“I am an Islamic-Christian”, says the comedianThe problem of Dieudonné is that his anti-Semitism has people laughing. Jews should take it seriously..
When Dieudonné presented his “anti-Zionist” political list at the French elections four years ago, he chose a manifest in which 20 people are laughing, staring into the lens, while he does a pseudo-Fascist salute.
Now, that gesture, the “quenelle”, has become iconic in the Islamicized areas of France, as well as in the football arenas.
But it would be a mistake to pin the lable of “Nazism” on Monsieur Dieudonné. This Parisian comic is actually a champion of “islamo-progressivism” of France, a category coined by Catherine Kintzler.
His monologues are oversubscribed and the star Dieudonné is always welcomed by crowds shouting “viva viva Dieudonne, freedom of expression”. There are those who call him the “French Malcolm X”.
The key to his success is firstly in his mixed ethnic identity: ethnic, since his mother is Breton and Dieudonné’s father from Cameroon; but especially his religious ethnicity: “I am an Islamic-Christian”, says the comedian.
So the comedian is “the native speaker de la République”. Then, even physically, Dieudonné makes contempt for Jews popular, with his cherubic and bearded face, expanded by a continuous and crass laugh that fascinates the Parisian aristocracy.