Dispiriting as it is to admit for those of us who like our republics modest and our republicans unassuming, we are living through one of those bothersome periods in American history in which cults of personality are all the rage. Cory Booker’s victory on Tuesday evening was as inevitable as will be his coronation […]
Lars Hedegaard on “American Betrayal” by Diana West: “Her book is among the most well-documented I have ever read.”
Historian and journalist Lars Hedegaard, who has—wait for it—actually read Diana West’s “American Betrayal [1],” made these very insightful comments on the book:
What Diana West has done is to dynamite her way through several miles of bedrock. On the other side of the tunnel there is a vista of a new past. Of course folks are baffled. Few people have the capacity to take this in. Her book is among the most well documented I have ever read. It is written in an unusual style viewed from the perspective of the historian—but it probably couldn’t have been done any other way.
Hedegaard, a former Marxist, who left the movement just over thirty years ago, was one of the editors of the Fundamental historie series of books–world history from a Marxist perspective, in 4 volumes. He also edited a volume of the Hvem Hvad Hvor (“Who What Where”) yearbook in the 1980s. At present, he edits the online and print editions of the newspaper Dispatch International.
Lars Hedegaard’s major writings of late, which have focused on Islam, include the following books and articles: Test of maturity: If Polly Toynbee says something is good do you automatically, and therefore, assume that it is bad? Perhaps that’s too taxing for the depths of mid-Summer. But one suspects that most of us see the temptations while fighting hard not to succumb to them. Fight all you like. When it comes […] In 2010, the most favorable environment for Republicans since the 1994 midterms, the GOP picked up 63 seats to take control of the House of Representatives. Nationally, the GOP won the House vote by 7%, after losing by 11% two years earlier. Republicans also gained six Senate seats that November, and they won a […]
This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Igor Melcuk, a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Montreal and Member of the Royal Society of Canada. A scientist and “reluctant” Soviet dissident, he left the Soviet Union in 1977 after being expelled from the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences because he defended Andrei Sakharov in a letter published in The New York Times.
Prof. Melcuk joined the Gang to discuss The Obama-Morsi Deal? The discussion took place in Part II (beginning at the 7:00 mark) and focused on the reports in the Arabic media that the U.S. president made a secret agreement with the Brotherhood on the Sinai. [See also Daniel Greenfield’s report on how Muslim Brotherhood Leader’s Son Claims MB is Blackmailing Obama with “Evidence That Could Put Him in Prison”] The segment also dealt with The Goals of Obama and The Dark World of Vladimir Putin. On Saturday night in Sedalia, a Missouri city with a population that would fit into Arrowhead Stadium four times over, the entire nation was shaken when a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask performed his usual routine. Toward the end of Obama’s first term a tornado had torn through Sedalia blowing off roofs and […]
“If Jews do indeed abandon Europe, it will be to escape a situation in which their very identity is increasingly treated as a matter of suspicion and political contention. Should an emigration en masse come to be a reality, Gurfinkiel concludes, it would constitute “a profound blow to the collective psyche of the Jewish people” as well as a shattering judgment on the “so-called European idea.” In the absence of living Jews, Europeans will have nothing but Holocaust museums and memorials on which to base the moral reckoning of their past.”
Time to pay our respects to what was, and for European Jews to move elsewhere?
Michel Gurfinkiel is in the tradition of the great French essayists who put the issues of the day squarely before the public. It is a bold thing to do, especially when the subject under discussion is the fate of the Jews.
“You Only Live Twice” argues that, in the relatively short term, Jews are likely to have left Europe. The Jewish contribution to European civilization has been “a crowning glory of the human spirit,” but now the majority of European Jews and also those non-Jews who are paying attention to the march of history “insist that catastrophe may lie ahead.” The causes of this coming catastrophe are already evident to Gurfinkiel, and they tend toward an unhappy ending. In any case, the wise will not linger, awaiting certain submission. The time has come to pay our respects to what was once but is no more, and for Jews to move elsewhere as they have done through so many centuries.
In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Europeans adopted the phrase “Never Again,” implying shame for the perpetrators and at least a shading of guilt for the many who had stood by and taken no notice. For some years, survivors of the Nazi genocide, along with Jewish refugees expelled from the countries of the Middle East, were able to remake their lives everywhere across the continent. This was all too good to last.
Since 2000 in France alone, as Gurfinkiel notes, 7,650 anti-Semitic incidents ranging from petty insults to brutal racist murders have been reported, and this statistic ignores many more incidents that are known to have occurred but were not reported to the authorities. Things have come to the point where the chief rabbi of France advises Jews not to wear a kippah in the street because it makes them recognizable as Jews. “Never” has dropped out of the slogan of solidarity, leaving “Again” to stand on its own.
Most of the following article by Victor Sharpe was first published in Family Security Matters on October 6, 2011.
Remember the Roadmap that Condoleezza Rice and President Bush earlier forced upon Israel? Well it is still alive and the current Obama regime continues to impose what history will recall as an insane repetition of failed policies.
The endless concessions, imposed only upon Israel, known by the morally bankrupt euphemisms of “land for peace” or “risks for peace,” and the “Two-State Solution” guarantee endless war against Israel. That is what the road map is; a veritable cul de sac of death for the Jewish state.
There is no peace partner at this time within the Arab world that Israel can truly trust, and certainly not among the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. Western absurdity as to which Palestinian Arab group is “moderate” enough to receive enormous amounts of tax payer funds was demonstrated by Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, during the Bush Administration. She certified that Fatah, led by Mahmoud Abbas, met the qualifications of a genuine peace partner for Israel.
Here the absurdity reached new heights for it was Fatah itself, the peace partner, which at the same time Rice was sanctifying it, sent two suicide killers into the Israeli Negev town of Dimona where they succeeded in murdering an elderly woman while maiming many other civilians. And Abbas, the Holocaust denier, was then, as now, unwilling to end Palestinian terrorism.
Saudi Arabia Gives UN $100M to Fight Terror It Exports
After bankrolling terrorist ideology around the world, Saudi Arabia has made a huge contribution to the UN for a “counter terrorism” cover story. 100 million dollars will go to the so-called UN Centre on Counterterrorism. A reasonable question would be: a centre for countering what? Because the UN has no definition of terrorism. In fact, the reason that the UN has no definition of terrorism is in no small measure due to Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom – along with the rest of the UN’s Islamic states who are all parties to the Islamic Terrorism Convention – insists that murdering Israelis and Americans who get in the way of “self-determination” is not terrorism. Now into this farcical mix steps John Kerry. Kerry has made an official statement “applauding” Saudi Arabia. The Secretary profusely thanked the Saudis for their contribution to financing counter-terrorism – notwithstanding that through their hate-filled “educational” and “charitable” works around the world they do exactly the opposite. Kerry was also happy that the money would “build support to implement the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy.” That strategy both fails to define terrorism, and is the UN’s central instrument for turning poor-terrorists into victims. Its section number one is entitled “Measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism.” Among other things, the Strategy urges states to “recognize…that…youth unemployment, could reduce marginalization and the subsequent sense of victimization that propels extremism and the recruitment of terrorists.” Does it look like Al-Qaeda members are out of a job to you? So not only are the terror-supporting Saudis paying blood money to the UN for countering-terror, the Obama administration thinks that’s great.
The UN has awarded official accreditation to an NGO headed by the antisemitic former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. As its founder and President, Mohamad calls his personal project the “Perdana Global Peace Foundation.”
Apparently, the title’s reference to the word “peace” was enough to win over the members of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP). That’s the committee formed back in 1975 to implement the Zionism-is-racism resolution and still going strong.
Accreditation will come with UN perks like the ability to attend and participate in various UN meetings. For instance, when the Palestinians upgraded their status at last year’s General Assembly, the CEIRPP stacked the visitor seats with supporters who dutifully stood up in front of the television cameras and cheered.
Strictly-speaking, the UN rule for accrediting NGOs is adherence to the UN Charter. The Charter preaches “respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.”
Mahathir Mohamad, by contrast, has a long history of being for discrimination on the basis of race and religion.