Recently, following a previous history of Palestinian terrorist releases premised on furthering the “Middle East Peace Process,” Israel began the latest round of freeing designated criminals from its jails. Not only was this first-phase release (which included convicted murderers) unlikely to assist in achieving a lasting peace, it could even be argued to have […]
Many historians and commentators will argue and debate about the role of Fanni Kaplan’s attempt to assassinate Lenin on august 30,2013. None, however, dispute the fact that on September 2, 1918 the “Red Terror” – a campaign of mass killings, torture, and systematic oppression was launched by the Bolsheviks against all dissidents.
Grigori Zinoviev, a Lenin acolyte put it quite plainly in September: (Zinoviev himself was executed after a forced confession in the show trials in 1936.)
“To overcome of our enemies we must have our own socialist militarism. We must carry along with us 90 million out of the 100 million of Soviet Russia’s population. As for the rest, we have nothing to say to them. They must be annihilated.”
Although the numbers vary more than fifty thousand people were executed by hangings and firing squads. Others were imprisoned and tortured.
The best account of this era is by Robert Conquest:
Product Details
The Great Terror: A Reassessment by Robert Conquest (Nov 15, 2007)
The niggling question for me remains why in spite of all the known evidence of the evil ideology and methods, leftists and radicals in America flocked to the party or to organizations such as SDS and other useful idiocy on behalf of Communism. I really don’t care if they recanted. Their sins directly affected all of the culture and media and education that prevail today. Their cohorts are the so-called journalists and professors that continue to infect America. rsk Imagine it: A woman, who happens to be a Muslim, goes to the police to complain that she has received threatening messages on Facebook (including pictures which clearly identify her) and these threats are based on the fact that she is a Muslim — she’s being threatened because she is a Muslim. Now imagine that […] As the Obama administration keeps weighing whether and how to act in Syria, one wonders if Israel is looking good—or at least better—to the administration these days. Seemingly, if there was ever a time, now would be the time to start taking note of Israel’s strengths in a bad region. 1. Some ways in […]
Posted By On August 30, 2013 @ 12:30 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 6 Comments
This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood Actor, Dr. Karen Siegemund, Founder of Rage Against the Media and Howard Hyde, author of the new pamphlet, Pull the Plug on Obamacare.
The Freedom Center’s National Development Director, Tiffany Gabbay filled in for host Jamie Glazov, delivering a stellar performance.
The Gang gathered this week to discuss Crime, Race and Media Blindness. The discussion occurred in Part II and provided an analysis of the epidemic of black-on-white crime and our culture’s deafening silence about it.
In Part I, the Gang focused on ObamaCare’s Road To Nowhere and Losing the Middle East.
To watch both A recent report in Mother Jones magazine has given the lie to FBI Director Robert Mueller’s defense of his agency’s failure to take any action against Nidal Hasan, despite intercepting a series of emails between the mass murderer and terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, beginning as early as 2008. Appearing on CBS News last Thursday, Mueller was asked if his agency “dropped the […] George Zimmerman was tried, convicted and sentenced in the media on the charge of Racism in the First Degree without a single piece of supporting evidence other than the bare fact of his altercation with a black man. Had there been a time when Zimmerman had uttered a racial slur then NBC or the […] Yet again, congressional Republicans have backed themselves into a corner by believing the Left’s anti-GOP talking points — this time on Obamacare. “Shutting down the government just because I’m for keeping it open? That’s not an economic plan,” Obama said in Florida last month. “Defunding the Affordable Care Act is not achievable through shutting […] A military jury sentenced unrepentant Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Hasan to death on Wednesday. But if another murderous Muslim soldier’s case is any indication, Hasan may be sitting in the catbird seat for years to come. And our men and women in uniform will remain endangered by Islamic vigilantes in their own ranks. Remember […] I was recently told a wonderful story about a professional sports franchise in a low-tax state that distributes to its recruitment candidates a pamphlet describing in the most vulgar terms — X number of Rolexes, Y number of Bentleys — how much farther a $10 million contract goes there than in New York, California, […]