CIA‘S BENGHAZI SECRETS The dramatic House testimony by State Department officials Wednesday shined light on the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi terrorist attack on Sept. 11. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing focused on why there was no military rescue operation and whether the administration lied in failing to initially label […]
Barack Obama can relax and get to work on his hook shot and his putting. The presidential legacy he has fretted over is now clear, well established, safe and secure. The presidential historians can fire up their laptops and let the processing of words begin.
It’s too early to conclude, as some Republicans have, that the dam has broken, that the sleeping mainstream media has begun to come out of its sleeping-sickness stupor, and that even Democrats are about to leap out of the way. Not yet. But the dam has clearly sprung a leak.
Benghazi is no longer “the b-word,” to be relegated to furtive whispers behind the potted plant, spoken like the f-bomb and the n-word, the ugly burps in the language of the uncivilized and the indecent. “For a long time,” concedes Alex Koppelman in the New Yorker, “it seemed like the idea of a cover-up was just a Republican obsession. But now there is something to it.”
And it’s not just Benghazi. The scandal at the Internal Revenue System frightens everyone, given that an IRS audit and a heart attack are the twin terrors of the wee hours of the night. “Previous presidents,” writes Joe Klein in Time magazine, “including great ones like Roosevelt, have used the IRS against their enemies. But I don’t think Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as Richard Nixon. In this specific case, he now is.”
Maureen Dowd, the dowager queen of spleen at The New York Times (where Mo’s toxic rants are applied to Republicans and other conservatives in the absence of waterboards), says the nation’s capital is “in the throes of déjà vu and preview as it plunges back into Clinton Rules, defined . . . as damage control that goes like this: ‘It’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s old news.’ The conservatives appearing on Benghazi-obsessed Fox News are a damage patrol with an approach that goes like this: ‘Lies, paranoia, subpoena, impeach, Watergate, Iran-contra.’ . . . [But] now that the IRS has confessed to targeting Tea Party groups, maybe some of the paranoia is justified.”
This late evidence that the rhinestone glitteries of the media do, after all, inhabit the same planet as the rest of us is reassuring, even if the glitteries are nevertheless still anxious to protect President Obama from his emerging legacy. “It’s terrible,” Carl Bernstein, who with Bob Woodward broke the Watergate scandal a generation ago, says of the IRS targeting conservatives for audits: “Outrageous. Heads ought to roll. Simple as that. From what we know so far, some high-up heads.” With thanks to Professor Ilia Toli for alerting me to the update on this story, and to Danny. Prof. Toli mentions that at the bottom of this Albanian-language link about Hysen Sherifi’s sentencing, the comments “could have been from any Islamic forum whatsoever. They call for the extermination of all infidels (more than 80% […] Two elections ago, the Democratic Party was on the verge of being torn to shreds. After a long series of dirty tricks and one stolen election later, there was an uncomfortable coming together. Obama and his cronies kept most of the important positions, while the Clintonites got a few pieces of the foreign policy […] Saudi with Pressure Cooker Arrested at Detroit Airport Federal agents arrested a suspicious traveler with an altered Saudi Arabian passport at Detroit Metro Airport over the weekend after discovering a pressure cooker in his luggage. According to a criminal complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court, the passenger, Hussain Al Khawahir arrived Friday at […] President Obama’s use of the Internal Revenue Service to vex and harass his political opposition is yet more proof that he is far more interested in hunting down his domestic adversaries than Islamic terrorists. Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said revelations the Obama IRS singled out conservative groups for special scrutiny ought to “send a […] There is now a burgeoning cornucopia of common sense revelations concerning the administration’s Benghazi cover up. Despite a new lucidity flowing from the drip, dripping deck chairs of deception and correctness, reporters have yet to define the iceberg clearly: I’m convinced it is an unholy civil union of political Islamists and U.S. transnational progressives. […] Lest anyone think that I oppose advertising, I wish to correct that assumption. I can enjoy print and TV advertising when it’s innovative and attention-getting. A 2012 Bloomberg Businessweek book review of Jane Maas’s Mad Women: The Other Side of Life on Madison Avenue in the ’60s and Beyond (conforming to a consensus that […]
[Don’t miss the Evening Event With Jamie Glazov coming up on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 from 7-9pm in Los Angeles CA. Everyone is welcome. For more information, click here.]
This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Michael Chandler, a Black American Patriot, Borek Volarik, an anti-Communist Czech Defector, and Morgan Brittany, a conservative TV and movie star.
The Gang gathered to discuss Will Obama Be Impeached Over Benghazi? The dialogue occurred in Part II (starting at the 9:30 mark) with the guests gauging how where the administration’s troubles could lead. The dialogue was preceded by an analysis of: Pamela Geller Banned By a Canadian Synagogue, in which the Gang explored why a freedom fighter who stands up for oppressed Muslim women isn’t welcome in Canada — while Islamic terrorists are. There are human-rights organizations and there are human-rights organizations. Some of them, while purportedly apolitical and worldwide in scope, are awash in anti-Americanism, soft on Communism, prepared to let African tyrants off the hook while blaming all the world’s problems on the West, and eager to smear Israel even as they blithely overlook the […]