Accurate test for cancer gene. Thanks to scientists at Hadassah Medical Center, a simple blood test will now detect the presence of harmful BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in otherwise healthy women. Gene expression profiling is far quicker, cheaper and more accurate than the previous method of full gene sequencing.
Slowing down to speed up DNA sequencing. Technion scientists have made a breakthrough that will improve the accuracy and speed of calculating an individual’s genome. A focused low-power green laser slows down the flow of DNA nanopores to enable sensors to get a higher-resolution analysis of the proteins in the DNA.
Seeing is believing. I featured the “talking glasses” from Israel’s OrCam in a previous newsletter, but here is a new video showing the power of the unique Israeli device for the visually impaired.
Israeli experts at G8 Dementia Summit. Israel has participated in an international summit on dementia in London, England, bringing its know-how to bear on a disease that is set to treble globally by 2050.
Digital dentistry has wide-open benefits. Thanks to the Israeli-developed Objet30 OrthoDesk 3D printer, small dental labs can now produce stone models, orthodontic appliances, delivery and positioning trays, retainers and surgical guides, which were previously only accessible by large labs.