Along with traditional terrorism and political recalcitrance, the Palestinian Arabs, their fellow Islamists, and a recognizable cadre of their sympathizers continually develop additional pressure tactics to erode the sovereignty of Israel.
As boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS) movements pop up on college campuses, within member states of the European Union (EU), and even certain denominational organizations, pro Israeli Jewish and Christian advocates throughout the world must be prepared to refute libelous accusations against Israel by espousing nonrevisionist, historical facts.
Point in hand: on May 3rd the Church of Scotland issued a disparaging manifesto entitled: “The Inheritance of Abraham?” Laughingly it decries Israel’s biblical connection to the ‘Promised Land.’ It willfully denies thousands of years of well-documented Jewish connection not just to internationally recognized Israel but to Judea and Samaria (West Bank) as well. A connection far predating that of any other people.
Specifically, the church is of the opinion:
Zionism is not a national but a religious ideology, grounded in specific and unconditional biblical claims to the Land of Israel. The position of Zionism is that “God promises the land to the Israelites unconditionally.
The document further states that “Zionists think that Jewish people are serving God’s special purpose.” As such, “Christians should not be supporting exclusive or even privileged divine right” to any territory. “If Jesus is indeed the Yes to all God’s promises, the promise to Abraham about land is fulfilled through the impact of Jesus, not by restoration of land to the Jewish people.”
Talk about stirring up a hornet’s nest. Jewish groups throughout England, Israel, and the United Staes were incredulous over such a hypocritically benevolent claim. One writer for the Jewish Daily Forward labeled the church’s position as supersessionism; “the notion that the truth of the New Testament renders irrelevant the claims of the old.”
The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities described the report as an: “ignorant and tendentious document masquerading as a theological statement.”