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http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The Israel Lobby which controls American foreign policy, but has thus far been unable to get the United States to stop funding the terrorists currently shooting rockets at its 14th largest city, has struck again as Senate Democrats voted unanimously to make Chuck Hagel the next Secretary of Defense. The dreaded Israeli Lobby, Jewish […]



In a dispute between Hamas and Fatah, it’s tempting to take the old Kissinger line re the Iran–Iraq War: It’s a shame they can’t both lose. But, in fact, only one side wins: In Gaza, al-Aqsa University has just announced that female students will be required to attend in proper Muslim garb from head to toe — i.e., the full body bag. At present, some still wear headscarf, trousers, and a long coat, but that’s too revealing for the new Gaza, so time to get fitted for your burka, niqab, or abaya. Al-Aqsa University is funded by the Palestinian Authority — i.e., Yasser Arafat’s old Fatah — but it’s controlled by Hamas. The higher-education minister, Ali Jarbawi, fumed impotently from Ramallah that the new dress code is illegal and must not be implemented, but the hard men on the ground in the Gaza Strip regard him as just another irrelevant member of a shriveling personality cult for a dead kleptocrat with a taste for Aryan rent boys.

And so it goes across the region: Regimes that represented nothing but their Swiss bank accounts have fallen, and in their stead arises the only alternative — an Islam purified by decades in opposition to the secularists and distilled to a scorching 175 proof. What else is left?

Some years ago, for a telly documentary, the BBC sent the novelist Lawrence Durrell back to Alexandria, the setting of his eponymous Alexandria Quartet, his “prose poem to one of the great capitals of the heart.” Durrell had lived in Egypt during the war years, and did not enjoy his return. “The city seemed to him listless and spiritless, its harbor a mere cemetery, its famous cafés no longer twinkling with music and lights,” wrote Michael Haag in Alexandria, City of Memory. “His favourite bookshop, Cité du Livre on the rue Fuad, had gone, and in others he found a lamentable stock.”

Only on the Western fringe of the Ummah, in a few Moroccan redoubts, can you still discern the flickers of the way it was. Otherwise, to anyone who knew the “Muslim world” of the mid–20th century, today’s Maghreb and Levant are dull places, drained of everything but Islam. And Durrell was returning in 1977: Another third of a century on, and Alexandria’s stock is even more lamentable. Indeed, his cast of characters would be entirely bewildering to contemporary Alexandrians: an English writer (of course), a Greek good-time girl, a homosexual Jew, a wealthy Copt. In the old days, Alexandria bustled with Britons, Italians, and lots and lots of Greeks. All gone. So are the Jews, homo- and hetero-, from a community 50,000 strong down to some four dozen greybeards keeping their heads down. I got an e-mail a year or so back from the great-grandson of Joseph Cattaui, a Jew and Egypt’s finance minister back in the Twenties: These days, the family lives in France — because it’s not just that in Egypt a Jew can no longer be finance minister, but that in Egypt a Jew can no longer be. Now, in the absence of any other demographic groups to cleanse, it’s the Copts’ turn to head for the exits — as in Tripoli and Benghazi it’s the blacks’. In the once-cosmopolitan cities of the Arab world, the minority communities are confined to the old graveyards, like the rubbish-strewn Jewish cemetery of broken headstones, squawking chickens, and hanging laundry I wandered through in Tangiers a while back. Islam is king on a field of corpses.

Nowadays, for the cosmopolitan café society Durrell enjoyed, you have to go to the cities of multicultural Europe, where “diversity” is not a quirk of fate but the cardinal virtue. At Westminster, the House of Commons has just voted in favor of same-sex marriage. Almost simultaneously, a group calling itself the Muslim London Patrol posted a YouTube video of its members abusing a young man for “walking in a Muslim area dressed like a fag.” Another Londoner is made to empty his beer can: “No drink in this area.” An insufficiently covered woman is warned, “This is not so Great Britain. This is a Muslim area.”



The Norwegian government appears to be one of the first European countries to be reconsidering its untargeted aid to the Palestinian territories on the basis of recent reports into incitement and anti-Semitism.

The issue, covered in depth by The Commentator, arises from the fact that Western governments give money often without conditions, to fund the budget of the Palestinian Authority. This has led to reported abuses of the cash, including the paying of terrorist salaries, rabid and frequent anti-Semitism and incitement in school textbooks, and the dedication of cultural events and organisations to known terrorists.

These examples have been shown in detail in the Palestinian Media Watch book, Deception. Speaking about the book on NRK TV, the government-owned news station, the Norwegian State Secretary Torgeir Larsen stated, “There are examples in the book (PMW’s Deception) that clearly express hatred. There are also examples of Antisemitism, which you find in Palestinian society.”

Though Larsen went on to state that the examples given may be ‘part of an ongoing political battle’, The Commentator has shown how even reports that try to conflate Israeli and Palestinian incitement fall short of drawing legitimate parallels between the two.

Currently, Norway gives around 300 million kroner a year ($52,628,700) to the Palestinian Authority, with a recent TV report stating: “[Palestinian] children grow up learning that Jews are ‘Satan with a tail’… Adults hear that Jews are evil and not to be trusted. It is perhaps not surprising that the [Palestinian] hatred is growing. The messenger is a [PA] government that receives large amounts [of money] from Norway.”



To the Honorable Hassan Nasrallah:

Please forgive me if that’s not the correct salutation for the leader of a terrorist group like Hezbollah, for I live half a world away as an American and a Jew (both of which I’ll return to in a moment).

You’re suffering from cancer, the media reports, and you’ve left your hideout in Beirut to get some treatment in Iran. I even read somewhere that Iran’s president sent a private plane to pick you up.

I’m not surprised by the star treatment. After all, if Tehran can send you $100 million a year as its most important terrorist client, empowering you to threaten Israel with your powerful missiles to its north and even hunt Jews far beyond the region, then it certainly can ensure that you travel in comfort.

But, if Tehran wishes you well, I hope you’ll forgive my shortcomings as a person when I acknowledge that I can’t do the same. The fault lies with me, for I have a long memory and, alas, a tendency to carry grudges.

As an American, I recall that it was barely a year after September 11 when you declared on Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV: “Let the entire world hear me. Our hostility to the Great Satan [a.k.a., the United States] is absolute… Regardless of how the world has changed after September 11, Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America.”

Though you didn’t take command of Hezbollah until 1992, you were a member of the group in 1983 when it set off a truck bomb that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans, at our embassy in Beirut and then another one that killed 241 U.S. servicemen at our Marine barracks in that city.



Reports that a man in Saudi Arabia, who has appeared on television as a preacher, had raped and tortured to death his 5-year-old daughter have fueled outrage online about the way the legal system works in the conservative kingdom and about the lack of protections for domestic abuse victims.

The man, Fayhan al-Ghamdi, was accused of raping and torturing his daughter Lama, who died from her injuries in October. While Saudi news organizations have reported on the case, over the past week activists in the kingdom have used the Twitter hashtag #IamLama, and its Arabic language equivalent, to draw much more attention to it.
Danish Opponent of Islam Is Attacked, and Muslims Defend His Right to Speak By ANDREW HIGGINS

COPENHAGEN — When a would-be assassin disguised as a postman shot at — and just missed — the head of Lars Hedegaard, an anti-Islam polemicist and former newspaper editor, this month, a cloud of suspicion immediately fell on Denmark’s Muslim minority.

Politicians and pundits united in condemning what they saw as an attempt to stifle free speech in a country that, in 2006, faced violent rage across the Muslim world over a newspaper’s cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Since then, the newspaper that first printed the images, Jyllands-Posten, has been the target of several terrorist plots.

However, as Mr. Hedegaard’s own opinions, a stew of anti-Muslim bile and conspiracy-laden forecasts of a coming civil war, came into focus, Denmark’s unity in the face of violence began to dissolve into familiar squabbles over immigration, hate speech and the causes of extremism.

But then something unusual happened. Muslim groups in the country, which were often criticized during the cartoon furor for not speaking out against violence and even deliberately fanning the flames, raised their voices to condemn the attack on Mr. Hedegaard and support his right to express his views, no matter how odious.


http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2428/Twenty-Years-After-WTC-1-From-Willful-Blindness-to-Coerced-Silence.aspx Andrew C. McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted Abdel Rahman, the “blind sheikh” who masterminded the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, poignantly reflects on how it is that two decades of jihad have failed to prod the West into acknowledging and confronting the specifically Islamic brand of war, part-violence, part-subversion, that is leading to […]

UK: Unemployment Benefits to Finance Jihad by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3605/uk-unemployment-jihad “The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar [non-believer]. You work, give us the money.” — Anjem Choudary A radical Islamic cleric who lives off the British welfare state has been filmed urging his followers to quit their jobs and claim unemployment benefits so they have more time to plot holy war […]


Oxford Students Resoundingly Reject BDS Movement Oxford students voted 69 – 10 to defeat a motion that would have required them to support and promote the economic and political anti-Israel warfare method known as the BDS movement. Oxford University, the oldest university in the English-speaking world, is an exemplar of academic elite institutions. Tonight, February […]


melaniephillips.com Is the United States about to become a laughing-stock to the rest of the world? It seems to have accrued a Defence Secretary who is the toast of Iran, and a Secretary of State who is a blithering idiot. It was hard to imagine that the new guy at State, John Kerry, could make […]


Despite the most inane confirmation performance in recent memory. After embarrassingly stumbling and bumbling through eight hours of straight up questioning, it’s a done deal, Chuck Hagel was confirmed and became the United States 23rd Secretary of Defense on Tuesday. His confirmation became assured this past Thursday, after five term Republican Senator Richard Shelby of […]