Here’s one of the great stories of the past 25 years, entirely ignored by the dying legacy media: the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-the bureaucratic authority that gave us global warming-is taking it all back. The new IPCC report concedes that its former prognostications were incorrect. Not only were their statistical models […] 75 years ago this weekend, nature sucker-punched the Northeast. Lacking today’s advanced meteorological tools, people just weren’t ready when the worst struck and struck hard. Are you tired of the global warming people talking as if history just started yesterday? They hype Katrina, Sandy and any rough weather which comes our way. Natural tragedies […] Obama may still be in office when Iran announces it has become a nuclear armed nation or even explodes a test weapon under some expanse of desert. It will be a lot easier for him to explain than for Benjamin Netanyahu. It won’t conflict with Obama’s worldview. But it will conflict with Israel’s existence. […]
PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS ENDORSED DE BLASIO….RSK A Mayoral Hopeful Now, de Blasio Was Once a Young Leftist The scruffy young man who arrived in Nicaragua in 1988 stood out. He was tall and sometimes goofy, known for his ability to mimic a goose’s honk. He spoke in long, meandering paragraphs, musing on Franklin D. Roosevelt, […]
During a roundtable discussion over at the BBC, a woman from Sweden, or perhaps it was Germany, rose up to declare that Sweden, or Germany, lacked a definitive homegrown culture. Therefore, she said, we must import more people from Muslim countries in order to adopt their heritage.
This woman’s prayers have already been answered. Mosques are quickly replacing Europe’s synagogues and churches.
Ditto the United States. Somalis have been arriving here by the thousands and wherever they go, they change our culture, for the better, to be sure.
True, they have already changed the face of Kenya, given today’s terrorism attack. But that is the exception.
It cannot happen here. Certainly not!
As do people from other Muslim countries that come here to share their wonderful culture, Somalis drive our cabs and run many of our shops.
Many do not speak English and there is no problem with this. This is America. You can do whatever you want.
Fortunately for us, Muslims come here at a rate of about two million a year, from Somalia and elsewhere. As they are doing in Sweden and Germany and Norway and France and in all parts of Europe, Muslims bring to the United States their own special brand of justice. We can and should learn from them. We are tired of Judeo/Christian leniencies.
Sharia law, for example, demands that a wife obey her husband. If she does not, she is to be beaten and lashed. Now would be a good time to adopt this custom. A series of videos produced for the National Park Service shows American Muslim students blaming hatred against their faith on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The videos also promoted Islam as a pioneer in women’s rights and addressed a “general ignorance about what Islam is.” “Islam within itself, Islam itself means peace,” the […]
Home While the blissfully ignorant of the world go about celebrating the Putin-Obama deal on Syria, the militant form of Muslim Brotherhood — similar to al Nusra in Syria, — al Shabab has been massacring “infidels” in Kenya. The defeat of the “legally elected” Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood not only foiled their attempts to turn […]
CAIR has Changed Its Name to… Wait for it… WTF! James Simpson That’s right, the terrorist-sponsoring Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, FBI “consultants” and promoters of Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood BFFs, just changed their name to the Washington Trust Foundation. WTF? Or perhaps more to […] “There will be no negotiations whatsoever.” — Al-Shabab spokesman Nairobi’s Westgate mall is more than a retail center. It’s a social hub — a space for shared enjoyment and community celebration. It’s also a place for kids. In fact, a children’s event was taking place on Saturday. Then the jihadists turned up and turned […]
Somalia has a long and virtually uninterrupted history of hating America. In 1969, after a bloody coup, it was taken over by Maj. General Mohammed Siad Barre, a bloodthirsty killer who formed a military alliance with the Soviet Union from whom he obtained training and ordnance in exchange for Soviet access to naval ports. Barre was, like Nasser and Qaddafi, a pseudosecular, Arab nationalist, Marxist crackpot, who combined Islam with Lenin. To burnish his Islamic credentials he joined the all Muslim Arab League in 1984.
Tribal and regional wars intensified and in 1991 Siad Barre was ousted in a coup that left Mohammed Ali Mahdi and Mohammed Farah Aidid “sharing” control of the Somaliland Republic. The brutal civil war that followed was compounded by a devastating drought in 1992 which resulted in the deaths of 300,000 lives.
President Bush, Clinton’s predecessor, sent U.S. peacekeeping forces to relieve famine and restore order in 1992 arousing congressional demands to “bring our troops home.” His successor, William Clinton, at first announced that he would keep the troops, that the mission was a success, but ceding to the “Murthaites” in Congress, he withdrew all but 1,200 troops. This was followed by months of ambush and attacks of UN peacekeeping troops – in June during an inspection of a Somali arms weapons storage site, 24 U.N.Pakistani soldiers were massacred – wanton murders, theft of all relief materials and unprecedented brutality against Somali civilians, some of whom were given succor and asylum in the United States.
By October of 1993, Clinton launched a new mission and sent United States Rangers and Special Forces to capture Mohammed Aidid and stabilize Somalia. His plan, presented to Congress with a timetable, was “to conclude our role there honorably but we do not want to see a reversion to the absolute chaos and the terrible misery which existed before.” His words came back to bite him.
Mogadishu was a disaster for the United States. Subsequent investigations disclosed that U.S. soldiers on the ground were left without armed vehicles or sufficient firepower from the air. The Clinton administration and then Secretary of Defense, the late Les Aspin, repeatedly denied the Special ops teams’ and the Rangers’ requests for more armored vehicles, AC-130 gunships and tanks.
The American public witnessed gruesome televised scenes of rampaging Muslim Somalis dragging and desecrating the bodies of American troops. Congress demanded a withdrawal and Clinton did a “cut and run” operation leaving Somalia in worse shape than ever and Aidid unbowed. The end result was the perception that America can be defied by any rag tag army of terrorists.
Les Aspin took the fall for his boss but the buck really stopped with President William “Un”Jefferson Clinton.
Since 1983 we have admitted 83,991 Muslim Somali immigrants into the U.S. More then half, 43,682, came since September 11th, and of those, the majority went to Minnesota .
There are millions of African refugees in America – decent, hard working people who escaped the chaos and brutality of failed states. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, under the guidelines of the Refugee Act of 1980, must report hard numbers to Congress each year.
Somali Americans did not assimilate and have grown increasingly militant in cities where they have a significant presence. And they remain of concern to law-enforcement agencies.