“We don’t care about facts. We ignore them. It’s racist to cite facts. It’s our feelings that determine what is real or relevant, not facts. What we feel is the true reality. We have our own truths. Oprah said so.” However, as many “non-#Resistance” commentators have observed, there is no such thing as one’s “own” truth. There is just reality, or facts. An individual doesn’t own reality, nor is it true if he does assert he that does. To him, reality is malleable, changeable, clay putty to be turned into anything he wishes, because he “doubts.” He is the practicing icon of Descartes’s dictum, “I think, therefore I am.” And they don’t care if they’re called hypocrites. Labels, after all, mean nothing to these doyens.
Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe (D.) swore on national TV that if he runs for President against President Trump in 2020, he’ll hit Trump, if he stands behind him, as he did to Hillary, and knock him down. He also said it earlier on an independent boast on the Virginia state site. “You’d have to pick him up from the floor.” However:
Under United State Code Title 18, Section 871, it is a felony for an individual to “knowingly and willfully” make a “threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States.” The punishment for this crime is severe, with a possible 5-year prison sentence and a fine of $250,000.
Doubtless the Secret Service would intervene immediately and cuff him on serious charges, one of which would be assaulting the President. Synonymous to treason. Jail time for the pugnacious governor. McAuliffe’s madness is indicative of the rampant, emotion-driven hatred exhibited for Trump and his supporters by him, by most Democrats, and by the MSM. All because his supports helped Trump wipe the floor and used a broom to sweep her from presidential aspirations. McAuliffe and #Resistance all suffer from reckless delusions of wanting to be like Rocky. But all they ever do is “float like a butterfly” but never sting like a bee. Trump seems to be immune to their snickers and sneers.
The best way to confuse a Democrat or anyone who professes to be a Progressive is to insist on arguments from facts. To separate his feelings from what is. He’ll refuse to do it. He’ll sputter and look demonic and spray you with his drool. End of argument. He’ll be so divorced from reality you could convince him that a bar of butter is a bar of gold. Asking a Progressive to think is like asking a turtle for the square root of 2.