In the fall of 1983 we took a sort of pilot tour of Israel, a year before moving here. For me, naturally, as someone who had never been outside of North America, it was all a breathtaking experience. Perhaps most amazing of all, though, was our visit to Masada—the mountain fortress by the Dead […] Set aside all the politics over the War on Terror and then ask what Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have in common. All three are arrogant and unstable men filled with aimless grievances and animated by the sense that they never received the things that they really wanted out of life. They […]
CROATIA WILL FIT RIGHT IN….Jasenovac, WWII’s second-deadliest camp, which remains largely unknown, unspoken of, and unexamined was run by Croatians, no German oversight needed. In other words, before they’ve even taught the public, 60 years late and counting, the word “Jasenovac” — which defines WWII Croatia — the Holocaust archivists are skipping right over it to divert attention to a few good Croats. And thus Croatia’s march proceeds to the E.U., official membership date this Monday, July 1st. (Julia Gorin)
This week saw another EU summit and next week sees a new EU member. A big ‘Welcome!’ to our new European partner, coupled with a big ‘Why’?
Hello Croatia! Welcome to the mad house. I do hope you enjoy you’re stay although why you chose to book in beggars belief.
Perhaps it’s the way our MEPs punch journalists who try to film them signing on for “work” and then sodding off, which has attracted you. Or perhaps it is the way the European Union hasn’t had its books signed off for 18 years that intrigues you enough to fully join the European Union.
Ah, or maybe it is the firm hand the EU has on the economic tiller, where once-proud nations such as Italy have to go begging for a couple of million euros just to try and get former electricians, amongst others, back on the job market. Could it even be the robust ways in which the EU treats democracy? If not, I can only conclude that it must be the economic mishmash of the Eurozone which has seen northern Europe, including those that are not in the wretched currency, pay for its mistakes.
June 20th was World Refugee Day, dedicated to nearly 60 million people worldwide who were forcibly displaced by conflict or persecution. One group of refugees rarely acknowledged is the Jews who were indigenous to Muslim lands but compelled to flee around the time when the State of Israel was established.
One group of refugees rarely acknowledged is the Jews who were indigenous to Muslim lands but compelled to flee around the time when the State of Israel was established.
A Google search for “1948 refugees” produces about 6 million results. All but a few (at least through page six) are about the Palestinian Arab refugees, as if they were the only refugees of 1948. But it is estimated that from the beginning of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War through the early 1970s, up to 1,000,000 Jews fled or were expelled from their ancestral homes in Muslim countries. 260,000 of those refugees reached Israel between 1948 and 1951 and comprised 56 percent of all immigration to the fledgling state. By 1972, their numbers had reached 600,000.
In 1948, Middle East and North African countries had considerable Jewish populations: Morocco (250,000), Algeria (140,000), Iraq (140,000), Iran (120,000), Egypt (75,000), Tunisia (50,000), Yemen (50,000), Libya (35,000), and Syria (20,000). Today, the indigenous Jews of those countries are virtually extinct (although Morocco and Iran each still have under 10,000 Jews). In most cases, the Jewish population had lived there for millennia. In the post-Holocaust era it is infra dig to hate Jews, publicly at least. Hence the transmogrification from Jew to Zionist Nothing is new beneath the sun. King Solomon the wise discerned that everything existed from the beginning, so that ‘new’ things are really very old things, manifestations of eternal concepts; like the badge […] Not surprisingly, President Obama and Speaker John Boehner have different views on energy policy, differences brought into stark contrast by their recent statements. The president sees our nation’s energy policy primarily in terms of the environment, with the economy a secondary concern. His policy is grounded in a view that government regulation and subsidies […] Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi announced on Wednesday that newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will once again head up Iran’s nuclear negotiation team. The next negotiation round of the P5+1 group [the five permanent members of UN Security Council plus Germany] will also be overseen by an investigative body, all of whom […] It is not difficult to portray Western women as licentious whores. For Muslim men, the West has no honor whatsoever. Even if immigrants try to adopt the culture of their new countries, the cultural and religious indoctrination breeds only the rejection of all the values of the host countries. What we are witnessing is […] Lincoln, describing the fight of July 1-3, 1863, showed the world what was at stake in a Pennsylvania crossroads town. Among my great-grandfather’s papers, carefully set down in his small, gnarled handwriting, is a copy of the Gettysburg Address. When Lincoln delivered the speech, my great-grandfather was 10 years old and living in Sweden, […]
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Banned from the U.K. — on The Glazov Gang
Why Jihad supporters are welcome — and why freedom fighters and truth-tellers are not.