History admonishes us that the law has to be maintained like a carefully tended garden. Even when a law has undergone a thorough modernization less than ten years ago, when it deals with critical national security issues directly affected by technology — as does the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in regard to terrorism — […]
Kerry’s oh-so-’90s security nonsense Like his supporters, US Secretary of State John Kerry has apparently been asleep for the past 20 years. Kerry has proffered us security arrangements, which he claims will protect Israel from aggression for the long haul. They will do this, he argues, despite the fact that his plan denies the Jewish […]
This is one of those World War 2 songs that mists the eyes.
Dreaming of home at this Christmas time
Even more than I usually do
And although I know it’s a long road back
I promise you
I’ll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents by the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I’ll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams
Lyrics by James Kimball Gannon- an author and lawyer Music by Walter Kent, a Jewish architect. Obama’s Powers or Lawlessness? — on The Glazov Gang This week’s Glazov Gang, hosted by Monty Morton, was joined by Morgan Brittany, Dwight Schultz and Michael Chandler. The Gang gathered to discuss Obama’s Powers or Lawlessness? Part I: I haven’t read My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel, the new New York Times bestseller by Israeli left-of-center journalist Ari Shavit. In my book-reviewing days I read more than my fill of “Israel is losing its soul” books. I have a lot of resistance to subjecting myself to another, along with other priorities. Shavit, of course, is not just […] Osama bin Laden’s lawyer didn’t live in a cave in Afghanistan. Like so many terrorist lawyers, he was a New Yorker. His law office, which has seen more terrorists and their files pass through it than an Afghan cave, sits above a Muslim 99 cent store that offers discounted napkins, sandals and toasters, and […]
Dorothy Parker knew how to give credit where due — in verse, no less: “If, with the literate, I am / Impelled to try an epigram / I never seek to take the credit; / We all assume that Oscar said it.” Hillary Clinton, being Hillary Clinton, once stole a perfectly good line from Oscar Wilde, and, being Hillary Clinton, messed it up: “The market knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.” Wilde’s formulation, in Lady Windermere’s Fan, did not describe “the market” but “a cynic.” No doubt Mrs. Clinton believes the market to be cynical, or the product of cynicism.
The belief that markets are cold and inhumane is one of the great errors of our time, and it leads to a great deal of public stupidity, from British unionist Len McCluskey’s declaration that “there are some things too important to be left to the market” to endless Democratic demands that we put “people over profits.” Mitt Romney was mocked for maintaining that “corporations are people,” but that mockery is only one more piece of evidence that Mr. Romney is a good deal more intelligent than his critics: Of course corporations are people. That is what the word “corporation” means — a group of people acting as one body (corpus) toward some shared end. “Corporation” assumes “people” the way “hive” assumes “bees.” Profits accrue to people. Scratch an evil corporation and a retired teacher bleeds: Government pension and benefits funds such as CalPERS are among the largest shareholders in the United States, and the world. Two-thirds of Chevron shares are held by mutual funds, which are in turn held by what Mr. Romney recognizes, seemingly alone, as people.
Whatever horrifying condition deprived Pajama Boy of his genitals, I suppose we must be thankful he can’t pass it along to future generations. But the leftism represented by this genderless icon has been on full display recently — and it’s as awful to look upon as the poor, sad mutilated soul in the picture above.
Take for instance, the American Studies Association [1]‘s recent academic boycott of greedy, big-nosed Jews. Okay, they didn’t put it that way exactly — the modern leftist anti-semite doesn’t say “Jew,” he says “Israel,” or “Zionist.” But anti-semitism is what it is both pure and simple. Whatever violation of human rights you can contrive to find in Israeli security measures, they are nothing compared to the day-to-day oppression of women (half the population, remember), non-Muslims and other humans in the surrounding Muslim countries. So why not boycott them as well?
ASA spokesman Reinhard Heydrich [2] (Obergruppenfuhrer retired) explained the scholars’ reasoning.
If there is one thing we learned from Adolf Hitler’s war against the Jews it is that we must not demonize the other. And if there is one thing we learned from Edward Said’s book Orientalism it is that the other is Muslim. And Muslims don’t like Jews. Therefore we must wage war against the Jews.
When it was pointed out to Heydrich that Muslims are at war with every other religion and secularism as well and that it is therefore unfair to single out the Jews, Heydrich explained, “But they’re Jews!”
And yes, I made those quotes up… but only because I know it’s difficult for these academics to appear in public while wearing pajamas, and having no genitals.
Now, while the Jews are the most persecuted people in human history, they are not at this very moment the most persecuted religious group on earth. That would be Christians. Luckily, however, gender-deprived Pajama Boy leftists have not left this persecution unattended.
There are all sorts of opinions an honest person of good will might have about homosexuality. Mine are liberal — and, believe me, I’ve taken my full complement of crap about them from commenters, emailers and friends (who at least pick up the drinks tab now and then). But there is only one true opinion to have about A&E’s suspension [3] of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson: it is a sin, somewhere between adultery and bestiality. So it’s like cheating on your spouse with a sheep.
Robertson gave an interview to GQ [4] in which, in his inimitable rough-spoken way, he grouped homosexual activity with the other sins — while also pointing out, as has been under-reported, that we must all repent and love one another going forward. For this, A&E knocked him off what is one of the most popular cable shows ever. They should be boycotted for this. It is, as openly lesbian intellectual Camille Paglia [5] put it succinctly, “punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist.” Other decent gays [6] have concurred, God bless them.
But the rest of you liberals… listen, I know you. I know a lot of you are against the kind of oppressive and bigoted activity that is becoming more and more emblematic of leftist thought and action. But there comes a point where if you’re not against them, you’re for them.
Take a look in the mirror, liberals. Are you beginning to see Pajama Boy in there? Take it as a warning. Side with the left long enough, and your genitals fall off. As well they should. When I heard Barack Obama exulting in the fundamental transformation of America that he promised to bring about in his 2008 speech [1] at the University of Missouri, I was dumbfounded. Why, I thought, would anyone want to transform the most dynamic and successful nation on the face of the planet? Improve it gradually […] Up until 2006 John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, was a scholarly exponent of the realist school, which holds that foreign policy is driven by interests and not by domestic politics. That year, however, Mearsheimer, with coauthor and fellow realist Stephen Walt of Harvard, published—both on the website of […]