutely beyond dispute, no discussion allowed predictions that…uhh…are just around the corner. While amusing it is also pathetic. And even worse are the journalists and non-specialist […]


Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2014/01/be_angry_with_the_iranians_mr_president_and_yourself.html The Obama administration is angry that Senate proponents of additional sanctions against Iran (to be instituted if the interim accord expires without a final agreement) appear to be more skeptical of Iranian promises than the president and Secretary Kerry are.  The administration is angry as well that signers, particularly Democratic senators, of […]


http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The problem with our problems is usually their solution. If we were to take a closer look at many of our problems, it would turn out that many of them are actually solutions that were meant to solve those very problems. Our War on Poverty has spread poverty. Our attempts at fighting racism have […]

The National Association of Scholars By Eileen F. Toplansky

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2014/01/what_does_the_nas_really_think_of_western_civ.html at January 26, 2014 – 06:00:24 AM CST

Peter Wood, President of the National Association of Scholars (NAS), was kind enough to alert me to an error made in my January 6, 2014 article entitled “More of Those European Dead Guys.” I quoted Cathy Young of the Boston Globe, who wrote that the NAS “led the way in eliminating Stanford University’s Western Culture requirement.”

Ms. Globe was incorrect, and this misinformation needs to be rectified. In fact, the NAS is ardently opposed to Stanford’s elimination of its Western Culture requirement. In a paper entitled “The Vanishing West: 1964-2010 The Disappearance of Western Civilization from the American Undergraduate Curriculum,” written in May of 2011, authors Glenn Ricketts, Peter W. Wood, Stephen H. Balch, and Ashley Thorne discovered that “only two percent of colleges offer western civilization as a course requirement. Remarkably, western civilization is rarely even required for history majors. By contrast, most institutions from 1964 through the 1970s did have this requirement.”

As a result of this elimination of courses dealing with Western civilization, what has emerged is a “form of curriculum apologetics for racism, imperialism, sexism and colonialism.”

The five main findings from the Western civilization history survey course include:

1. Western civilization survey courses have virtually disappeared from general education requirements.