You would never wear a Hermann Göring t-shirt or use the swastika in a value-neutral fashion, so why should it be okay to whitewash and/or rehabilitate communists? I spoke earlier this week at the 2013 Liberty Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. But I don’t think anybody is going to remember my speech about the collapse of the […] Hamas-ruled Gaza is feeling the ripple effects of the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the decimation of the Muslim Brotherhood. The new military ruling regime accuses Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, of fomenting anti-Egypt attacks in Sinai. In turn, Cairo has put a noose around the only land crossing from […] Democrats think a rodeo clown’s jokes are racist, Republicans think they are healthy free speech. Democrats think Trayvon Martin was shot for being black, Republicans think he was shot in self-defense because of his thuggish assault on Zimmerman. Republicans think the President should show leadership to counter the violent Rapper culture that leads to […] Nicolás Maduro needs a circus because there is no bread in Venezuela. Hyperinflation and political witch hunts seem to go together. Just ask the Venezuelan opposition. With the bolivarcollapsing and prices spiraling higher, the government alleged this month that its No. 1 adversary, former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, is linked to a prostitution ring […] ‘Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling, fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; but someone still was yelling out and stumbling, and flound’ring like a man in fire or lime . . . .” Wilfred Owen’s poem, “Dulce et Decorum Est,” describing his experience of a chlorine-gas attack in World War I, […] The study of antisemitism has taken many turns and twists over the years. The goal remains: understanding where this hatred emanates from and how it continues to cascade throughout the generations. While the scholarship has differed on exact definitions, the signs and trends have been voluminous. Leon Poliakov, one of the early scholars of […]
ObamaCare’s Road To Nowhere — on The Glazov Gang
The disaster unfolds.
The crisis in Egypt is deepening, and both sides of the conflict are becoming increasingly entrenched in their positions. The fatalities that have occurred among Mursi supporters as well as among the military people causes both sides to act on the basis of their hearts and emotions, and not from logic. Both sides think […] “President Rouhani is sending strong signals that he will dispatch a pragmatic, experienced team to the table when negotiations resume, possibly next month. That’s when we should begin to see answers to key questions: How much time and creative thinking are he and President Obama willing to invest in a negotiated solution, the only […] At first glance, Hindu-majority India, with approximately 1.2 billion people and an entire subcontinent, would seem to have little in common with Jewish-majority Israel, which has only about eight million people living on territory that’s just roughly 15 times the size of India’s capital city. While full diplomatic relations were established between Jerusalem and […]