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The U.S. leads the world in medical technology. A punitive new excise levy jeopardizes jobs and innovation.

Much of the political conversation in Washington these days concerns innovation, job creation and competitiveness. But talk is cheap, and elected officials must enact policies that enhance economic activity and job creation. The medical device industry is an example of Washington doing exactly the opposite.

Medical device manufacturing is one of the nation’s most dynamic and vibrant industries. The United States is the global leader in medical technology innovation, and it is one of the few major industries with a net trade surplus. This industry is responsible for more than 400,000 American jobs—and is indirectly responsible for almost two million more that supply and support this highly skilled workforce. Most important, its products are essential elements of modern medical care. They include everything from CT scanners and pacemakers to blood pressure cuffs and robots used by surgeons.

Yet instead of protecting this paragon of American ingenuity and innovation, the Obama administration and Congress have viewed the industry as a cash cow from which they could milk profits to help pay for the president’s health law. So they added to the Affordable Care Act a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices that will take effect at the beginning of 2013.


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/index.php/pruden/full_column/creepy_crawlies_for_the_evolved_obama Barack Obama, now fully evolved, is once more the rage of the demimonde. All it took was for him to man up, to acknowledge what everyone already knows the president thinks about “gay sex.” This is “sex” loosely defined, of course, since most people do not associate the terminus of the alimentary canal with […]



Special: The war on Israel, Irish-styleSpecial report: Irish journalist slams silence of politicians in face of ‘group anti-Semitism’ mindset; says that in Ireland either one obeys anti-Israel orders of left-wing mind-thugs, or one is lynched

The most serious event of the past week wasn’t related to Prime Time’s libel of Father Kevin Reynolds, and it wasn’t what Cardinal Sean Brady did or didn’t do nearly 40 years ago. Far more serious than either for the health of this Republic – though connected to both by a sanctimonious tissue of lethal intolerance – was the intimidation of the band Dervish into cancelling a tour of Israel. Dervish’s website was hit by venomous abuse from anti-Israeli activists, on the instructions of the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Group. Every bit as sinister as this has been the silence from politicians and “civil liberties groups”: the exception, of course, being Alan Shatter, who is Jewish. It was as if the intellectual thugs of the IPSG were trying to vindicate my recent suggestion that the largest threat to personal freedom these days comes not from government, but from single-interest pressure groups.

Tactics and techniques that would be called fascist by liberals if used against them were at the heart of the campaign against Dervish. For in the left-liberal culture, certain subjects are beyond the usual courtesies of a tolerant civilization, and instead may be subjected to outright bigotry and bullying. The legitimate targets for this salon-terrorism are the Catholic Church, American Republicans, and of course Israel.



Resplendent in her royal blue hijab for an official appearance in Bangladesh on Sunday, Hillary Clinton proclaimed that she was deeply hurt by charges brought forth at a public forum that the United States was biased against Muslims.

“It hurts me so much,” Clinton lamented. “It’s a painful perception to hear about, and I deeply regret that anyone believes that or propagates it.”

Even for a woman who had no trouble during her husband’s tenure as president consorting with the father of modern terrorism, Yasser Arafat and his wife, Suha — recipient of the famous Clinton kiss — it is a remarkable statement. Hillary Clinton voiced no public distress over the findings of the last FBI report on religious hate crimes in the United States, which revealed that the overwhelming majority of hate crimes — 72% — target Jews, compared to just 8.4% for Muslims and 6.4% for Christians. Meanwhile, in the Indian subcontinent, Mrs. Clinton also failed to address the decades of oppression and massacres suffered by the Hindus of Bangladesh at the hands of Muslims and the abject discrimination, extortion, and threats that remain rampant today.

Instead, under the guise freedom of religion, Clinton held a summit last December — the “Istanbul Process” — that actually promotes the global blasphemy law relentlessly pushed for over a decade by the Saudi-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation to combat “defamation of Islam.” Ironically, in the United States, a country with an exemplary record of upholding freedom of religion and little evidence of anti-Muslim discrimination, Clinton chooses to advocate on behalf of Islam.

Clinton is not alone in her deference to Islam. This bending over backwards to appease and accommodate Muslims has been blatantly displayed throughout the recent arraignment of 9/11 terrorists at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (GITMO). What should have been a straightforward presentation of charges was instead a showcase for how we are compromising our rules and values in the face of the Islamic threat.

Defense attorney Cheryl Bormann, sporting a black hijab and abaya in court, audaciously requested that the prosecution’s female paralegals and FBI agents dress with cultural sensitivity for enemy detainee defendants. Perhaps she was unaware that her call for respect is directed toward followers of a doctrine which commands men to beat wives who fail to meet their husbands’ sexual demands, mandates gender apartheid, allows men to enslave infidel women, sanctions female genital mutilation, allows a husband coital relations with his wife up to six hours following her death, demands the stoning of women suspected of adultery, and requires four male witnesses to corroborate a woman’s accusation of rape.



I think the attacks against Elizabeth Warren, who pretended to be an American Indian to advance her career, are wrong. To the contrary, she simply did what we all should be doing! She sabotaged America’s racist affirmative action regime, or — the term I prefer to call it — America’s affirmative apartheid.

She should be our role model. We should all do the same thing she did and proclaim ourselves members of whichever fashionable list of preferred “minorities” the racists administering affirmative apartheid happen to be promoting this week.

There are lots of ways we can do so. First, anthropologists believe that the human species originated on the African continent. So, by my reckoning, that makes us all African-Americans. Why can’t we proclaim ourselves such on the “race identification forms” used for hiring and college admissions?

In addition, I have always had a special sense of repulsion at the Ivy League institutions implementing affirmative apartheid. Just consider this: until the 1960s, American Ivy League universities openly and unabashedly had quotas designed to keep out Jews. Until the 1960s they did not hide this and proudly admitted to the quotas. And then, a few years later, the very same institutions were again discriminating against Jews because Jews had been defined as part of the “white” ethnicity against which their affirmative apartheid programs were discriminating. Remember when the liberuhs used to pretend that affirmative action preferences were needed to compensate members of groups who had in the past been victims of discrimination? Well, Harvard and its sisters today proudly discriminate against the very same Jews against whom they proudly discriminated in the past and for which discriminative affirmative action is supposed to be the remedy.



So Israel has a new mega-coalition of 94 out of 120 Knesset members. The news early Tuesday morning stunned a country that was already in elections mode for a presumed September 4 contest. No pundit foresaw the mega-coalition or had an inside track on it.

For both of the main protagonists in the deal—Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Kadima Party leader Shaul Mofaz—it makes eminent sense. While all polls showed Netanyahu easily emerging triumphant again from the putative elections, the deal saves him—and the country—the trouble and debilities of having to prepare for them, not to mention prolonged coalition negotiations once the results would have been in.

As for Mofaz—who wrested leadership of Kadima from Tzipi Livni in a primary less than two months ago—the polls showed his party plummeting, had elections been held, from its current 28 seats to about a dozen. While Kadima’s fate in the October 2013 (when Netanyahu’s four-year term runs out) elections will not necessarily be better, Mofaz—whom the deal makes deputy prime minister and member of the Forum of Eight (now nine) ministers, Israel’s highest policymaking body—gets a chance to make more of an impact on a public never particularly impressed with him.

But apart from Netanyahu and Mofaz, the deal—by creating a massive coalition immune to extortionate pressures by small parties—holds great potential for the country.


Wilders: Islamization of Europe Can Happen in America

Dutch politician Geert Wilders has been labeled “Islam’s public enemy number one.” Consequently, he lives every day under a death sentence from Islamic jihadist groups like al Qaeda. Wilders never walks the streets without a security detail and he and his wife must live in safe houses across the Netherlands. It’s the price he pays for speaking out against the Islamization of Europe. “I don’t want to live – and my children to live – in a country based on Sharia law,” Wilders told CBN News. “It’s the worst thing that could happen. Democracy would end the day after Sharia was implemented.”
Rep. Terry Gowdy gets Passionate on the House floor against DOJ over Fast and Furious

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/blog/#ixzz1uSXvcsWZ
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/blog/#ixzz1uSXjCzdu
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Occupier Thanks Former Soviet Citizen for ‘Converting’ Him to Capitalism, Pro-Israel, Pro-USA

A man who was born and lived for decades in the Soviet Union successfully converts an Occupier to Capitalism, to understand Israel’s side of the Middle East conflict, and to pro-American ideals all within a 15 minute time frame. He even thanks the man afterwards.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/blog/#ixzz1uSYEY6Vj
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/putin-opts-out-of-g-8-summit-cancels-meeting-with-obama?f=must_reads WASHINGTON – Russian President Vladimir Putin is skipping a planned visit to the United States this month for an economic summit and a much-anticipated meeting with President Barack Obama, the White House announced Wednesday. The Russian leader told Obama by phone that he is unable to join the other leaders of the Group of […]




Agatha Christie, DH Lawrence, and other authors have referenced Timbuktu. You may win final Jeopardy by knowing that it is not a mythical place. Founded by “The Blue People”, it sits on the Southern Edge of the Sahara Desert, in a region of Mali.

Babbles, Bangles and Beads, from the musical Kismet, would describe the opulence of 6th Century Timbuktu. World traders came to bazaars with everything from elephant tusks and crocodile skins to gold. By the 9th Century Timbuktu was considered the most powerful kingdom in West Africa.

King Musa I annexed Timbuktu when he was returning from Mecca on a pilgrimage in the 12th Century. Islam was solidified when the King constructed a royal palace and built the Muslim learning center Djinguereber Mosque in 1330. The great mosques, Sankore and Sidi Yahia, were built during that golden age. Under the Mali Empire and Askia Mohammad I’s rule, Timbuktu remained a world center of Islamic learning until the 17th century. Subsequently The Saadi ruler of Morocco, and numerous pashas, controlled the area; as trade flourished in gold, slaves, cloth, horses, and salt.

Europeans constantly failed in efforts to find the fabled city of Timbuktu, frequently dying in the perilous quest. The Paris Societe de Geographie offered a 10,000 franc prize to the first non Muslim to reach Timbuktu and return with information. In 1828 Rene Caillie, disguised as a Muslim, was able to claim the prize. In 1893 Timbuktu became part of the French Sudan. In World War II her legions fought under the command of General de Gaulle.



Timbuktu’s schools open – but under sharia code

Schools have reopened in Timbuktu for the first time since an Islamic
faction last month seized control of the fabled tourist outpost, where they
are now working to impose sharia law.

Thousands of residents, including the majority of the city’s Christian
population, fled the city in early April, when disparate rebel factions
invaded the northern half of Mali and declared independence.