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Geneva Conference Moves Toward Criminalizing “Islamophobia” By Deborah Weiss

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/deborah-weiss/geneva-conference-moves-toward-criminalizing-islamophobic-speech/print/ In its quest to criminalize speech that’s critical of all Islam-related topics, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)* endorsed the formation of a new Advisory Media Committee to address “Islamophobia.” This past September, the OIC held “The First International Conference on Islamophobia: Law & Media.”  The conference endorsed numerous recommendations which arose from prior […]

How The Left Formulates Our Vocabulary — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Karen Kenny, Founder of the San Fernando Valley Patriots, John Duffy, a Film Producer from the Bronx, and Kai Chen, the author of One In A Billion: Journey Toward Freedom.

(See Karen Kenny’s testimony before the Ways and Means Committee in Washington, DC on June 4, 2013 regarding the IRS scandal here).The Gang discussed How The Left Formulates Our Vocabulary. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on how Americans are allowing Obama’s assault on America’s founding principles. The dialogue also shed light on Obama’s Rejection of the American Dream, ObamaCare’s Doom of Destruction, and much, much more.



Obama does many things. He prevaricates, manipulates, defrauds, abuses and usurps. But one thing that he does not do is compromise.

Any strategy built on forcing Obama to compromise is inherently flawed. He may occasionally throw Republicans a tiny bone to make them feel better about giving in, but only as long as his is the only plate with meat on it.

Obama never compromises because he has never really lost. He has been insulated from defeat by his fanaticism, his arrogance and his media… and by Republican incompetence.

Obama can only be beaten on his own terms. He can’t be beaten legislatively or judicially as long as he wields executive powers whose limits he refuses to accept. If Congress passes something, he can and will choose to ignore it. If the Supreme Court strikes something down, he will do it anyway.

That is why Justice Roberts, like so many other conservatives, blinked in a confrontation with Obama and chose to preserve the system while legalizing ObamaCare, rather than see ObamaCare implemented anyway while the system of checks and balances was trashed.

The Roberts mistake is the same one that Congressional Republicans have made in their games of chicken with Obama. They have chosen to preserve the system, whether it’s the political system, the economic system or any other part of the status quo, over defeating Obama.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/a-tyrants-dream-congress-cedes-control-of-federal-debt The bargain rushed through Congress on Wednesday night clobbers the U.S. Constitution. It shifts control over the debt ceiling from Congress to the president, in violation of Article 1, Section 8, and pushes the nation toward a slippery slope of allowing the president unlimited power to borrow. Article 1, Section 8, states that “Congress […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/the-turkish-betrayal-global-implications?f=puball On October 17th, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius reported that in 2012, Turkey, a NATO member, directly gave Iranian intelligence the identities of 10 Iranians who had been meeting in Turkey with their Israeli Mossad handlers. Subsequent reports suggest that they may have already been executed by the Iranians. But, as Boaz Bismuth writes […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/obama-says-shut-up While blaming the federal government’s shutdown on the House’s dragging its feet on a budget bill that would raise the debt ceiling and defund Obamacare, and not himself or the government itself for “shutting down,” President Barack Obama during an address to Congress in the White House State Dining Room on the morning of […]

Mark Krikorian : Trojan Horse A Lame House Border-Security Bill is Designed to be a Vehicle for Amnesty.


Believing that they won the recent shutdown fight, President Obama and the Democrats think they have momentum to browbeat the House into passing some version of the Schumer-Rubio amnesty that was approved by the Senate in June.

Representative Paul Ryan has been actively working to help the president achieve his chief goal for the second term. Many conservatives fear that Speaker Boehner and the rest of the House GOP leadership share Ryan’s desire to pass a bill that would legalize the present 11 million–plus illegal aliens and double future legal immigration.

But the unpopularity of the comprehensive, 1,200-page Schumer-Rubio bill has forced even pro-amnesty Republicans to reject the idea of bringing it up for a vote in the House. Instead, the House will vote on smaller, targeted measures, addressing one issue at a time.

The concern of amnesty skeptics (and the hope of amnesty pushers) is that the House will take one of the targeted bills into conference with the Senate; the negotiated result might be a tweaked version of the Schumer-Rubio bill, which would need only a handful of Republican votes, added to all the Democrats, to pass.

Jay Z’s American Fascism: David Goldman

One should not conclude that Obama favors criminal violence, but rather that the popular response to Jay Z’s evocation of felonious rage is so great that Obama finds it convenient to exploit it. http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/10/21/jay-zs-american-fascism/?singlepage=true Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen moechte: I can’t eat enough to puke as much as I […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304402104579149420879742530.html Fifty-four Iraqis were killed and another 70 injured Sunday when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in a Baghdad cafe. But you probably didn’t catch the news. The tree falls in the forest, the country collapses in the desert, and the question remains the same: Does either of them make a sound if nobody […]


http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304402104579149582888128734?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop ‘More than a website” is the latest defense of the Affordable Care Act’s painful rollout, and liberals are partly right. ObamaCare has larger ambitions than the basket case called Healthcare.gov and the 36 federally run insurance exchanges. But building the website was supposed to be the easy part. The health law’s fiasco of a […]