Who should Western democrats support in the “new” Middle East?: a. Islamists elected to power who claim to be democrats (best example: the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt or the ayatollahs in Iran). b. Bloody-handed Arab nationalists who pretend to be moderate (best example: Bashar Assad in Syria). c. Would-be nationalist leaders who cannot be elected dog catcher and […] King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has now weighed in decisively on the Egyptian imbroglio by declaring his strong support for his “Egyptian brothers against terrorism, deviance, and sedition.” And the brothers he has in mind are not the Saudis’ long-term clients in the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) but their military oppressors. To underscore the decisive […] A pogrom against Christians — torching Churches and killing believers — is perfectly consistent with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic supremacist ideology. But there are many despicable things, consistent with that ideology, that are not on display at the moment. By contrast, the Brothers and their sympathizers are very consciously and very publicly besieging Christians […] How many revolutions does a nation need to correct its course? Some nations undergo the pain of one revolution and flourish, while others achieve change by allowing themselves to evolve through self-examination, correction, awakening, and enlightenment, followed by a working consensus on the course the country will take. But when it comes to much […]
Camille Paglia, from an interview with, posted Aug. 21:
Q: Any hopes, fears or predictions for the presidential elections in 2016?
A: As a registered Democrat, I am praying for a credible presidential candidate to emerge from the younger tier of politicians in their late 40s. A governor with executive experience would be ideal. It’s time to put my baby-boom generation out to pasture! We’ve had our day and managed to muck up a hell of a lot.
It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton (born the same year as me) is our party’s best chance. She has more sooty baggage than a 90-car freight train. And what exactly has she ever accomplished—beyond bullishly covering for her philandering husband? She’s certainly busy, busy and ever on the move—with the tunnel-vision workaholism of someone trying to blot out uncomfortable private thoughts.
The dominant country, in one of the most important regions of the world, experienced several years of tumultuous unrest, mass demonstrations, brutality, murders and chaos. This was followed by a parliamentary election, won by an extremist right wing party, whose demagoguery appealed to the lowest common denominator of the voters.
The party received the largest popular vote and the largest number of seats in the parliament, but not an absolute majority. Its leader, formerly jailed by a previous regime, was installed as head of the government. The program of action of the new ruling party was sometimes openly declared, and often whispered in code language, but it was unambiguously stated in published books and documents prior to the election. It aimed at suppressing all competing political forces, by brutal means, if necessary. It also advocated the creation of a large “living space” for the people led by it, creating an empire, and controlling various territories in Europe that were formerly occupied by its allies. It advocated and practiced a strong policy of discrimination against minority groups, ethnic, religious and others, and it explicitly intended to murder the entire world Jewish population.
The naïve democratic western powers largely ignored the clearly stated plans of the new ruling party. They talked themselves into believing that these were just an exaggerated form of political rhetoric, not meant as a real concrete strategy. They welcomed the democratically elected government, believing that the winning party had some components, which were not as evil as it might appear, and they remained passive as the new regime gradually proceeded with its agenda, step by step. This misguided western attitude was shared by conservatives, liberals and socialists, from the moderate right and moderate left in Western Europe and the United States. Last week, while the first batch of Palestinian terrorists was being released from Israeli jails, the Palestinian Authority was too busy condemning Israel to express satisfaction. This is because the Israeli government had approved the construction of hundreds of new houses in east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. The plans to build these new units […] In August 1968, the Warsaw Pact tanks and half a million-strong military killed the Prague Spring. It was not simply the end of a daring political experiment, but also a gigantic defeat for the dreams of reconciling communism and democracy. Marxist revisionism, the utopian endeavor to rediscover the presumably forgotten thesaurus of left-wing radicalism, suffered […] The following, written as a private letter to Michel Gurfinkiel, appears here by permission of the author. Dear Mr. Gurfinkiel, On April 26 of this year, I was on a train with my five-year-old son Charlie. We were on our way to spend shabbat with friends in the city. You see, our town, significant […] There is a reason why it is often said that there are no good choices for the United States in Egypt. In my weekend column, I argued that there are only two realistic alternatives at the moment. The first is the self-defeating option popular with the Obama administration and the GOP’s erratic McCain wing: […]