Sri Lankan-Born Student Wins HR Award Defending Israel Timon Dias The winner of this year’s $2000 Blankfeld Award for Media Critique has been chosen and comes from a most unlikely source. Sri Lankan-born Timon Dias was adopted in the Netherlands at the age of three months and is a Clinical Psychology Masters degree student […]
A protein to kill cancer stem cells. (Thanks to Dr. Sarit Larisch of the University of Haifa has discovered a protein called ARTS that triggers cell death. It is found to be lacking in cancerous tissue. The research can lead to a pre-cancer marker and development of similar molecules that can stop tumors forming.
Further success in leukemia treatment trials. Israeli biotech Gamida has successfully transplanted just its manipulated NiCord stem cells into patients with blood cancer. The impact is to reduce recovery times even further from the two years achieved from using NiCord combined with non-manipulated stem cells.
USA promotes Israeli leukemia treatment. The United States FDA has granted orphan drug status to Israeli biotech BioLineRX’s BL-8040 treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Because there are limited alternatives, BioLineRX will now receive US Federal support, financial assistance and market exclusivity.
Trial of anti-lymphoma technology. Israeli biotech KAHR Medical plans to trial KAHR-102, one of its groundbreaking Signal Converting Proteins (SCP), for the treatment of lymphatic cancer.
New molecule reduces cholesterol – and more. Researchers at Israel’s Technion have developed an antioxidant 1-FE that lowers cholesterol. It also eliminates oxygen free radicals that cause organs and tissues to age. The compound could be an important alternative to statins in the fight against heart disease.
Get your knee fixed. Active Implants, whose R&D center is in Netanya Israel, is looking for patients in Israel and Europe willing to join the trial of its NUsurface Meniscus Implant. The novel, composite polymer implant is for osteoarthritis patients who have pain and disability but are too old or young for a total knee replacement.
Israel’s hi-tech emergency service. Magen David Adom used its technology and skills to save a 3-month-old baby. First, MDA’s sophisticated C4I dispatch system allocated the closest first-responder to the call. Then the dispatch operator advised the responder on CPR for the baby. All telephone operators are medics or paramedics.
Bone regeneration with a “magic” membrane. (Thanks to Israel21c) I reported on Regenecure in June when it was promoting its safe dental bone augmentation procedure. But it appears that the company’s BoneCure membrane has been healing animals for some time and is working on a similar product for humans.
URL to article: The left never changes. It’s a toxic moral rot. It isn’t even capable of comprehending its own awfulness. It marches on with no trace of decency, only the arrogant self-assurance of those who insist that they know better because of some imaginary humanitarian moral superiority. This is the left in all […]
‘Thank God, There Are Almost No Jews in Syria Now’ And the Christians are Next . . . By Lela Gilbert A Times of Israel story on August 17, 2012 — just over a year ago — was headlined with words of relief: “‘Thank God, there are almost no Jews in Syria now’ says the woman who rescued most of them.” The article, by Rafael Ahren, had as its backdrop the horrific civil war in […] In the Syrian rubble of Barack Obama’s foreign policy lies a moment of opportunity for conservatives. It is a moment for building a muscular foreign policy based on a recognition of good and evil; on an unapologetic conviction that the United States stands firmly on the right side of that ledger because it stands […] Every American ally is cringing with embarrassment at the amateurishness of the last month. For generations, eminent New York Times wordsmiths have swooned over foreign strongmen, from Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer-winning paeans to the Stalinist utopia to Thomas L. Friedman’s more recent effusions to the “enlightened” Chinese Politburo. So it was inevitable that the cash-strapped […]
By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotSeptember 14, 2013 Via Real Science 67% Increase In Arctic Ice Extent Since Last Year Arctic Ice Area Highest In Seven Years – Blows Away The Record For Ice Growth Flashback 2009: Obama’s Science Adviser Forecasts Arctic Ice Free — Winters 42nd Daily Record of Year for Antarctic Sea Ice […] These days, the Arab media are full of reports about diplomatic activities regarding the Syrian issue, and commentators’ articles dealing with this matter fill whole pages in the newspapers of the Arab world. They all try to ascertain if there will be an American military action, what its scope will be, how powerful it […]
Irrespective of Israel, Free World inaction in the face of non-conventional military systems in the hands of rogue regimes – such as Assad, or worse yet the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda – aggravates the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East and beyond; transforms tactical threats to strategic threats; adrenalizes Iran’s […] [N.B.: the latest episode in the Syrian Soap Opera intervened as I embarked on the final version of this text that has been modified, amplified, elaborated, extended and abridged over the past two weeks. The imminent military response to the alleged use of nerve gas by Basher al Assad, delayed by the refusal of […]