So now it turns out that for all the blood, sweat and tears, we have lost Iraq. The terrorists are back. They have recaptured virtually every part of the country that had been won by our valorous men and women. The cost? More than 4,000 Americans dead and more than 30,000 wounded. Plus billions of dollars — and all for what?
When it comes to the Arab world we simply do not know what we are doing and because of that everything we do is wrong.
On TV yesterday one expert said we never should have gone into Iraq. He was right. The other expert said we never should have left Iraq. He was also right.
Because when it comes to the Arab world we are strangers in strange lands and we will always be strangers. There is nothing we can fix unless they fix it themselves.
Will that day ever come? Be advised not to take such a bet, not in this lifetime.
So Secretary of State John Kerry’s panic-stricken efforts to make peace between the Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish State amounts to this: Nonsense.
Nothing can come of this except more wasteful concessions from Israel.
Concessions of the past – Sinai, Hebron, Gaza – have yielded no concessions in return, only more demands and more intransigence.
Kerry’s most recent offering, that Israel accept 80,000 Palestinians into the Jewish homeland, leads to this question – how will these people fragment themselves? Into what rival groups? How many will be Hamas and how many will be Islamic Jihad and when will the fighting begin, this crowd against that crowd?