In its essence, Marxism, the core ideology of Socialism, contains an irrational, utopian and coercive perversion of human equality. Marxism seeks equality where equality does not exist, demanding legal enforcement of equal social outcomes, including those related to economics, religion and human sexuality. This ideology even extends to international relationships whereby no nation is allowed to “excessively” prosper or achieve greatness, i.e.: all nations must be “equal.” Never mind that when people are free their human nature leads to natural inequality of outcomes – some are hard-working and some are lazy – some are more intelligent and some are less intelligent – some are stronger and some are weaker – some are tall and some are short. Unequal results occur naturally without force when people possess rightful liberty. Based on their degree of truly free enterprise nations similarly divide themselves into various degrees of prosperity or depravity.
Under the guiding hand of intellectuals and massmedia Marxist ideas are slowly and silently transforming the mental attitudes of Americans. For example, we fail to recognize Marxist Equality at work when elementary schools do not keep score during athletic events – we must not hurt little Johnny’s feelings when another team scores more goals or points – that is inequality. Never mind that athletic competition results in a form of natural and healthy inequality which leads to an appreciation of success and an acknowledgement of failure. Collegiate Title IX rules are a form of Cultural Marxism since equal numbers of men’s and women’s athletic programs are unnaturally enforced instead of a natural program of equal liberty for men and women students to create athletic teams. This form of Marxist thinking is called “gender equity,” but Marxist thinking is dysfunctional in the real world, frustrating the natural liberty and the equal rights of students to pursue athletic recreation. Affirmative Action is also a form of Cultural Marxism since these laws unnaturally force equal ethnic or racial outcomes in graduate school admission instead of a natural enforcement of equal academic standards for all. Under Cultural Marxism the values of American Judeo-Christian Culture must be seen as equal to that of Totalitarian Political Islam, and by unnaturally slicing open the Gordian Knot of human nature, the value of homosexuality must be made equal – by force – to that of heterosexual marriage. Like gods walking the earth, the Marxist “Priests of Power” – in their perverted minds – believe they can “create human nature.”